Recent VALORANT Leaks Claim that Ignite Melee Won’t be China Exclusive

Nazmul Hassan
By Nazmul Hassan
2 Min Read
Credit: Riot Games

According to recent leaks, the widely anticipated Ignite melee will not be limited to Chinese players as initially expected.

In late 2022, a piece of great news for the Chinese player base surfaced about VALORANT officially being released in China. The government of China reportedly approved the launch of VALORANT, which would be open to passionate FPS enthusiasts in the Chinese market on July 12, 2023.

Riot Games always makes any new release with exciting new skins and cosmetic items. Similarly, Riot Games has plans to release new skins to celebrate VALORANT’s release in China. According to the leaks, a new Capsule including two incredible looking-melees will be waiting with the 7.01 patch.

However, as initially expected, the two new melees from the brand-new Capsule won’t be available to the Chinese player base only.

Read More: VALORANT 7.01 Patch Notes: Abilities Indicators, Premier, Bug fixes & More

Ignite Melee Won’t be China Exclusive Only

Previous leaks regarding the Ignite melee suggested that it would be exclusive to the player base in China. The news upset the worldwide VALORANT fan base, as the Ignite melee is one of the best-looking melee skins Riot Games has designed so far.

But, a data miner by the name of valohabercisi recently asserted that the Ignite melee would be made available to audiences worldwide, not just in China. Several players are ecstatic about this announcement since they were afraid they might miss out on the best-looking melee in VALORANT.

valorhabercisi also revealed some other information regarding the new Ignite melee. As per the data miner, the melee will come via a new Capsule called “Ignite Capsule.” Moreover, we now have the name for the two Ignite melee variants, which are “Leque Flamejante” and “Alaz Yelpaze.”

Read More: VALORANT Ignite Capsule: Kitana Melee, Price, Release Date, and More

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By Nazmul Hassan FPS Editor
Nazmul is GameRiv's FPS editor. He is a marketing graduate with an immense passion for gaming. As an ex-professional CS:GO player, he holds a strong interest in other FPS titles like Apex Legends, VALORANT, and CoD. However, he also tries out other games when he is free.