Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind – All Trophies and Achievements

Mahirul Alam Chowdhury
By Mahirul Alam Chowdhury
6 Min Read
credit: Digital Eclipse

All the trophies and achievements you can unlock in Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind.

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind takes players to a retro side-scroll beat-em-up adventure where you can team up with friends and end Rita and now alongside Robo Rita’s devious plans once and for all. Fight through hordes of enemies, battle all the classic bosses, and take down giant enemies with your Megazord, all in the epic Power Rangers fashion. Hence, the game is fun and a reminder of our childhood days of both Power Ranger action and co-op gaming.

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind also comes with many Trophies and Achievements to unlock. Most of them will unlock as you play the game. Thus grinding this game for achievements and trophies will be both enjoyable and simple. So let’s take a look at all of them.

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Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind All Xbox Achievements

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind Trophies Achievements
credit: Digital Eclipse

On Xbox, the game has 31 Achievements, with a total of 1000G of Gamerscore.

Achievement NameHow To UnlockGamerscore
May the Power Protect YouCompleted the training mode15G
Dinozord PowerFinished game with Hard difficulty30G
Megazord PowerFinished game with Headache difficulty60G
Achieve Your GoalsCompleted all level goals30G
General ChaosDefeated Goldar15G
Hair ApparentDefeated Madam Woe15G
An Order of WingsDefeated Turkey Jerk and Chunky Chicken25G
Skeleton CrudeDefeated Bones15G
New Kid in TownDefeated Green Ranger30G
Once and AlwaysDefeated Robo Rita30G
Yesterday of the DumpsterCompleted Episode 130G
Feathered FiendsCompleted Episode 230G
Eye FiveCompleted Episode 330G
Woe PartnerCompleted Episode 430G
EvergreenCompleted Episode 530G
Token AchievementAchieved a high score on all arcade games in the Juice Bar30G
Very Special GuestRescued all four secret guest stars30G
Morph Into ActionAchieved a 25-hit combo15G
Unleash the PowerAchieved a 50-hit combo25G
To the TopAchieved a 75-hit combo45G
One-Way StreetCompleted the first bike level without triggering a time loop40G
Hidden TreasuresRetrieved all 20 collectibles30G
Rock ‘Em Sock ‘EmLanded 9 punches in a row as the Megazord30G
Rock StarKnocked an enemy into a boulder10G
And Stay Up ThereJuggled an enemy 10 times30G
Disco GibletsCompletely avoided Turkey Jerk’s laser70G
Surf’s UpCompletely avoided Woe’s waves70G
Zordon’s InsightDiscovered all secrets in the game30G
Six Fighting Against EvilPlayed as each of the Power Rangers at least once30G
Six Feet UnderThrew an enemy into an open grave30G
Green With EnvyDefeated Green Ranger without being hit70G

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind All PlayStation Trophies

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind Trophies Achievements
credit: Digital Eclipse

On PlayStation, the game has 32 Trophies. 1 Platinum, 5 Gold, 12 Silver, 14 Bronze.

Trophy NameHow To UnlockTrophy Type
MorphinomenalGet all TrophiesPlatinum
May the Power Protect YouCompleted the training modeBronze
Dinozord PowerFinished game with Hard difficultySilver
Megazord PowerFinished game with Headache difficultyGold
Achieve Your GoalsCompleted all level goalsSilver
General ChaosDefeated GoldarBronze
Hair ApparentDefeated Madam WoeBronze
An Order of WingsDefeated Turkey Jerk and Chunky ChickenBronze
Skeleton CrudeDefeated BonesBronze
New Kid in TownDefeated Green RangerSilver
Once and AlwaysDefeated Robo RitaSilver
Yesterday of the DumpsterCompleted Episode 1Bronze
Feathered FiendsCompleted Episode 2Bronze
Eye FiveCompleted Episode 3Bronze
Woe PartnerCompleted Episode 4Bronze
EvergreenCompleted Episode 5Bronze
Token AchievementAchieved a high score on all arcade games in the Juice BarSilver
Very Special GuestRescued all four secret guest starsSilver
Morph Into ActionAchieved a 25-hit comboBronze
Unleash the PowerAchieved a 50-hit comboSilver
To the TopAchieved a 75-hit comboGold
One-Way StreetCompleted the first bike level without triggering a time loopSilver
Hidden TreasuresRetrieved all 20 collectiblesSilver
Rock ‘Em Sock ‘EmLanded 9 punches in a row as the MegazordSilver
Rock StarKnocked an enemy into a boulderBronze
And Stay Up ThereJuggled an enemy 10 timesSilver
Disco GibletsCompletely avoided Turkey Jerk’s laserGold
Surf’s UpCompletely avoided Woe’s wavesGold
Zordon’s InsightDiscovered all secrets in the gameSilver
Six Fighting Against EvilPlayed as each of the Power Rangers at least onceBronze
Six Feet UnderThrew an enemy into an open graveBronze
Green With EnvyDefeated Green Ranger without being hitGold

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Mahirul Alam Chowdhury is a writer and HR Manager at GameRiv.