Riot finally addressed the game-breaking glitch on Haven featuring Reyna

Nafiu Aziz
By Nafiu Aziz
2 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

With the patch 1.02, Riot finally enabled ranked competitive matchmaking in VALORANT.

Just right after players started their journey riding the ranked ladder in VALORANT, a glitch suddenly appeared that completely destroyed ranked mode in Haven. As it turns out if you play as Reyna in Haven you can use a glitch in the map on C site.


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Image via Riot Games

While using Reyna’s E, players can slip through the C platform. Furthermore, she can then plant the spike under the map and there is no way left for the defending team to defuse the spike. As soon as players found out about this glitch, players started to abuse it in the ranked mode.

Riot finally addressed the issue

After many player complaints, VALORANT’s game director announced on twitter that they are going to remove Haven from competitive matchmaking right now. And they are currently working on a hotfix to solve this issue completely.

VALORANT’s competitive mode has received some flak from the community as players were complaining about how overpowered the operator was in certain maps like Ascent. The operator is so effective on some maps that some pro teams are literally abusing them.

Since there are not enough utilities in the game to combat the operator, right now players are having a hard time dealing with this OP meta. Seems like ranked mode needs more refinement to be a better experience for players.

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However, in the recent dev diaries, Anna Donlon the executive producer on VALORANT announced that they are working on adding at least six agents per year in the game. Additionally, they are also planning to overhaul the whole spectator mode in VALORANT to make it “esports ready“.

Nafiu Aziz is an avid gamer and a writer at GameRiv, covering Apex Legends, CS:GO, VALORANT, and plenty of other popular FPS titles in between. He scours the internet daily to get the latest scoop in esports.