Do you want to disable the new Tac-Stance feature in Modern Warfare 3? Then look no further as we show you how to disable it in-game.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is the latest entrant to the CoD MW franchise. The third game of the trilogy brings an end to the campaign story and introduces a new revamped multiplayer experience closer to MW (2019).
The newly revamped multiplayer introduces many old mechanics and new in-game features that aim to improve player’s quality of life throughout the game’s lifecycle. One of these new mechanics is the new Tac-Stance. However, many players are looking to disable this feature in-game.
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What is Tac-Stance in Modern Warfare 3?
Players can now breach and clear with the new Tactical Stance feature, a perfect middle ground between hip-fire and aiming down sights. When entering tight hallways and cramped rooms, toggle Tac-Stance to improve weapon performance and win the fight. Moreover, Tac-Stance is now enabled by default after sliding. Here are other functions of the Tac-Stance:
- The operator unshoulders the weapon and holds it in a canted firing position.
- Players can toggle in and out of Tac-Stance dynamically while aiming down sights.
- It is designed to be used in aggressive, close-quarter combat situations.
- By default, players fire in Tac-Stance while Sliding.

How to Disable Tac-Stance in Modern Warfare 3
If you’re not a fan of the new Tac-Stance in Modern Warfare 3, then here’s how you can disable it in-game:
- Head to the Settings tab in Modern Warfare 3.
- Navigate to the Controller tab in Settings.
- Now scroll down to Combat Behavior in the Gameplay section.
- Click on the “Tactical ADS Activation” prompt.
- Select Turn Off from the drop-down menu, and Tac-Stance will remain disabled in Modern Warfare 3.
Tac-stance is an advanced form of hip-fire. Many players might prefer only Aiming Down Sights in combat. So, set the combat behavior to your preference in-game at launch to get the best performance during gunfights.
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