Rumble Gets Massive Changes In LoL Patch 13.12

Soumyo Deb
By Soumyo Deb
4 Min Read
Image Credits: Riot Games

Rumble will receive some significant changes in the upcoming League of Legends patch 13.12.

There are champions in League of Legends who are only viable during counter-pick scenarios. And one such character is Rumble.

Rumble is an AP top laner who focuses on early-game poke damage and fully melting champions in the late game. Even though he could be strong depending on the items, he’s never a meta pick. The main reason for this is his passive. Because of his passive, he has a new resource meter, heat. The heat gradually increases as Rumble casts abilities. Once his heat meter exceeds 50%, all his abilities empower, and he gains bonus damage. However, once his heat reaches 100%, Rumble overheats. While he gains bonus AD and AS, he cannot cast any abilities for a few seconds.

While this gameplay mechanic makes him unique, it is also a reason why he isn’t picked frequently over other meta top lane champions.

Currently, across all ranks, Rumble has only a 47.06% win rate, making him the second-worst top laner in the game. And because of it, he will receive some massive changes in the upcoming patch 13.12.

Read more: League of Legends New Jungle Buff Sharing Explained.

Rumble Changes Patch 13.12

  • Base health: 659 >>> 650
  • Health growth: 99 >>> 105
  • Maximum heat: 100 >>> 150 (Overheat now at 150)
  • Overheat duration: 5.25 seconds >>> 4
  • Passive bonus attack speed: 20% – 80% linear >>> 50% – 130% level growth
  • Passive monster damage cap: 80 flat >>> 50 – 150
  • Q base damage: 180 – 340 >>> 135 – 195
  • Q now deals 6% – 10% max HP, capped at 60 – 300 against monsters
  • Q minion damage: 60% – 80% >>> 55% – 75%
  • W reduced from 60 – 180 + 45% AP to 10 – 50 + 30% AP
  • W shield now scales with 6% max HP
  • E heat: 10 to 20
  • R cooldown: 100 – 70 >>> 130 – 80
  • R AP ratio: 35% >>> 40%

As for Rumble’s changes, his base health is slightly getting nerfed. However, to compensate, his health growth is going up. For his most significant change, his maximum heat has increased. Now he reaches overheat much later. His danger zone is still intact at 50% heat, so now his empowered abilities stay for longer.

As for some extra changes, now Rumble’s early-game monster damage is much lower. However, his late-game monster damage increased significantly.

While his Q and W base damage got nerfed, now both also deal bonus max health damage. And for his ultimate, the cooldown is getting nerfed, and AP is getting buffed.

These changes are being designed to turn Rumble into an AP bruiser. As for how these changes will affect the meta, only time will tell.

Release Date

These Rumble changes will hit live servers on patch 13.12, scheduled to release on Wednesday, June 14, 2023.

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By Soumyo Deb League of Legends Writer
Soumyo Deb is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv and a dedicated Jungle Main. When he is not writing about the latest League news, he is testing out various off-meta champions in the jungle.