Ultimate Guide on Console commands in 7 Days to Die!
7 Days to Die throws everything at you on the 7th day, and it never fails to get on your nerves. No matter how much you fortify your hideout, you are sure to get overwhelmed. And it only gets harder if you manage to survive through the first seven days. So, it must be tiring for you to continue this neverending cycle of looting, trading, building, and fending off zombies. But there is a way of getting yourself a breather, which is by using cheats. By using certain Console commands, you can make your way through the Blood Moon without having to think about a hundred different things.
By using Console Commands in 7 Days to Die, you can access further game information, alter game settings, spawn valuable items, and modify time. There are plenty of Console Commands available. Moreover, there is a certain way of using these commands. So, without any further ado, delve into our guide to find out about all the Console commands & how to use them in 7 Days to Die.
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Console commands & how to use them in 7 Days to Die
How to use Console commands
In order to use the Console Commands in 7 Days to Die, you will have to type any of the available keys depending on your keyboard: F1, F2, Ñ, “, @, Ö, or Ø.
Typing any of the above keys will prompt the Console to pop up. After that, you will have to type in the commands accordingly. The Console will take time to execute the command and will show you a prompt if it’s successful. Otherwise, type in again with the correct command.
Console commands
Below are all the available console commands in 7 Days to Die, ordered according to their usefulness. We have left out all such commands that can severely disrupt or defect your gameplay. Also, when playing in Multiplayer, make sure you are the one hosting the server, as the majority of the commands will only work if you are the admin.
Command | Function |
buff <buff name> | Applies a buff to you. |
buffplayer <name / entity id / steam id> <buff name> | Applies a buff to the selected player. |
debuff <buff name> | Remove a buff from you. |
debuffplayer <name / entity id / steam id> <buff name> | Remove a buff from the targeted player. |
giveself <item name> [quality level] | Drops an item at your feet with maximum (600) quality. |
spawnairdrop | Spawns an air drop. |
spawnsupplycrate | Spawns a supply crate above the player. |
giveselfxp <amount> | Increase your experience by inserting amount. |
givequest | Give yourself a quest. (You can find the Quest names in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\quests.xml .) |
help <command> | Prints help text for supported commands. |
removequest | Removes a quest. (You can find the Quest names in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\quests.xml . |
weathersurvival <on / off> | Toggles weather survival. |
shownexthordetime | Displays the wandering horde time. |
weather | Control weather settings. Type “help weather” for more info. |
water | Control water settings. Type “help water” for more info. |
gettime or gt | Prints current number of days and time. |
admin add <name / entity id / steam id> <permission level> | Used to add a player to the admin list with the desired permission level. |
admin remove <name / entity id / steam id> | Used to remove a player from the admin list. Type “lpi” to find an ID. |
ai pathgrid | TBD – added in A19.2 b3 |
ai pathlines (was: ai path) | TBD – renamed in A19.2 b3 |
kick <name / entity id / steam id> [reason] | Kicks a player from the game. |
kickall [reason] | Kicks all players from the game. |
killall | Kills all players and entities. |
listplayerids | Lists all players and their IDs. |
listplayers | Lists all players with IDs, positions, health, stats, IP address, etc. |
teleport <E / W> [y] <N / S> teleport <E / W> <N / S> teleport <target player name/steam id/entity id> teleport offset <inc E / W> <inc y> <inc N / S> | Teleport the local player (you) to specified location. If using [y] (optional) use -1 to spawn on the ground. Use only <E / W> and <N / S> to always spawn on the ground. Use “offset” to teleport based on current position. Type “help tp” for more info. South and West are negative, (-) before number. |
teleportplayer <name / player id / steam id> <E / W> <y> <N / S> teleportplayer <player id> <player id> | Teleport the target player to specified location. Use y = -1 to spawn on the ground. Use another player’s name or ID to teleport one player to another. Type “help tele” for more info. South and West are negative, (-) before number. |
whitelist add <name / player id / steam id> | Adds a player to the whitelist. |
whitelist remove <name / player id / steam id> | Removes a player from the white list. |
whitelist list | Prints a list of all whitelisted players. |
aiddebug | Toggles AIDirector debug output. |
ban add <name / entity id / steam id> <duration> <duration unit> [reason] | Bans a player from the game for <duration> in <duration units> with a reason of [reason]. |
ban list | Print a list of banned players with their duration, ID, and reason to the console. |
ban remove <name / entity id / steam id> | Remove a ban. Find a list of banned player IDs using “ban list”. |
