Can You Do the Tac-Stance in Modern Warfare 3?

Abir Hasan
By Abir Hasan
3 Min Read
Image Credit: Sledgehammer Games

Here’s how you can use Tac-Stance and take down enemies more accurately!

Modern Warfare 3 has reintroduced the Tac-Stance maneuver along with many other changes in the game’s Combat mechanics. Sledgehammer Games has made a series of upgrades to the game’s movement and firing system, and Tac Stance is one of the popular ones. Tac-Stance is a firing technique that blends ADS and hip-fire, which delivers accuracy with mobility. This tilted weapon-firing mechanic can come in handy in close-quarter calls and fast-paced engagements.

Tactical Stance will be your answer if you want to make kills in aggressive firing while maintaining accuracy. Tac Stance has lesser Bullet Spread than Hip Fire and more mobility than ADS.

With shorter cross-hairs, you will be able to make quick kills and find success in close-quarter engagements. However, the game offers little to no information about this new mechanic. Also, adjusting to this can be an issue for many. So, without further ado, let’s jump into our guide about How to Use Tac-Stance in Modern Warfare 3.

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How to use Tac-Stance in Modern Warfare 3

How to use Tac-Stance in Modern Warfare 3
Image Credit: Sledgehammer Games

According to the developers, it is a “perfect middle ground between hip-fire and ADS.” Tactical stance is fairly easy to comprehend and can be used for any evasive maneuver. You don’t need to set up Tac Stance, as it is already part of the default controls. You can toggle this technique easily on both the PC and controllers. The default controls are:

From PC: ADS + V  

From Controller: ADS + D-pad 

How to use Tac-Stance in Modern Warfare 3
Image Credit: Sledgehammer Games

You can also change the controls from the Gameplay settings according to your preferences.

  • Go to the settings and click on the Gameplay option. 
  • There you will find Tactical Stance Activation. 
  • There, you can opt for one from these given controls: ADS + D-Pad, ADS + Sprint, ADS + Melee, or Double-tap ADS. 

You can also turn the maneuver off if you don’t feel comfortable with it.

By Abir Hasan Guide Writer
Abir Hasan is a Guide writer at GameRiv. He is your average gamer turned-writer who dedicates himself to the noble cause of guiding others through uncharted quests. You will find him crafting a new guide if he is not being a tryhard at an FPS.