Stopwatch and Zhonya’s Hourglass to Receive Massive Nerfs on Patch 12.17

Fahim Shahriar
By Fahim Shahriar
4 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

Stopwatch, Zhonya’s Hourglass, and Guardian Angel change just dropped in the PBE server; let’s see how significant the changes are.

Stopwatch, released in season seven, remains one of the most controversial items in League of Legends history. The item is essentially a one-time use of Zhonya’s Hourglass that puts the user in stasis, making them invulnerable for 2.5 seconds.

The Stopwatch is also a very cheap item costing only 650 gold, and the used Stopwatch (Broken Stopwatch) can be built into other items such as Zhonya’s Hourglass and Guardian Angel. Additionally, having 2.5-second invulnerability can change the outcome of most fights, not to mention it is so affordable that players can buy it just before any significant teamfights.

Judging by how practical and efficient the item is, it would be safe to say the Stopwatch is overpowered. Because the item is so overpowered, Stopwatch and its built-out items are frequently used and abused in Solo-Queue and Professional play. So, Riot Games is planning to change Stopwatch, Zhonya’s Hourglass, and Guardian Angel to put them in a healthier spot.

Read More: Riot Shares Massive Miss Fortune Changes for Patch 12.17

Now let us look at what the changes are.

What are the changes?

There are currently changes to Stopwatch, Seeker’s Armguard, Zhonya’s Hourglass, and Guardian Angel in the PBE (Public Beta Environment) server.


  • Cost increased from 650 to 750

The changes to Stopwatch are probably one of the most significant changes before League of Legends Worlds 2022. The cost of Stopwatch will increase by 100 gold. The price increase might not seem like a lot, but it will deter players from just buying the item without building it into either Zhonya’s Hourglass or Guardian Angel. Moreover, it will also affect the items built out of Stopwatch.

Seeker’s Armguard

  • AP increased from 20 to 30

Seeker’s Armguard is one of the build components for Zhonya’s Hourglass. Riot is increasing Seeker’s Armguard’s AP to compensate for the price increase of Zhonya’s Hourglass.

Zhonya’s Hourglass

  • Cost increased from 2600 to 3000
  • AP increased from 65 to 80
  • Ability haste increased from 10 to 15

Zhonya’s Hourglass will have its price increased by 400, and it will have its AP buffed by 15 and Ability Haste by 5. The price increase of Zhonyas’ Hourglass is enormous as it is a cheap defensive item that can be bought as a second item for most Mages. The AP and Ability haste increases are decent buffs, but the item is mainly purchased for its stasis effect.

Guardian Angel

  • Cost increased from 2900 to 3000
  • AD increased from 40 to 45

The price of Guardian Angel will go up by 100 gold, and the armor will go up by 5. The changes are insignificant, but the AD champions will like the extra armor.

When will the changes arrive?

Stopwatch, Zhonya’s Hourglass, and Guardian Angel changes will be coming to the live servers on Patch 12.17, Thursday, Sept 8, 2022.

By Fahim Shahriar League of Legends Writer
Shahriar is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv. He enjoys playing Video Games, watching Anime, and browsing the internet for outdated memes.