traderarea | If a player is within a trader area they will be forced out but can reenter unless trader is closed. |
creativemenu or cm | Enables or disables the Creative Menu |
chunkcache or cc | Shows all loaded chunks in the cache. |
clear | Clears all output text in the command console |
cp add <command> <level> | Used to add a command to the command permission list with the desired permission level. Use “cp list” to view commands. |
cp remove <command> | Used to remove a command from the command permission list. |
cp list | Display a list of current command permissions. “1000” is the lowest (Guest or normal player) while “0” is the highest (Host or Admin). |
getgamepref | Prints a list of current game preferences to the console. |
deathscreen <on/off> | Display the blood-filled death screen during normal gameplay. |
debugmenu [on/off] or dm | Toggles Debug Mode on or off. This allows God mode (G key), the debug menu (ESC), and other unique functionality. |
enablescope <on/off> or es | Toggle debug scope. |
exhausted | Makes the player exhausted. |
exportcurrentconfigs | Exports the currently used configs to %appdata%/7DaystoDie/Saves/<worldname>/<savegamename>/Configs on Windows and .local/share/7DaystoDie/Saves/<worldname>/<savegamename>/Configs on Linux. |
exportitemicons | Exports all item icons to the 7 Days To Die\ItemIcons folder. |
getgamestat or ggs | Prints a list of current game stats to the console. |
gfx af <0 or 1> | Sets the anisotropic filtering to off(0) or on(1). |
gfx dti | Set distant terrain instancing (A19.2 b3) |
gfx dtpix | Set distant terrain pixel error (A19.2 b3) |
lights | Toggles display of an outline around all light-emitting objects (candles, campfires, etc) (screenshot) |
listents or le | Lists all entities currently in game (zombies, players, animals). |
listlandclaim or llp | Lists all active Land Claim Blocks with player name, world ID, SteamID, LCB’s current health state, and coordinates. |
listthreads or lt | Lists all threads. |
loggamestate <message> [true/false] or lgs | Writes information on the current state of the game (memory usage, entities, threads, etc) to the log file at 7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log.txt . <message> is any string that will be included in the header of the generated log. True = the command should be run on the client. False = the command should be run on the server. “False” is default. |
loglevel <loglevel name> <true/false> | Telnet/web only. Select which types of log messages are shown on the connection. By default, all log messages are printed on every connection. Log levels: INF, WRN, ERR, EXC, or ALL. |
mem | Prints memory information and calls garbage collector. |
memcl | Prints memory information on client and calls garbage collector. |
pplist | Prints Persistent Player data. |
repairchunkdensity <x> <z> [fix] | Used to check if the densities of blocks in a chunk match the actual block type. If there is a mismatch it can lead to the chunk rendering incorrectly or not at all, indicated by the error message “Failed setting triangles. Some indices are references out of bounds vertices.” It can also fix mismatches within a chunk. <x> and <z> are the coordinates of any block within the chunk to check. Adding “fix” to the end of the command will repair any mismatches. |
saveworld or sa | Manually saves the world. |
say <message> | Sends a server message to all connected clients. |
setgamepref <preference name> <value> | Sets a gamepref. Preference names can be viewed with the “gg” command (getgamepref). |
setgamestat <stat name> <value> | Sets a gamestat. Stat names can be viewed with the “ggs” command (getgamestat). |
settempunit <c or f> | Sets the temperature unit to Celsius (c) or Fahrenheit (f, default). |
showalbedo or albedo | Toggles display of albedo in gBuffer. |
showchunkdata | Shows some data of the current chunk. |
showclouds | Artist command to show one layer of clouds. |
shownormals | Toggles display of normal maps in gBuffer. |
showspecular | Toggles display of specular values in gBuffer. |
shutdown | Shuts the game down. |
sounddebug | Toggles SoundManager debug output. |
spawnentity <playerID> <entityID> | “se” by itself prints a list of entity IDs. You may also use the Entity Spawner (F6) in Debug Mode to spawn an entity. |
spawnscouts | Spawns 1 Screamer in the distance and makes it navigate towards the location where the command was used. |
spawnscreen | Displays spawn screen. |
spawnwh | Spawns a wandering horde in the distance; these hordes will move generally towards the player’s location when they were spawned (but not GPS at the player). |
spectrum <choice> | Force a lighting spectrum. Choices are Biome, BloodMoon, Foggy, Rainy, Stormy, Snowy. |
starve | Makes the player hungry. |
staticmap | Switches the Navazgane map between static and dynamic |
switchview or sv | Switches the player view between 1st person and 3rd person views. |
systeminfo | Print info about the current system (CPU, operating system, etc). |
thirsty | Makes the player thirsty. |
updatelighton <name / player id / steam id> | Commands for UpdateLightOnAllMaterials and UpdateLightOnPlayers. |
version | Print the version of the game and loaded mods. |