Rainbow Six Siege, a tactical first-person shooter developed by Ubisoft, has experienced tremendous growth throughout the years that it has existed. The game has recently released its Y8S3 seasonal content, and the newest operator introduced is Ram. Read our full Ram operator guide below.
Ram is a 1-speed, 3-health operator and is currently one of the unique support operators in the game. You can unlock Ram for 25000 Renown or 600 R6 Credits.
Here’s everything you need to know about this operator.
Ram Operator Guide

“I may not have family, but I have Redhammer.”
Choi was born in Busan, South Korea. Although the circumstances of her early days are unclear, we know she was left at a fire department, then raised in a series of orphanages. Early caregivers describe a cunning child, who knew when to keep her head down and when to stand out. Hobbies that began in her youth, like interests in K-Metal and charcoal drawing, remain into her 30s — a testament to Choi’s consistency and loyalty.
Choi joined the Republic of Korea Armed Forces (ROKA) the moment she came of age, and began earning commendations, working swiftly up the ranks to Sergeant First Class (Sang-sa). She was soon recruited by the 35th Commando Battalion (Tarantula) where, in a tight-knit all-female unit, she mastered building clearance, hostage rescue, VIP protection, and the use of advanced technology when assaulting an enemy.
The Tarantula Unit is a high-performing CTU that deserves its renown, and Choi’s status as a standout about its specialists is notable, as she took the lead on a myriad of combat and intelligence operations. As other members retreated to the private sphere, she stayed, often the eldest in her unit. Performance reviews mention her thriving in this senior role, describing a fiercely protective soldier, who stops at nothing to keep her peers safe.
Ram explained to me how women in the Korean military can only enter at a very high rank, then laughed and said she expects the same treatment in Redhammer. While we only have one Captain, she exudes leadership. A big sister vibe, really. Been awhile since I had one of those, so I’m not hating it.
She’s dialed in on the field to a very high degree. I envy her focus, whether it’s during a mission or in downtime when she’s got her headphones in and sketching charcoal.
In our line of work there’s a lot of, shall we say, “forced redundancy,” and if the axe falls on me one day, it’ll be good to know I’ve got a ready, willing and 100% capable replacement in Ram.
— Captain Jordan “Thermite” Trace, Redhammer Squad Leader
Best Weapon Loadout

- Secondary Weapon: ITA12S (SHOTGUN), MK1 9MM (Handgun)
- Unique ability: BU-GI AUTO BREACHER
Ram has two options for her primary weapon: the R4-C Assault Rifle and the LMG-E. The R4-C doesn’t need any introduction to any Siege player, as it is one of the fan-favorite weapons in the game. The R4-C is a really strong weapon in our eyes, because of its high damage and high fire rate. To put into context, the Assault Rifle can take away 39 HP with a single bullet in an operator’s body within 25m. Pairing it with the Extended Barrel attachment can increase this damage further to 43, making it a fierce option.
However, the gun has seen some recoil nerfs over the years, but nothing a seasoned player can’t manage. So, we using the flash hider or Compensator attachment paired with the 1.5x scope for this weapon. If you want a more controlled aim and are adjusted with 1x sights, then you can equip it as well.
On the other hand, the LMG-E is the light machine gun which you will recognize from Zofia’s loadout. The LMG-E is also considered one of the best LMGs in the game, as it has a huge magazine size that can hold 150 bullets, so you won’t need to worry about reloading much. However, if you have to reload then it won’t take as long as a typical LMG. Siege is past its LMG meta, as Ubisoft has nerfed the recoil of all LMGs really hard.
So which gun should you pick? We will heavily lean towards the R4-C as it is just too good of a gun to pass on. With this AR, you can support your team by playing vertically and also help by getting some kills in the later parts of a round.
For her secondary weapon, Ram’s two choices are ITA12S shotgun and MK1 9MM pistol. Here we highly recommend picking the ITA12S as it will help you cleanly break the floor if the BU-GI drone fails to do so.
Secondary Gadget
Ram has two secondary gadgets to choose from: the Hard Breach Charge and the Stun Grenade. Your decision should be based on your personal preference and the round’s game plan. We will argue that going for the Hard Breach Charge would be more advantageous. This would allow Ram to open hatches while playing vertically with the drone. So, take a moment to see what your teammates are selecting and adapt your choice accordingly.
Unique Ability

Ram’s primary gadget is called the ‘BU-GI AUTO BREACHER‘ or shortly the BU-GI drone. This is a soft-breach gadget that moves slowly in the intended direction, methodically destroying the soft floor it travels over and any obstacles in its way. The drone can move in three settings: straight, left, or right.
Ram first throws the drone when pressing the primary gadget button, and then she can activate it by pressing the button again to start ramming the floor. But before activation, Ram can select the three trajectories by pressing the firing mode switch button and the path will be shown with a blue projection. Do keep in mind, that the left or right modes will slightly curve the direction of the drone. After activating the BU-GI drone will do its work automatically, allowing Ram to be proactive with her gun. This is a big upside compared to Sledge or Buck, where you have the risk of getting flanked.
Like Sledge or Buck, Ram primarily excels as a soft breacher on a team. In most rounds, defenders heavily reinforce bomb sites, creating a challenge for horizontal attacks. This is where Ram’s role becomes pivotal, as a soft breacher. By creating openings in the floor, Ram disrupts defenders’ fortified positions, forcing them into vulnerable situations. As defenders scramble or find themselves exposed, Ram’s skill in opening new lines of sight from above becomes crucial, often leading to significant attacker advantages. To maximize Ram’s effectiveness, focus on areas with ample soft surfaces where defenders are likely to be situated.
Ram’s BU-GI drone makes a loud grinding noise when it is activated, which you can use to your advantage. In Rainbow Six Siege, game sound is crucial, and as Ram you can activate your gadget to drown out the defender’s ability to hear audio cues such as footsteps or defuser planting sound.
Tips and Tricks
- You can destroy wooden barricades of windows or doors by throwing the BU-GI drone and quickly get inside the map.
- Create lines of sight with the shotgun and destroy Wall-Denial gadgets like Kaid or Bandit to help in hard-breaching.
- Peek through your vertical holes after you’ve created multiple lines of sight from above.
How to counter Ram?
Ram’s BU-GI drone can be countered easily with any explosives like Impact Grenades or Nitro Cells. But there is also a vulnerable red rank of the gadget (like Mira’s canister) that you can pop to destroy it.
While Ram’s BU-GI drone has some electronic components, it doesn’t rely on them after being activated. Therefore, Mute’s jammer has no effect on the drone itself. But you won’t be able to activate the gadget if you are near a Mute jammer yourself.
Should you pick Ram?
Ram is a great addition to Rainbow Six Siege’s pool of soft breachers. Picking a soft breacher is almost mandatory in most maps and bombsites, so we will highly recommend this operator.
However, Ram’s full potential can be maximized in the hands of an experienced player. With better map knowledge, you can identify the common anchor spots of the defenders, and use the BU-GI drone to create multiple vertical angles and flush them out with the gun or a Stun grenade.