Here is how to find the secret room and achievement in the Old Mill in RoboCop: Rogue City.
RoboCop: Rogue City is a first-person shooter game based on the original RoboCop films. The game takes place between the events of RoboCop 2 and RoboCop 3 films. It is packed with smaller open-world areas for you to explore and complete additional objectives. Since you will play the role of a cop, your primary tasks are to uphold the law and serve the citizens when crime arises. You will fight many hostiles in your way during your missions, and to stay strong, you need upgrades.
OCP charges are an essential resource to repair yourself while combating. You will come across many secret places when you are out in the game doing missions. In some areas, you may need to do some investigations or find someone. Additionally, those hidden places can grant you many rare resources as well.
One of the secret rooms is located in the Old Mill in Rogue City. But finding it may seem complicated and confusing. In this guide, we will show you the right way to find the secret room and complete the “Good eyes, Murphy!” achievement in RoboCop: Rogue City.
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How to find the Secret Room in the Old Mill

In the primary mission, “Street Vultures’ Turf” , you are following the trail of Officer Brigg. While chasing him, you will be in the abandoned old mill area. This place also has a railway station. To find the secret room on the site, you need to find a yellow train. Follow the railway tracks and locate the train. If you go near the front of the train, you will have the option to start the engine. But you can only start the machine without any hassles if you have three points in the “engineering” skill.

Maybe you have spent your points in another skills and don’t have the required points on engineering skill. You don’t need to worry as there is another way to start the engine. Go to the south area of the map and find the drug stash storeroom. Near that, you will find a small room that have a recovery charge and a technical notebook. Scan the notebook and now you know how to operate the train.

Now, return to the train and start the engine. The train will crush into the station doors and stop. Follow it and go up using the left ladder. If you turn right, you will see a passage on the wall. Enter the passage and on the right side you will find a OCP Container, open it. You will receive various rewards including more recovery charges and weapon upgrades for Auto-9. You will also unlock the “Good eyes, Murphy!” achievement.