Tank Guard is the ultimate upgrade key to get the most useful upgrades of various resources in Slime Rancher 2. This guide will show you how to unlock Tank Guard in Slime Rancher 2.
Slime Rancher 2 is first-person and full of adventure. In the game, you play as Beatrix LeBeau, who went from Earth to another planet to collect, raise, and feed slimes of various sizes and colors. Beatrix LeBeau is a Slime Rancher. These Slimes can be large or small, and they are one kind of gelatinous living organism. Players need to provide these Slimes to create Plorts which is an important resource to get NewBucks.
However, the Slime world is vast and filled with upgrades. These upgrades cannot be done easily. To do so, you will need first to find a Tank Liner, a special piece of equipment, and then you must unlock the Tank Guard. Upgrading can help you survive on Rainbow Island. Tank Guard is a very important upgrade key in Slime Rancher 2.
Read More: Slime Rancher 2: Plort Market Explained

How To Unlock Tank Guard
To unlock Tank Guard, you will need to buy Tank Liner first.
How to get a Tank Liner
To find and get a Tank Liner, you may follow the steps below:
Phosphor Gordo Slime
You will find this Slime in the heart of Rainbow Island in front of a cave. As this Slime is a guard of the cave, you need to get past him to get into the cave safely. Feed him some fruits until he bursts out.
Go Deeper
Go deeper and deeper into the cave until you find the door. The door is located beside a Tabby Slime statue.
Tabby Plort
To open the door, you must have Tabby Plort, which you can get by feeding a Tabby Slime delicious meat.
Shoot and Open
You must shoot a Tabby Plort in the face of the statue to unlock the door.
The Crate
After you get inside the door, you will find a Crate. Unlock it, and voila! There will be the Tank Liner. First, take the Tank Liner; after that, you will start your job to unlock the Tank Guard.
Now to unlock the Tank Guard, players may follow the steps below:
The Fabricator
Take the Tank Liner to the Fabricator. The Fabricator helps you upgrade your VacPack. After you take the Tank Liner to the Fabricator and start using it, you will have the Tank Guard unlocked automatically!
In this way, you can unlock Tank Guard in Slime Rancher 2.
Wondering if we are cooking something else from Slime Rancher 2? You can take a peek at how to get Radiant Ore in Slime Rancher 2.