Metal Max Xeno Reborn: How to Recruit Yokky and Toni in Your Party

Adiba Chowdhury
By Adiba Chowdhury
10 Min Read
Credit: Kadokawa Games

Surviving in the post-apocalyptic Dystokyo will prove to be difficult without friends. So keep reading to learn how to get Yokky and Toni to join you in your adventures.

Metal Max Xeno Reborn is the latest installment in Kadokawa Games’ Metal Max series. The open-world action JRPG offers real-time battle mechanics as well as vehicular combat elements in a nonlinear storyline setting.

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The story takes place in the dystopian world of Dystokyo, where humanity is facing near-extinction. You will play as a lone hunter named Talis. And you will need allies who can aid you in your battle against the war machines of NOA. You will meet a lot of interesting characters during your adventures.

Helping these characters out will sometimes convince them to join your cause. And more often than not, you’ll need the extra set of hands to survive against the more powerful monsters. So although there are plenty of survivors you can find across Dystokyo, this guide will specifically focus on getting Yokky and Toni to join your party. Both of their subquests are interrelated, so pay attention!

Yokky: The Last Drunkard

Yokky: The Last Drunkard
Credit: Kadokawa Games

Yokky is among the first playable characters you can recruit into your party. He is a young mechanic going through some troubling times. So, you’ll always find him drinking away at the bar in Iron Base. In your very first encounter with Yokky, he’ll keep rambling about how the world is ending.

He will be too drunk to talk, so you won’t get any useful information from him. However, it will commence “The Last Drunkard” subquest. And you must complete this side quest to get Yokky to join your party. Additionally, commencing the DEAD or ALIVE subquest will encourage Yokky to join your cause.

How to Recruit Yokky

Sadly, you won’t make much progress right off the bat. Even if you take a break in your room, Yokky will still be at the bar and uninterested in talking. So leave him alone for the time being and talk to Po-M. Then, head over to the sortie counter and venture into the world.

Upon exploration, you’ll come across random crates of alcohol. Keep collecting them to progress the Last Drunkard quest. That’s because the only way to befriend Yokky is by giving him various types of liquor to try out. Moreover, if you have advanced as far as Spider Gully, be sure to rescue the unconscious girl by the roof shelter.

How to Recruit Yokky
Credit: Kadokawa Games

Upon finding your first Duck Janiel bottle, Po-M will suggest you bring it back to D’Annunzio. When you return to Iron Base, the dialogue option for recruiting Yokky will appear, but he will refuse your offer. So you need to talk to D’Annunzio first to offer him the booze. After that, choose the “Ask for a Drink” option and select anything other than Adam’s Ale, as that’s just a fancy name for water.

How to Recruit Yokky
Credit: Kadokawa Games

If you get an alcoholic drink, D’Annunzio will teach you how it’s made and share his war stories. This will automatically give you something to discuss with the previously-unapproachable drunkard – Yokky. So, simply interact with him, and he’ll jump out of his seat in excitement, knowing you are carrying exotic alcohol with you.

How to Recruit Yokky
Credit: Kadokawa Games

Based on the variety of alcohol you picked up from the outside world, you will have to keep speaking to Yokky to get different reactions. Keep interacting with him to exhaust all his booze-related dialogues. Finally, he will tell you how you inspire him to fight for humanity. After this, he will ask you to let him join your party. Go for the “Uhhh, sure.” dialogue option, and he’ll officially become a party member.

Acquiring the M-Buggy

Acquiring the M-Buggy
Credit: Kadokawa Games

In addition to joining your party, Yokky will reward you with a Monster Buggy for completing The Last Drunkard sidequest. It is a fast and lightweight buggy and has the following stats:

  • Base SP: 300
  • Weight: 5.50 t
  • Defensive Power: 30
  • Evasion: 5%
  • Condition: Normal
  • Resistances: None


Credit: Kadokawa Games

Toni used to be a resident of Iron Town before NOA machines took over the world. Besides being a merchant’s daughter, she is also Yokky’s childhood crush. Now, she’s one of the few survivors still left in this monster-riddled world.

Like you, she also thirsts for vengeance against the monsters that destroyed her home and killed her family. With that being said, you must complete the DEAD or ALIVE subquest to recruit Toni into your party. You can activate the quest by rescuing her from a skyscraper roof in Spider Gully.

How to Recruit Toni

As mentioned earlier, you must commence the Dead or Alive sidequest to get Yokky on your team. So you’ll have to be on a look for Toni anyway. The skyscrapers are in the furthest depth of Spider Gully.

After reaching the ruins at the end of the map, climb aboard the broken bridge close to where the swarm of Laser Walkers is. A Big Body will be blocking the way, so you must take it down to advance forward. Since they can’t move, you can easily take them down with a few successful hits.

How to Recruit Toni
Credit: Kadokawa Games

After defeating the Big Body, move forward and look for the cluster of skyscrapers. You’ll eventually come across a neatly camouflaged pile of debris blocking your way. Hitting it with your 120mm Spark should do the trick as it deals over 600 dmg. After clearing the debris, step out of your vehicle and climb up the shipping containers. If you turn right, you’ll find the shelter where Toni is.

Credit: Kadokawa Games

Interact with Toni’s unconscious body and select the “Stare at her” option. D’Annunzio will recognize her immediately, so bring her back to Iron Base at once. Unfortunately, her health will be in a real dire state, so you have to wait for her to recover first.

You must pass the time by exploring the world and completing other sidequests. If you’ve already recruited Yokky at this point, then you can target more powerful Wanted monsters like Manzappa and Zamza. After some time, you will find a now-recovered Toni talking to Po-M outside room 3.

How to Recruit Toni
Credit: Kadokawa Games

She can then be seen hanging out with Yokky by the bar. If you approach her, she will thank you for rescuing her. Yokky, on the other hand, will have difficulty striking a conversation with Toni. However, the quest won’t progress at this point yet, so go ahead and explore the world.

Once you return to Iron Base, you will find Toni by the sortie counter. When you talk to her, she’ll tell you that she wants to take revenge for her father’s death. And for that reason, she wants to join your party. So keep her request to complete the quest and gain yourself a new party member.

Credit: Kadokawa Games

Acquiring the Bizonte-F

Acquiring the Bizonte-F
Credit: Kadokawa Games

Now that you have Yokky and Toni on board, you’ll also need three vehicles to get the maximum support out of your party members. You already have a ModMK10 for yourself and the M-Buggy for Yokky. So you’ll just need to acquire a vehicle for Toni.

Lucky for you, you won’t have to look very far as you can find one near Spider Gully’s entrance. However, the Bizonte-F tank will be submerged under the sand, so you’ll first need to buy a metal detector for 25,000 G at the sortie’s Handheld Supplies Store. The Bizonte-F is definitely an upgrade over your ModMK10, as it has the following stats:

  • Base SP: 1200
  • Weight: 19.50 t
  • Defensive Power: 85
  • Evasion: 3%
  • Condition: Normal
  • Resistances: None

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By Adiba Chowdhury Deputy Evergreen Editor
Adiba Chowdhury is the Deputy Editor of the Evergreen section at GameRiv. Adiba is an avid gamer, artist, and anime lover. She expresses her love for RPGs, JRPGs, and Action Adventure games by writing about evergreen titles with lasting impressions for GameRiv.