Most Deadly Weapons in Persona 3 Reload: Stats, Fusion Formula, and More

Abu Taher Tamim
By Abu Taher Tamim
6 Min Read

Do you want to learn about the best weapons to dominate the shadows for each SEES member in Personal 3 Reloaded (P3R)? If yes, let’s find out.

As you prepare to dive into the depths of Tartarus once again in Persona 3 Reload, you know that having the right weapons for each of your teammates will give you the edge against tough Shadows.

If you wish to conquer Tartarus floor-by-floor in Persona 3 Reload with ease, you must equip your crew with their signature weapons. Although more powerful weapons become available at the Police Station as you progress through the story, the best ones can only be obtained via Weapon Fusion.

Read More: How Many Floors Does Tartarus Have in Persona 3 Reload (P3R)?

So, whether you need Yukari’s supreme bow to devastate with Wind magic, Akihiko’s mighty gloves to pummel Shadows, or the Protagonist’s legendary sword to cut through any obstacle, this guide has you covered.

My guide will provide you with a complete rundown of the most powerful weapons available for the Protagonist and every member of your S.E.E.S. team, and how to obtain them.

Best Weapons For Each Character in P3R

Persona 3 Reload offers nine playable characters in the game. Each character has their own best weapon. Here’s a list of the best weapons for each character:

Party MemberWeapon Name (Type)Stats
Protagonist in P3RFatal Blade (One-Handed Sword)Attack: 230
Accuracy: 88
Effect: +Random ailment (med)
Junpei Iori in P3RMikazuki Munechika (Two-Handed Sword)Attack: 235
Accuracy: 92
Effect: +Auto Rakukaja
Yukari Takeba in P3RBow of Affection (Bow)Attack: 170
Accuracy: 88
Effect: +Charm (high)
Akihiko Sanada in P3RKaiser Knuckles (Gloves)Attack: 200
Accuracy: 97
Effect: +Apt Pupil
Mitsuru Kirijo in P3RFlamberge (Rapier)Attack: 157
Accuracy: 95
Effect: +Auto Sukujaja
Aigis in P3RBlast Magnum (Gun)Attack: 230
Accuracy: 90
Effect: +Dizzy Boost
Koromaru in P3RElementary Mask (Knife)Attack: 240
Accuracy: 96
Effect: Agility+5/+Dark Boost
Shinjiro Aragaki in P3RMjolnir (Axe)Attack: 350
Accuracy: 90
Effect: Strength+7/+Shock (high)
Ken Amada in P3RFauchard (Spear)Attack: 235
Accuracy: 94
Effect: +Soul Chain
Best Weapons For Each Character in P3R

How to Make the Best Weapons in P3R

Every weapon in Persona 3 Reload has a fusion formula. Without that, you can’t use the weapons you desire in P3R. Here’s the fusion formula for the best weapons for each character:

Weapon Name (Type)Fusion Formula
Fatal Blade (One-Handed Sword)1x Quality Nihil Blade + 2x Silver Quartz
Mikazuki Munechika (Two-Handed Sword)1x Quality Nihil Blade + 3x Emerald + 2x Silver Quartz
Bow of Affection (Bow)1x Quality Nihil Blade + 5x Onyx + 5x Topaz
Kaiser Knuckles (Gloves)1x Quality Nihil Blade + 3x Emerald + 2x Silver Quartz
Flamberge (Rapier)1x Nihil Blade + 2x Black Quartz + 5x Onyx
Blast Magnum (Gun)1x Quality Nihil Blade + 5x Emerald + 5x Topaz
Elementary Mask (Knife)1x Quality Nihil Blade + 5x Emerald + 5x Topaz
Mjolnir (Axe)1x Ergotite Shard + 10x Topaz + 1x Thunder Whetstone
Fauchard (Spear)1x Quality Nihil Blade + 5x Emerald + 2x Silver Quartz
Fusion formula for best weapons in p3r

You need to take all the necessary items to Mayoido Antiques and use the fusion formula above to make the best weapons for each character in P3R. Located in Paulownia Mall, Mayoido Antiques is the place to go when you’re looking for the best weapons in the game.

Paulownia Mall in P3R

Once the shop opens on 7/18, head inside and chat with the owner. She’ll explain that she can trade you top-tier weapons, armor, and accessories, but only in exchange for gemstones and special Nihil materials from Tartarus.

Where to Find Materials for Fusion

Here’s a list of materials that are needed to upgrade the best weapons in P3R:

Item NameWhere to Find
Nihil BladeAppear randomly in chests scattered throughout the Yabbashah Block and its surroundings.
Quality Nihil BladeRandomly found in chests emitting a green glow on the upper levels of Yabbashah Block and its surroundings.
Ergotite ShardRandomly found in chests emitting a green glow on the upper levels of Yabbashah Block and its surroundings.
Silver QuartzThroughout Tartarus.
EmeraldObtained by defeating enemies in Yabbashah Block, Tziah Block, Harabah Block, and Adamah Block.
OnyxObtained by defeating enemies in Arqa Block, Yabbashah Block, Tziah Block, and Harabah Block.
TopazObtained by defeating enemies in Yabbashah Block, Tziah Block, Harabah Block, and Adamah Block.
Black QuartzThroughout Tartarus.
Thunder WhetstoneWill be updated when we find the correct location.
P3R Weapon Fusion Materials

Now, you know about the best weapons for each character in Persona 3 Reload and how to make them. So, use the knowledge and craft the weapons and dominate the shadows.

Read More: All Social Links & How to Befriend Them in Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

By Abu Taher Tamim Staff Writer
Abu Taher Tamim is a Staff Writer at GameRiv. He started playing video games when one of his uncles brought him a PS1, after it was launched. Since that day until now, he still play video games. As he loves video games so much, he became a gaming content writer.