Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: Fountain of Confession Puzzle Solution

Muhibul Alam Chowdhury
By Muhibul Alam Chowdhury
5 Min Read
Credit: Bethesda

How to solve the Fountain of Confession Puzzle Solution.

You’ll spend a lot of time figuring out and solving puzzles in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

Moreover, while there are some optional and hidden puzzles throughout the game, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle places a great focus on slow exploration, and most of your progress in the main story will be locked behind puzzles.

While figuring out the puzzles yourself can be a fun experience, if you want to minimize downtime between story beats and fighting baddies, as well as the game’s excellent set pieces, this article is for you.

In this article, we’ve detailed how to solve the Fountain of Confession puzzle, which appears during The Stolent Cat Mummy.

It is a three-part puzzle and involves cryptic clues and some back and forth legwork. Nevertheless, following the guide below, you’ll be able to get it done in no time.

How to Solve the Fountain of Confession

This puzzle will appear at the end of the Vatican section, after you escape the Underworld below the Tower of Nichloas V.

The Fountain is located in the southwest of the city, south of the Blackshirt Barracks up a ramp past where the Captain is inspecting his troops.

Dragon Statues

Credit: Bethesda

Head to the left side of the fountain to open a chest containing the Fountain Gate Key. With the key in hand, go through the gate at the side of the fountain.

Credit: Bethesda

Next, climb up the scaffolding onto the 2nd floor, and using your whip, swing over to the Black Dragon Statue.

Credit: Bethesda

Rotate the statue’s palm to reveal a lever. Then, push the lever to rotate the Black Dragon Statue until it faces the Fountain.

Credit: Bethesda

Using the whip again, swing over to the White Dragon Statue. Jump down to the lower scaffolding to find the White Dragon’s claw.

Credit: Bethesda

After the cutscene ends. climb back up to the White Dragon. Again, rotate the palm the palm to reveal a lever, then use the lever to rotate the White Dragon Statue until it faces the Fountain.

Credit: Bethesda

After both dragon statues are facing the fountain, use your whip to yank the back of the small dragon statue in the middle of the fountain. This will unlock the fountain gate, leading to the next part of the puzzle.

Baptism Statues

Credit: Bethesda

Use the lever at the base of the fountain (Gina will be standing next to it) to rotate the statue depicting a baptism. The goal here is to place the statues such that the holy water drops on the child’s head.

Credit: Bethesda

To do this, first push the child statue to the right, closer to the center.

Next, use your whip to yank the top right ring and drop water inside the man’s bucket.

Then push the man left to the center.

As the water drops on the child’s head. The fountain will turn and reveal the last part of the puzzle.

Boat Puzzle

Credit: Bethesda

Rotate the lever on the base of the fountain to rotate the baptism statue all the way around to the boat puzzle.

To solve this puzzle, you’ll need to create a path for the boat to pass through. You’ll need to rotate the rings of the puzzle to move the wooden blocks in the path of the boat, then use your whip to pull the levers above to move the boat.

Rotate the rings in the following order:

  • Outer section clockwise twice.
  • Outer section anticlockwise once.
  • Middle section clockwise: once.
  • Inner circle clockwise twice.

Once the boat crosses, the whole puzzle will rotate automatically.

Credit: Bethesda

Afterward push the statue of the boy to the center the unlock the Underground gate.

By Muhibul Alam Chowdhury Guide Writer
Muhibul Alam Chowdhury is a Guide writer at GameRiv.