Top 5 Supports at LoL Worlds 2023

Soumyo Deb
By Soumyo Deb
5 Min Read
Image Credits: Riot Games

Here is the list of the best supports attending Worlds 2023.

Right after the Mid-Seasonal Invitational tournament, we experience the biggest annual League of Legends event, Worlds. In this tournament, the best players from around the world compete against each other for the trophy.

As we can see what the highest level League of Legends looks like in Worlds, it is an exciting time for both casual fans and avid players.

Since League of Legends is a team-based game, every member has a unique role. And one of the notable roles is the support. Support plays the most substantial role in the early game. They provide the highest utility in all stages of the game. Moreover, thanks to their support items, they can also fill the entire map with wards to help their team with vision control.

Because of their huge responsibility, a support player has to provide the necessary assistance so their team can excel. Since Worlds is right around the corner, here is the list of top 5 support players competing in the event.

Read more: LoL Worlds 2023 Event.

Worlds 2023: Best 5 Support Players

5. Crisp (Weibo Gaming)

crisp worlds 2023
Image Credits: Weibo, Crisp

Crisp is the main jungle player for Weibo Gaming. And he is very well known for his masteries on hook champions like Nautilus and Thresh. However, due to the current meta, he mostly picks Rakan, Rell, or Leona. Even with these champions, he can still support his team well in all stages of the match.

4. Mikyx (G2 Esports)

Image Credits: Riot Games, mikyx

Mikyx is the support player for the LEC 2023 Summer Champions team, G2 Esports. Furthermore, he is currently one of the best support players in EMEA. While his favorite champions are Rakan, Gragas, and Bard, he mostly played with Braum in the recent split. Regardless of what champion he plays, he consistently gets his team to victory.

3. ON (Bilibili Gaming)

blg on worlds 2023
Image Credits: BLG, ON

ON is the main support player for the MSI 2023 runner-up team, BLG. He is extremely proficient at playing and dominating with engage supports. His main supports are, at the current moment, Nautilus, Rakan, and Rell. Overall, he is one of the youngest talents fans should keep their eyes on.

2. Delight (Gen.G)

Image Credits: Riot Games, Delight

Previously part of T1’s Acadamy team, Delight is the current support player for the LCK 2023 Summer runner-up team, Gen.G. While during MSI 2023, his main picks were enchanter supports, now he has been swapping to engage supports like Rakan, Nautilus, Alistar. However, when his team needs it, he will play enchanters like Milio to get his team the edge on team fights.

1. Missing (JD Gaming)

missing worlds 2023
Image Credits: Riot Games, Missing

Missing is the support player for the MSI 2023 champion team, JDG. Additionally, he is also considered to be the best support player in general. The main reason is the diverse champion pool and flexible playstyle. Missing plays all types of support regularly and can still utilize all of their abilities to their fullest potential.

Also, having a player who can adapt in all situations, regardless of champion or role, is an edge in all matches. And because of Missing’s flexible playstyle with all support champions, he is one of the best supports participating in Worlds 2023.

Honorable Mention

Keria (T1)

Image Credits: Riot Games/Keria

Keria is the support for T1. Additionally, he is a fan-favourite pro player. Even though he is one of the best supports in the world, due to his recent performance in the LCK 2023 Summer tournament, he is not on this list.

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By Soumyo Deb League of Legends Writer
Soumyo Deb is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv and a dedicated Jungle Main. When he is not writing about the latest League news, he is testing out various off-meta champions in the jungle.