LEGO Star Wars: Skywalker Saga: How to Get All Extra Modes

Md Obyead
By Md Obyead
4 Min Read
Credit: Warner Bros. Games

Here is how you can get all Extra Modes in LEGO Star Wars.

Just when you thought LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga does not have enough things to do. They also have added extra modes which can improve your experience even more. You can play this game to admire how well the idea has been executed or see how the new Star Wars Saga is shaping up. They also have added extra modes which can improve your experience even more. Moreover, below we have made a complete guide on how to get all extra modes LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga.

Read More: LEGO Star Wars: Skywalker Saga – All Missing Characters

How To Get All Extra Modes

Before we get into how to unlock these modes, first, let us talk about these Extra Modes. There are around 20 different modes you can take advantage of in the game. So these modes are basically like the in-game cheat codes. Each method will enhance your gameplay in a certain way. You will find these extra modes inside of the Extras menu.

However, to obtain these modes, you will need two things, the first will be studs, and the second will be Datacards. Obtaining a handful of both will lead you to unlock modes in the game. Furthermore, below we have added the details and how to unlock the Extra Modes.

ModesDetails How to Unlock
Studs x2You will get twice the amount of Studs1,000,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard
Studs x4You will get four times the Studs2,000,000 Studs and
1 Datacard
Studs x6You will get six times the Studs8,000,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard
Studs x8You will get 8 times the Studs48,000,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard
Studs x10You will get 10 times the Studs 384,000,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard
Super GNK DroidThis will include a Golden GNK droid to your party.1,000,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard
Porg CompanionA new Porg partner will join your party.500,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard
Baguette LightsabersAll the Lightsabers will become Baguettes.250,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard
Galaxy RaveThis will make the Galaxy Free Play into a disco for you to enjoy500,000,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard
Television Mode A new old timed screen effect will get added to the game250,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard
Hologram ModeAll the players and ships will get a hologram look500,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard
Retro ModeA new retro-style screen effect will be activated in the game. 250,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard
GNK CiviliansAll the villains will become GNK Droids 1,000,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard
Mumble ModeAll voices will become mumbles in the gameFree
Comedy WeaponsBlaster and all other ranged weapons will get replaced by silly objects or items250,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard
Rainbow EffectsSome attack effects will change into a rainbow250,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard
Cantina Music The song named Figrin D’an and Modal Nodes will be played on a loop250,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard
Big Head ModeAll playable characters will get Big Heads 500,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard
Pew PewMouth-made versions will replace all sounds of projectiles and ranged weapons500,000 Studs
and 1 Datacards
Universal TranslatorYour character will be able to understand all languages.500,000 Studs
and 1 Datacard

Read More: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – How to Solve The Pillar Palaver Puzzle

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By Md Obyead Deputy Roblox Editor
Md Obyead is the Deputy Editor of the Roblox section at GameRiv. Obyead has a passion for writing articles, scripts, and poems. He lives with one quote in life "With hardwork, dedication and will power you can get anywhere in the world."