All Recruitable Characters in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

Abu Taher Tamim
By Abu Taher Tamim
14 Min Read
Image Credit: 505 Games

Do you want to recruit every character? If yes, find out how to get all 120 characters in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is the spiritual successor to the Suikoden franchise, so you can bet that you would meet a lot of allies. There are over 100 unique individuals who can join your ever-growing army in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. Here’s our comprehensive guide on how to recruit all characters in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.

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Main Heroes

No.NameLocationHow to Recruit
1NowaArensideMain protagonist, no recruitment needed
2GarrArensideJoins at start of campaign
3MioArensideJoins at start of campaign
4LianArensideJoins at start of campaign
List of Main Heroes

Grum County

No.NameLocationHow to Recruit
5IugoEltisweissSpeak to him at the bar in Eltisweiss
6MelloreEltisweissFollow her to Redthroat Ridge, defeat Nerthus
7KurotoAltverden VillageSpeak to him, then defeat 5 Wild Boars at Redthroat Ridge
8FrancescaAltverden VillageSpeak to her in Altverden Village
9YusukeFort XialukeSpeak to him at Fort Xialuke
10YumeWerne Village— You must recruit Mellore
— After that, speak to her grandmother in Werne Village, then find Yume at Redthroat Ridge
List of Grum county characters

Early Town Recruits

No.NameLocationHow to Recruit
11KogenAbandoned MinesProgress main quest
12SabineEltisweissProgress main quest
13YmirYour TownProgress main quest
14SumireYour TownProgress main quest
15CassandraYour TownProgress main quest
16YuthusYour TownProgress main quest
17ZabiYour TownProgress main quest
18GocteauYour TownProgress main quest
19IrisYour TownProgress main quest
20CaineYour TownProgress main quest
21MarthaYour Town— Unlock your Base
— Speak to her east of your Base Inn
22KerrinDappled Forest— Unlock your Base
— Speak to her, give her 20 Lumber
23WylerBounty Hill— Unlock your Base
— Speak to him, complete quest to find his sister Marin
24MarinBounty Hill— Unlock your Base, recruit Wyler
— Joins with Wyler
25GieranThe Greatwood— Unlock your Base
— Speak to him, give Rune of Conservation (drops from Ancient Seed boss)
26ChronYour Town— Start Euchrisse scenario
— Speak to him at your Base entrance
List of Early Town Recruits

Mid-Game Town Recruits

No.NameLocationHow to Recruit
27MarisaTreefolk VillageProgress main quest
28GarooTreefolk VillageProgress main quest
29KallathorTreefolk VillageProgress main quest
30PastoleTwinhorne East— Start Euchrisse scenario
— Speak to him in Twinhorne East
31MarietteTwinhorne East— Start Euchrisse scenario
— Speak to her, give her Mariette’s Charm (Greatwood treasure)
32KurtzHishahn— Start Euchrisse scenario
— Speak to him, give Grilled Tutuva Recipe (Treefolk Village)
33CarrieHishahn— Start Euchrisse scenario
— Walk over bridges in Hishahn until she joins
34RiufanHishahn— Start Euchrisse scenario, Nowa Level 32+
— Speak to him at level 32+, defeat him
35PerrielleHishahnProgress main quest
36JanquisHishahnProgress main quest
37SquashTreefolk Village— Start Euchrisse scenario
— Speak to him, give Sparklestone (Phantombird drop)
38HakuginDaphan Village— Start Euchrisse scenario, recruit Mio
— Speak to her with Mio in party
39GaldorfAbandoned Mines— Unlock your Base
— Speak to him, give Palenight Mail (Abandoned Mines)
40OrmondAbandoned Mines— Unlock your Base
— Speak to him, give 3 Iron Ore
41HiroAbandoned Mines— Unlock your Base
— Speak to him in Abandoned Mines
List of Mid-Game Town Recruits

