Patch 14.15 is coming soon as a bunch of changes, primarily adjustments, are coming to LoL.
After the big Patch 14.14, Riot is looking forward to the next update. No doubt Patch 14.14 has given us a lot of content to peruse through. Swarm is a massive hit albeit some problems cropping up for it.
As Riot keeps marching forward, they assess their goals for balance in League of Legends. This time, there is a huge focus going into bot lane and many adjustments are on the horizon. Let’s talk about all the changes coming to League of Legends soon.
Read More: LoL T1 Worlds 2023 Skins Releasing In Patch 14.16
Release Date
League of Legends Patch 14.15 is expected to be released on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.
LoL Patch 14.15 release time and server maintenance:
- NA: 3:00 AM PT
- EUW: 5:00 UK time
- EUNE: 3:00 CET
Champion Buffs
Let’s first start off with the Buffs. There are three champions getting the nod, with Varus getting the big chunk of the changes.
Riot is adjusting the Dash range with Talon for short-range targets or otherwise.
- Q – Noxian Diplomacy:
- Now always Dashes toward the target.
- Short-Range Dashes are far less now.
Riot is forcing the issue with Varus as they are trying to make a bunch of adjustments to change the skill max for him.
- Base Stats:
- Attack Damage: 57 >>> 59.
- Passive – Living Vengeance:
- Minion Kill Attack Speed: 10% (at all ranks) >>> 10/15/20% (levels 1/7/13).
- Champion Takedown AD and AP Increase: 15% of Attack Speed >>> 25% of Attack Speed.
- Attack Speed Cap: 2.76 >>> 3.0.
- W – Blighted Quiver:
- On Hit Damage: 7/14/21/28/35 (+ 35% AP) >>> 5/10/15/20/25 (+ 35% AP).
Riot is giving a damage injection to Yasuo, while also improving his laning phase through other means as well.
- Base Stats:
- Armor: 30 >>> 32.
- E – Sweeping Blade:
- Damage: 60/70/80/90/100 (+ 20% Bonus AD)(+ 60% AP) >>> 70/85/100/115/130 (+ 20% Bonus AD)(+ 60% AP).
- Stack Damage Scaling: 15 – 25% (based on level) per stack >>> 25% per stack.
- Maximum Stack Damage Scaling: 60 – 100% (based on level) >>> 100%.
Champion Nerfs
There are more Nerfs than Buffs in this patch with the latest champion Aurora getting dinged. However, the biggest highlight is the Shyvana changes. Here are all of the nerfs.
Aurelion Sol
Riot has not officially mentioned the Aurelion Sol changes but this was gathered from the PBE changes thus far. Take this with a grain of salt and the section will be updated when we get more info.
- Q – Breath of Light:
- Mana Cost Per Second: 30/35/40/45/50 >>> 35/40/45/50/55.
- W – Astral Flight:
- Range: 1500/1600/1700/1800/1900 (+ 7.5 x Stardust stacks) >>> 1500 (+ 7.5 x Stardust stacks).
- E – Singularity:
- Mana Cost: 80 >>> 90.
While Riot did not add it in the official preview, Riot developer, Squad5, posted the changes over on X.
- Passive – Spirit Abjuration:
- Realm Hopper Bonus Movement Speed: 5 – 10% (based on level)(+ 3% per 100 AP)(+ 5 – 20% (based on active Spirits)) >>> 5 – 8.5% (based on level)(+ 3% per 100 AP)(+ (2 + 0.03% AP) (based on active Spirits)).
- Q – Twofold Hex:
- Second Activation of Q can no longer miss its original target.
- W – Across the Veil:
- Invisibility breaks on auto attacks during launch of attacks instead of pre-attack.
- Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 seconds >>> 22/21/20/19/18 seconds.
- E – The Weirding:
