Get yourself prepared before you embark P on another hellish ride.
Like every other soulslike game, Lies of P‘s New Game Plus allows you to do reruns of the campaign and finish with alternate endings. Restarting the game using NG+ can be fun as you renew with all your weapons, items, and resources retained. But you will be playing the already difficult campaign facing more hardened and buffed bosses. So, hastily starting a New Game+ will only make your stakes low to finish another take on the campaign. The game’s three storylines act with some specific actions.
If you want to pursue your preferred storyline in an NG+ with ease, you will have to carry out some things first. You have to ensure you have acquired all the achievable skills, collected as many weapons and resources as possible, and completed the necessary tasks. And so we have prepared for you a guide about Things to Do Before NG+.
Things to Do Before NG+ in Lies of P(LOP)

You will have to carry out some specific tasks to make your gameplay smooth in the NG+ runs.
- Exchange the Nameless Puppet’s Ergo with Explorer Hugo to collect the Proof of Humanity special weapon during the post-credit.
- Return to Hotel Krat after you have defeated the final boss (Simon Manus). Go and read “The Blue Butterfly’s Letter” at Geppetto’s study to unlock “The Story of One Father” achievement (bronze trophy).
- Go to Geppetto’s study and read “The Blue Butterfly’s Letter” to unlock The Story of the Blue Butterfly achievement (bronze trophy).
- Defeat the Nameless Puppet (if you have pursued “Free from the Puppet String” route).
- Play the piano to unlock The Pianist of Krat achievement (silver trophy).
- Exchange all the remaining boss Ergo with Explorer Hugo to get special weapons.
- Interact with the Portrait in Geppetto’s Study to collect the Golden Lie Special Weapon (if you have pursued “Rise of P” route)
Tips for you-
- Find and purchase any remaining normal weapons, items, and Records.
- Make the best use of Ergos. Build your skill tree, focusing on a distinct playstyle.
- Fix on a playstyle you are most comfortable with by experimenting with different builds.
- Collect all the available Records.