Late Game Town Recruits

No.NameLocationHow to Recruit
42NellHishahn— Start Euchrisse scenario
— Interact with brown bag behind stall
43HuangHishahn— Start Euchrisse scenario
— Speak to him, give Wheel-Eye Bream (hidden Seaside Cavern spot)
44JorhanHishahn— Reach Great Sandy Sea
— Speak to him, give Yellow Rose Censer (Desert Scarab drop)
45AireHishahn— Reach Great Sandy Sea, Nowa Level 36+
— Speak to her at level 36+, win race
46RodyDabavin— Reach Great Sandy Sea
— Speak to her, give Pearl Pocket Watch (appraise Desert Killer drop)
47StadlerImpershi’arc— Reach Impershi’arc
— Speak to him, defeat in mock battle
48CabanaImpershi’arc— Reach Impershi’arc, reach HQ Level 2
— Speak to him
49QuinnImpershi’arc— Reach Impershi’arc, Nowa Level 37+
— Speak to her at level 37+, complete Den of Dunes quest
50ScarletImpershi’arc— Complete Impershi’arc storyline
— Speak to her after Impershi’arc, win race
51DouglasEltisweiss— Reach Great Sandy Sea
— Speak to him, give 10 Iron Ore
52FalwardAltverden Village— Unlock your Base
— Speak to him, give 15 Healing Herbs
53FridaWerne Village— Unlock your Base
— Speak to her
54MaureusMountain Path— Reach Great Sandy Sea
— Speak to him with high MP character
List of Late Game Town Recruits

Recruits from Bases

No.NameLocationHow to Recruit
55CeliaHishahn— Start Euchrisse scenario, recruit Kurtz
— Start Cooking Battles, win battles
56FayeYour Town— Start Euchrisse scenario, recruit Yusuke, Yume, Francesca
— Then B’baba to unlock path
57LeonYour Town— Start Euchrisse scenario, reach HQ Level 2
— Speak to him at west entrance when available
58ShixeenYour Town— Start Euchrisse scenario
— Collect 120 cards, defeat her
59MilanaYour Town— Reach Great Sandy Sea
— Recruit Code L, reach HQ level 2, upgrade Rune Shop, speak to her
60CJYour Town— Start Yarnaan scenario
— Recruit Garoo, Isha, go to Runebarrows, defeat boss
61SelbinethYour Town— Start Yarnaan scenario, recruit 80 characters
— Reach HQ level 3, enter Mystery Room
62AllabyYour Town— After Norristar storyline
— Speak to her at Inn after Norristar
List of Recruits from Bases

Story Recruits

No.NameLocationHow to Recruit
63LamDaphan Village— Start Euchrisse scenario, recruit Riufan
— Add to party, go to Daphan (potentially bugged)
64Code LDaphan Village— Start Euchrisse scenario
— Speak to him in Daphan shop, give Rune of Currents
65MelridgeYour TownMain story progression
66BarnardYour TownMain story progression
67SeignYour TownMain story progression
68PohlYour TownMain story progression
69ValentinYour TownMain story progression
70HildiYour TownMain story progression
71B’babaDaphan VillageStart Euchrisse scenario
Joins when recruiting Faye
72EnoeDaphan VillageFinish Euchrisse scenario
Reach HQ2, unlock Mission Guild, speak to him
73IshaEltisweissReach Great Sandy Sea
Speak to her in Eltisweiss, complete tasks
74LarlaEltisweissStart Yarnaan scenario, unlock Mission Guild
Get Epic Mission success, speak to her
75AoiTwinhorne East— Start Yarnaan scenario, recruit Iugo
— Speak to Aoi with him, defeat her
76DijkstraTwinhorne East— After Norristar storyline, recruit Quinn
— Speak to Dijkstra, complete quest
77LeeneMain BaseMain story, recruit all 119 other characters
78YaeluRune-Lens Research LabMain story progression
79IvyRune-Lens Research LabMain story progression
80MihluYour TownEnd of story arc
81MarkusYour TownEnd of story arc
82LakianYour TownMain story progression
83GoldwynYour TownMain story progression
84ElektraYour TownMain story progression
85MaximYour TownMain story progression
86VorrdiceYour TownMain story progression
87ViesskinYour TownMain story progression
88EumaAtrabaltMain story progression
89KassiusAtrabaltMain story progression
90RudySkriss VillageMain story quest
91LilwnYarnaanMain story progression
92YulinTwinhorne WestMain story progression
List of Story Recruits

