Marvel Rivals – What is SVP?

Muhibul Alam Chowdhury
By Muhibul Alam Chowdhury
3 Min Read
Credit: NetEase Games

Keep carrying terrible teams in Marvel Rivals? You might just be the SVP.

Marvel Rivals is a 6v6 competitive hero shooter, featuring tactical battles with all your favorite Marvel characters, including Captain America, Iron Man, and of course, Spider-Man.

Matches, especially ranked matches, can get heated, and if you’re solo queuing, more often than not you’ll land yourself on a bad team, meaning you’ll have to do all the heavy lifting.

Moreover, no matter how hard you carry your team, you’ll often find yourself on the losing team, as players of any team-based competitive game have experienced.

Losing ranked points while playing great can be very frustrating; however, this does not always have to be the case. You might’ve noticed the MVP and SVP icons on the Victory and Defeat screens, respectively.

MVP is pretty self-explanatory, but what is SVP? Well, the SVP is the key to retaining your rank even if you lose a ranked match.

In this article, we look at what exactly SVP is, and how to get it.

What is SVP?

Credit: NetEase Games

SVP is short for “Second Valuable Player.” Basically, it is given to the MVP of the losing team.

The SVP doesn’t necessarily perform worse than the MVP, it’s just that you have to be on the winning team to get the MVP.

While SVP doesn’t mean much in Quick Matches, it is very important for Ranked play. This is because the SVP will not lose any ranked points, like the rest of his team. This means if you carried your team the entire match, but your teammates were terrible, you won’t lose your rank.

This takes away a lot of the luck needed to rank up in solo queue, and it also encourages players to not throw the game.

Getting SVP, just like getting MVP, depends on a lot of factors, the main among them are:

  • The damage you’ve dealt
  • Your eliminations
  • Your assists
  • The damage you’ve blocked
  • The damage you’ve healed
  • Your deaths.

Thus, keep trying your best even if you’re losing the match, and you just might be able to save your rank.

By Muhibul Alam Chowdhury Guide Writer
Muhibul Alam Chowdhury is a Guide writer at GameRiv.