High Noon Gragas is hitting League of Legends in Patch 14.6
Riot is bringing back yet another popular skin line of League of Legends. High Noon has been one of the most used skin lines in League of Legends. The likes of High Noon Senna, Jhin, Yasuo, etc are all common in our normal League of Legends games.
That said, there are six new High Noon Skins coming in Patch 14.6. This release includes Gragas, the drunk man who will hit the Bars in the Wild West. His cosmetic fits High Noon quite a bit considering the drunken brawls that always happen and that’s two things Gragas likes: drinking and fighting.
The color scheme of the cosmetics fits him really well alongside the effects that come with it. From the preview, it looks like a pretty solid addition. Here is all we know about the skin.
Read More: LoL High Noon Rell Skin
Splash Art

1350 RP will be the price for High Noon Gragas
Release date
Patch 14.6 will see the release of High Noon Gragas and that update is set to come out on Wednesday, March 20, 2024.