We might be getting another Chronicled wish banner in Genshin Impact. The 5.4 version is set to introduce the Inazuma Chronicled wish upon launch.
There are a total of 94 characters in Genshin Impact as of version 5.3. But that number will increase to 95 and will knock on the door of 100 by the end of the Natlan region. With so many characters to rerun and introduce, Chronicled wish banner will become more frequent.
The recent Chronicled wish focused on Liyue based characters. Considering the Lantern Rite and other aspects, it suits the theme perfectly. And that’s why many leakers and theorycrafters have suggested that we will be getting an Inazuma based Chronicled wish in Gensin Impact version 5.4.
So, who can we expect in the banner line up? That is what I will be discussing in this article.
Inazuma Chronicled Wish Characters

In Genshin Impact 5.4, we will be returning to Inazuma with the patch focusing on the festival in the islands. Mizuki will also be releasing in this patch (read more about her here), who hails from Inazuma. And it has been quite long since we actually got our favourite Inazuma characters in the rerun banners (yes, Raiden doesn’t count, she’s an archon).
So who are getting reruns in this Chronicled wish? Well the list is as follows:

Without any doubt Ayaka will be one of the characters that will join the Chronicled wish banner. She was the first Inazuma character introduced in the game. Yes, Kazuha hails from Inazuma but he is more of a Liyue character and Hoyoverse will never put an unit like him in Chronicled wish.
Ayaka is one of the best Cryo DPS in the game, especially for Frozen based teams. Yes, the current abyss and enemies don’t favor Freeze the way they used to. That being said, Shenznaya is bound to be one of the places Ayaka will shine and its coming very soon.
Her signature weapon ‘Misplitter Reforged‘ is also going to be in the banner. It is an overall good 5 star weapon for any sword users in the game with Crit DMG as secondary stat and a skill buffing passive.

Forever cursed to run with archons, Yoimiya has been an underrated unit for most of the time. But she is an excellent DPS unit, especially for boss enemies. This Pyro bow character can be a valuable introduction to your team comps. She can abuse the Hydro application of Xingque and Yelan to deal out massive Vaporize damage to your enemies.
Her signature “Thundering Pulse” will also come in the Chronicled wish banner.
Yae Miko

Next in line is Yae Miko. This electro Sub-DPS is one of the strongest Spread reaction applicator in the game. She can deal incredible damage and is the perfect partner for AFK teams. Miko will have her signature Kagura’s Variety in the banner. So, if you want the fox lady to join your party then Inazuma Chronicled wish is the one you should focus in Genshin Impact 5.4.

The master strategist of Watatsumi and the Divine priestess will also be a part of the Chronicled wish in 5.4. Kokomi is arguably one of the best healers in the game, especially if you need a hydro applicator in your team. She’s a versatile unit that works with almost every reaction based teams and her healings are no joke.
Building her is simple and easy. And unless you are a true connoisseur you won’t be bothered her signature donut/weapon Everlasting Moonglow as you can just put an R5 Thrilling Tales of DragonSlayers and enjoy the massive buffs.

Arataki Itto is going to be a part of the Chronicled banner with his signature Red Horn StoneThrasher. He is a great Geo DPS with an unique playstyle. He doesn’t need traditional characters like Bennet to buff him but will need character like Gorou to reach his max potential.

Finally, the last character to join the Inazuma Chronicled Wish is none other than Ayato. The leader of the Kamisato clan and Ayaka’s elder brother is an excellent Hydro DPS. He works as the perfect driver in any Hydro teams ranging from the classic electro charged to Hyperblooms. His signature ‘Haran Geppaku Futsu‘ will also be up for grabs in this banner.
And that’s all for the Inazuma Chronicled Wish. Hoyoverse won’t include archons in these banners as they generate a massive revenue for them. While there aren’t any confirmations yet, but Hoyoverse will soon confirm this in the latest livestream. I will notify if there are any changes.