Riot officially reveals the new year-themed Galio skin, Mythmaker Galio, set to release on Patch 13.1.
With 2023 arriving in less than a month, Riot Games has revealed their latest skin line, the Mythmaker skins. The Mythmaker skins will be a new year-themed skin line and will come with brand-new Missions, Event Passes, and Chromas.
There have been many skin lines in League of Legends, but none of them are as iconic as the new year-themed skin lines. Each year to celebrate the new year’s arrival, Riot releases new-year-themed skin. These are very popular skins, especially in the east, as they are created with the Chinese New Year in mind.
Next year will be no different as we will get more new year themed skins in 2023, the Lunar and Mythos skin. The skin lines will have skins for the following champions, Irelia, Zyra, Garen, Sivir, Ashe, Qiyana, Kha’Zix, Thresh, Malpite, and Galio.
Galio is one of the most exciting playmaking champions, played by the best Mid laners in the world, such as Faker, Showmaker, Chovy, etc. Despite the fact he isn’t very popular and hasn’t even received a skin in almost two years. So Riot is giving him a brand new skin, the Mythmaker Galio.
Mythmaker Galio is an eastern-inspired skin with solid VFX, SFX, and recall animation.
Polish League of Legends officially revealed the Mythmaker Galio skin on their Twitter page.
Splash Art
Mythmaker Galio will be an Epic skin; just like any other epic skin, it will cost 1350 RP.
Release Date
The Mythmaker Galio skin is expected to hit the live servers on the first patch of 2023, patch 13.1.
Although the release date for the patch has not been revealed yet, it likely will arrive on January 5th.