With the new PBE patches out, new information has surfaced on when Essence Emporium returns to LoL in 2024.
Riot made some improvements, albeit mostly backend changes, to the Essence Emporium for League of Legends in 2023. That prompted the return of the event store so that players can use all of those accumulated Blue Essence that they have had over the course of playing the game.
With 2023 getting two Essence Emporiums, players are expecting it to return to 2024 as well. With the new PBE cycle out, there are some indications and information that have come out that we might be getting the Essence Emporium really soon.
Read More: Big Pantheon Changes In LoL Patch 14.11
Essence Emporium Return Date
Based off of information gathered by Julex Gameplay, the Essence Emporium is likely coming in Patch 14.11 from May 30, 2024 until June 13, 2024.
The rewards of the Essence Emporium are still fully unknown, but we should know about them fairly soon. Overall, the above date is when the Essence Emporium is expected to come to League of Legends.