Other Recruits

No.NameLocationHow to Recruit
93DaltonTwinhorne East— Speak to him in Twinhorne East after starting the Yarnaan scenario
— Reaching HQ Level 3, and unlocking the Mission Guild
94MomoHishahn— During Norristar storyline
— Speak to her, defeat Kraken boss in Seaside Cavern
95SydHishahn— Start Yarnaan scenario, reach HQ Level 3
— Speak to him, give materials (Iron, Lumber, Beastbone)
96GalladurProving Grounds— During Norristar storyline
— Speak to him at Proving Grounds switch
97RodyDabavin— Reach Great Sandy Sea
— Speak to her, give Pearl Pocket Watch
98PrunellaDabavin— Reach Great Sandy Sea
— Speak to her, give 100k Baqua (she returns 50k)
99ReynaDabavin— Reach Great Sandy Sea
— Speak to her, reduce her HP to 50% in 3 turns
100ClarkeArdinale City— During Norristar storyline
— Speak to him, give Star-Cross’d Lovers Script
101GoldsmidYarnaan— Start Yarnaan scenario
— Speak to him with 180+ Attack char
102ChandraEldroad— Reach HQ Level 2, unlock Drill Ground
— Talk to Drill Ground soldiers, recruit Code L, go to Eldroad, defeat her
103RohanTwinhorne West— Start Yarnaan scenario, 5,000+ Base population
— Speak to him at 5k Base population
104HoganTwinhorne West— Start Yarnaan scenario
— Speak to him, make 50k Baqua trading profit
105FoxielAtrabalt— During Norristar storyline, recruit Kurtz
— Speak to her, talk to Kurtz, speak to her again
106El AlicantoSnowpeak Pass— After Snowpeak Pass storyline
— Speak to him at Snowpeak, defeat him
107103. GiginaArensideSpeak to him in Arenside after the Abandoned Mine and when Nowa is at least level 9
108104. GlenArenside— Defeat him in a card battle
— He is available once you start the Euchrisse scenario
109PaquiaArenside— Give her five Regular Eggs
— Found in Arenside after reaching the Great Sandy Sea
110MandieArensideJoins automatically with Paquia after reaching the Great Sandy Sea
111Dr. CorqueEltisweiss— Go to his house in Eltisweiss after unlocking your base and being introduced to the Beigoma storyline
— Then continue the Beigoma quests
112ReidEltisweiss— Same requirements as Dr. Corque
— Speak to him in Eltisweiss and progress the Beigoma storyline
113DurlanAbandoned Mine— Speak to him in the Abandoned Mines after starting the Yarnaan scenario
— He may only join after reaching Headquarters Level 2 and upgrading the Mission Guild
114FumeDappled ForestSpeak to him in the Dappled Forest after unlocking your base, reaching Headquarters Level 2, and opening the Mission Guild when the second section becomes accessible
115AleiorAbandoned Mine— Talk to Marisa at your base
— Go to Altverden Village and find the person wearing brown near the entrance. Speak with them
— Go to the Abandoned Mine and talk to Aleior
116PieterWerne Village— Find the allotment in the top-left corner of the village
— Talk to the person there
List of Other Recruits

More will be added later…

I hope you can get all characters in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.

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By Abu Taher Tamim Staff Writer
Abu Taher Tamim is a Staff Writer at GameRiv. He started playing video games when one of his uncles brought him a PS1, after it was launched. Since that day until now, he still play video games. As he loves video games so much, he became a gaming content writer.