- Jumpback duration: 800 speed >>> 150 (+ 2 x Movement Speed).
- Now has a manual spell buffering system while mid-jump.
- R – Between Worlds:
- Now has a manual spell buffering system while mid-jump.
- No longer locks camera when using the warp.
- Damage: 250/375/500 (+ 65% AP) >>> 200/325/450 (+ 60% AP).
A small nerf to Ezreal to reduce the AD Ratio on his Missiles.
- Q – Mystic Shot:
- Damage: 20/45/70/95/120 (+ 140% AD)(+ 15% AP) >>> 20/45/70/95/120 (+ 130% AD)(+ 15% AP).
As a Support, Leona is doing too much damage. Thus, Riot is bringing some nerfs on her damage numbers.
- Passive – Sunlight:
- Damage: 32 – 168 (based on level) >>> 32 – 151 (based on level).
- W – Eclipse:
- Damage: 55/90/125/160/195 (+ 40% AP) >>> 55/85/115/145/175 (+ 40% AP).
As for the totality of the nerfs, Riot is really bonking Shyvana with the nerf hammer. Overall, her E damage is being reduced for both Human and Dragon forms even though the numbers are being shifted around quite a bit.
With the new changes, it seems Riot is pushing for more of a Hybrid build set as opposed to mostly AP.
- E – Flame Breath:
- Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+ 40% AD)(+ 90% AP) >>> 85/125/165/205/245 (+ 50% AD)(+ 80% AP).
- R – Dragon’s Descent:
- Flame Breath Bonus Damage: 75/90/105/120/135 (+ 30% AD)(+ 30% AP) >>> 75/90/105/120/135 (+ 50% AD)(+ 20% AP).
- Damage of Time over Full Duration: 240 – 480 (based on level)(+ 40% AD)(+ 80% AP) >>> 240 – 480 (based on level)(+ 120% AD)(+ 80% AP).
Champion Adjustments
There are a ton of adjustments coming to this path from Assassins to Mages, and so on. Without further ado, let’s jump right into it.
There are some interesting changes coming to Akali. Riot is making big adjustments in her R – Perfect Executions. Also, the cooldown for R is increasing early in the game and her W is getting a better scaling cooldown.
- W – Twilight Shroud:
- Cooldown: 20 seconds >>> 20/19/18/17/16 seconds.
- R – Perfection Execution:
- Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds >>> 120/90/60 seconds.
- First Activation Damage: 80/220/360 (+ 50% Bonus AD)(+ 30% AP) >>> 110/220/330 (+ 50% Bonus AD)(+ 30% AP).
- Second Activation Damage: 60/130/200 (+ 30% AP) >>> 70/140/210 (+ 30% AP).
A bunch of mana changes are coming to Cassiopeia across the board. Also, some AP ratio changes are being added.
- Base Stats:
- Mana: 350 >>> 400.
- Mana Growth: 60 per level >>> 40 per level.
- Q – Noxious Blast:
- Mana: 50/60/70/80/90 >>> 50/55/60/65/70.
- Damage: 75/110/145/180/215 (+ 90% AP) >>> 75/110/145/180/215 (+ 70% AP).
- W – Miasma:
- Mana: 70/80/90/100/110 >>> 70/75/80/85/90.
- E – Twin Fang:
- Mana: 50/48/46/44/42 >>> 40.
- Bonus Damage: 20/40/60/80/100 (+ 60% AP) >>> 20/40/60/80/100 (+ 55% AP).
Some Health changes are coming to Irelia to increase her Base numbers but decreasing Renegeration.
- Base Stats:
- Health: 590 >>> 630.
- Health Regeneration: 8.5 per 5 seconds >>> 6 per 5 seconds.
This is mostly some touchup changes as there are some QoL changes mixed it with small number adjustments.
- Base Stats:
- Health Growth: 105 per level >>> 110 per level.
- Q – Shattered Earth/Upheaval:
- Mana Cost: 50 >>> 45.
- Small change to animation of attacking after casting.
- E – Ixtal’s Impact:
- Can no longer grab units behind Skarner.
Riot is really focusing on getting mages up and running. So it’s fitting that Sylas gets some changes to counter those mages.
