Riot Games reveals the upcoming 2020 Halloween or Tales from the Rift skins for Amumu, Fizz, and Elise.
We are just a few weeks away from the 2020 Halloween, and just like every other year League players are also expecting some spooky skins for this year’s holiday as well.
Although both Halloween skins for Amumu and Elise were leaked a few days ago, Riot Games has now officially announced three skins for this year’s holiday: Pumpkin Prince Amumu, Bewitching Elise, and Little Devil Fizz.
- Read More: Odyssey Aatrox, Karma, Kha’Zix, Sivir, and Twisted Fate Skin: Release Date, Price, and Splash Art
Little Devil Fizz
- Release Date: October 14th, 2020
- Price: 1350 RP
Splash Art and Wallpaper:

Little Devil Fizz will be on the Monsters class of the Harrowing skin line and second Little Devil skin after the Little Devil Teemo skin in League of Legends. Just like the Teemo skin, Little Devil Fizz will also have a devil look with a red hue. And one of the most interesting things about this skin is that he throws the Little Devil Teemo as his ultimate.
His skin bio: “Sea’s a dwelling place for demons.”
Little Devil Fizz along with Pumpkin Prince Amumu and Bewitching Elise skins are expected to hit the live servers on patch 10.21.