How To Heal in Assassin’s Creed Mirage (AC Mirage)

Arnan Bonny
By Arnan Bonny
5 Min Read

Here is everything you need to know about healing yourself in Assassin’s Creed Mirage

Assassin’s Creed Mirage is Ubisoft’s 13th mainline entry to the massively successful Assassin’s Creed franchise. However, unlike the last couple of games, Assassin’s Creed Mirage takes the gameplay back to its roots with more emphasis on stealth and parkour mechanics like the ones that made it popular in the first place.

Therefore, the RPG elements of the previous few titles have taken the back seat. In this journey, you play as Basim, a thief in the streets of Baghdad who goes through various trials and obstacles to become the master assassin.

Read More: How to Increase Elixir Slots in Assassin’s Creed Mirage (AC Mirage)

The whole franchise has seen several kinds of changes to the healing mechanic over the years. And now, Ubisoft has decided to bring back manual healing in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.

This did spark some debate as many believe that this makes combat easier as you can pop an elixir in the middle of a difficult fight to restore your HP to full. However, others believe that this is a welcome change. Regardless, here is everything you need to know about healing in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.

How To Heal in AC Mirage

Be it from difficult battles or silly mistakes, there are plenty of ways you can trickle down your health bar, so to stop Basim from dying, you need to know how to refill your health bar.

Well, there are two main ways you can heal in Mirage: one involves the use of elixirs that you can carry around, and the other involves scouring Baghdad for various items that can restore your health. Let’s dive into each of them.

Using Elixirs to Heal

AC Mirage: How to Heal

The primary way of healing yourself is through elixirs. Elixirs are health potions that you can use to heal yourself whenever you need to, whether in the midst of combat or when you’re low on health. The health regeneration you get from elixirs is instant and, thus, a great option when you’re low on health in the middle of a battle.

While the use of elixirs can turn the tides of the battle, it is balanced through the difficulty of obtaining it. That’s because elixirs are quite difficult to get your hands on.

A few of the ways you can get elixirs are through crates that you can find lying on the streets or inside the Assassin Bureaus or even through pick-pocketing random citizens on the streets.

Additionally, another way you can get elixirs is through traders across Baghdad. Traders trade elixirs for coins. You can buy a limited stock of elixirs for 30 coins each.

Also, keep in mind that you can only carry up to 2 elixirs at a time or 3 if you have invested your skill points in the Elixir Pocket ability in the Trickster skill tree.

Using Food Items to Heal

AC Mirage: How to Heal

Another way to heal yourself is through consuming various food items found across the world. Do take into account that the healing you receive from these items does not even come close to the healing you get from elixirs. Nevertheless, they do come in handy when you are outside of combat but running low on health.

You can find food items by interacting with berry bushes or food pots that you can find around markets. Again, this healing method takes plenty of time to refill your whole health bar, but since it’s free of cost, you can’t complain.

Read More: AC Mirage: 15 Essential Tips and Tricks for Beginners

By Arnan Bonny Guide Writer
Arnan Bonny is a Guide writer at GameRiv.