- Q – Chain Lash:
- Cooldown: 11/10/9/8/7 seconds >>> 10/9/8/7/6 seconds.
- Explosion Damage: 70/125/180/235/290 (+ 90% AP) >>> 60/115/170/225/280 (+ 80% AP).
- W – Kingslayer:
- Damage: 65/100/135/170/205 (+ 80% AP) >>> 65/100/135/170/205 (+ 70% AP).
- Minimum Healing: 20/40/60/80/100 (+ 35% AP) >>> 20/40/60/80/100 (+ 20% AP)(+ 5% Bonus Health).
- E – Abscond/Abduct:
- Abduct Damage: 80/130/180/230/280 (+ 100% AP) >>> 80/130/180/230/280 (+ 80% AP).
Yone’s Q is getting a damage buff while his Ultimate is getting a longer cooldown later in the game.
- Q – Mortal Steel:
- Damage: 20/40/60/80/100 (+ 105% AD) >>> 20/45/70/95/120 (+ 105% AD).
- R – Fate Sealed:
- Cooldown: 120/90/60 seconds >>> 120/100/80 seconds.
Similar to the Yone changes, Zed is getting a similar treatment.
- Q – Razor Shuriken:
- Damage: 80/115/150/185/220 (+ 110% Bonus AD) >>> 80/120/160/200/240 (+ 100% Bonus AD).
- R – Death Mark:
- Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds >>> 120/110/100 seconds.
System Buffs
A bunch of items and runes are getting buffs and here they all are.
Cosmic Drive
Health numbers on the item is increasing while the Passive – Spelldance Movement Speed is getting adjusted with numbers and scaling.
- Health: 250 >>> 350.
- Unique Passive – Spelldance:
- Movement Speed: 25 – 60 (level 1-18) >>> 40 – 60 (level 8 – 18).
Dark Harvest
Riot is making the Dark Harvest rune better while Cooldown and the Takedown Reset Timer is being improved.
- Cooldown: 40 seconds >>> 35 seconds.
- Takedown Reset Timer: 1.5 seconds >>> 1 second.
Death’s Dance
The item is getting a small armor buff.
- Armor: 40 >>> 50.
Hextech Rocketbelt
A small Health buff is coming to Hextech Rocketbelt.
- Health: 300 >>> 400.
The Passive of Stormsurge is getting buffs as Movement Speed and Ranged Damage is increasing.
- Unique Passive – Stormraider:
- Bonus Movement Speed: 25% >>> 35%.
- Unique Passive – Squall:
- Ranged Damage: 75% >>> 80%.
Void Staff
The Ability Power of Void Staff is being buffed.
- Ability Power: 90 >>> 95.
System Nerfs
Kraken Slayer
A small movement speed nerf is coming along with a nerf of damage against ranged Champions.
- Movement Speed: 7% >>> 5%.
- Unique Passive – Bring It Down:
- Damage Against Ranged Champions: 100% >>> 80%.
Lord Dominik’s Regard
A small Armor Penetration nerf is coming to LDR.
- Armor Penetration: 40% >>> 35%.
Mortal Reminder
In Mortal Reminder’s case, Riot is nerfing Attack Damage slightly for the item.
- Attack Damage: 40 >>> 35.
Statikk Shiv
Similar to Kraken Slayer, Statikk Shiv is getting the same Movement Speed changes. Also, the price of the item is increasing, which is pretty massive.
- Item Cost: 2800 Gold >>> 2900 Gold.
- Movement Speed: 7% >>> 5%.
System Adjustments
Just one adjustment is coming to Fleet Footwork as it seems everyone is using this Rune.
Fleet Footwork
Riot is adjusting the Healing numbers and process of Fleet Footwork to nerf it in lane. However, it scales much better into the game from level 14 and onwards.
Healing: 8 – 110 (based on level, linear scaling) >>> 5 – 120 (based on level, Stat Progression Multiplier scaling).
The second batch of the Anima Squad skins is coming out in Patch 14.15.
Primordian Aatrox

Battle Lioness Leona

Prestige Battle Lioness Leona

Battle Bear Illaoi

Battle Wolf Yasuo

Primordian Briar