How to Get Maister’s Teachings in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Asil Ahsan
By Asil Ahsan
7 Min Read
Credits: Capcom

Want to become a true master of your vocation? Then follow this guide to learn how to get maister’s teachings in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Maisters in Dragon’s Dogma 2 are masters of each vocation who can provide you with knowledge tomes that will allow you to master the ultimate skills of your vocation.

There are 10 vocation Maisters scattered across the map. They have different prerequisites And in this guide, I will show you how to get all the Maister’s teachings in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

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All Maister’s Teachings Locations

The 10 maister you’ll find in Dragon’s Dogma 2 are:

  1. Fighter Maister Lennart
  2. Archer Maister Taliesen
  3. Theif Maister Srail
  4. Mage Maister Eini
  5. Sorcerer Maister Myrddin
  6. Warrior Maister Beren
  7. Magick Archer Maister Cliodhna
  8. Mystic Spearhand Maister Sigurd
  9. Trickster Maisrter Luz
  10. Warfarer Maister Lamond

Fighter Maister Lennart

Fighter Maister's Teaching Location
Fighter Maister’s Teaching Location

You will find Lennart at the heart of Melve. To get the tome from him you will have to do the following:

  • Complete the Scaly Invaders Quest
  • Complete either Disa’s Plot, Monster Culling, or The Caged Magistrate Quest
  • Fend off the Dragon Dwelling in Melve

Rewards: Riotous Fury

Archer Maister Taliesen

Archer Maister's Teaching Location
Archer Maister’s Teaching Location

Taliesen has secluded himself in his home in Sacred Arbor. To find him you should follow the main storyline where you will interact with Glywndr who will lead you to Sacred Arbor. You can find Glywndr in the Smithy near Vernsworth.

To obtain his tome you will have to:

  • Complete the Glywindr’s Questline

Rewards: Heavenly Shot

Theif Maister Srail

Thief Maister's Teaching Location
Thief Maister’s Teaching Location

Finding Srail is a bit tricky as first, you will most likely encounter Flaude who is a fake Maister. You will have to complete a set of tasks for him but then go directly to Srail who is the actual master of the craft. They are both located in the Nameless Village’s Manor.

Here’s what you will need to do to get the tome:

  • Complete The Nameless Village Quest
  • Interact with Flaude
  • Complete the Obstacles underneath the Manor to reach and interact with Srail

Rewards: Blades of the Pyre, Formless Feint

Mage Maister Eini

Mage Maister's Teaching Location
Mage Maister’s Teaching Location

The once revered Mage is now a doting grandmother who loves her granddaughter more than anything. To obtain her knowledge tome you will have to interact with her granddaughter in her home on the northern side of the Melve.

Do the following to interact with Eini:

  • Give Trysha (Eini’s Granddaughter) five spell tomes. (This is also required if you want to get the sorcerer tome from Trysha but there are some specific requirements)
  • Talk to Eini afterward.

Rewards: Celestial Paean

Sorcerer Maister Myrddin

Sorcerer Maister's Teaching Location
Sorcerer Maister’s Teaching Location

Myrddin is found in a noble’s house in checkpoint rest town, where he will require you to give spells to give you his tutelage. On the other hand, you can obtain another sorcerer maister tome from Trysha when following Eini’s tome questline.

To get Myrddin’s Tome you will have to do the following:

  • Forge these spells: Fulminous Shield, Howling Blizzard, Nation’s Death Knell, Towering Earth, and Let There Be Light. (Keep in mind that you don’t need to forge them if you don’t intend to get Trysha’s Tome)
  • Give your forged spells to Myrddin while wearing the Noble Cloth Set

If you want to get Trisha’s Tome then:

  • Give the original spell tomes to her
  • Defeat her after she fails to control her magick.

Rewards: Meteoron, Maelstrom

Warrior Maister Beren

Warrior Maister's Teaching Location
Warrior Maister’s Teaching Location

Beren is first located in the Borderwatch Outpost where he will be training the new recruits. He then moves to Moonglow Garden and then to his home in Checkpoint rest town.

To get the tome from him, you will need to:

  • Complete the Claw Them Into Shape Quest.
  • Complete Beren’s Final Lesson Quest.

Rewards: Arc of Might

Magick Archer Maister Cliodhna

Magick Archer Maister's Teaching Location
Magick Archer Maister’s Teaching Location

Getting the tome from Cliodhna is quite simple. You will find her in Winwalker’s Home from where you can start her quest and after completion, you will get her tome.

To learn from her you’ll have to:

  • Complete Put a Spring in Thy Step quest.

Rewards: Martyr’s Bolt

Mystic Spearhand Maister Sigurd

Mystic Spearhand Maister's Teaching Location
Mystic Spearhand Maister’s Teaching Location

Sigurd is found in Melve while completing the Readvent of Calamity Quest. Afterward, he can be found in Dragonsbreath Tower in Harve Village.

To get his tome do the following:

  • Interact with Sigurd after entering Dragonsbreath Tower.

Rewards: Wild Furie

Trickster Maisrter Luz

Trickstar Maister's Teaching Location
Trickstar Maister’s Teaching Location

You will find the illusion of Luz in the Revenant Shrine. To obtain her tome consider the following steps:

  • Reach Rank 2 in Trickster Vocation.
  • Find the actual body of Luz which is located above the ladder found on the left side of the Revenant Shrine.

Rewards: Dragon’s Delusion

Warfarer Maister Lamond

Warfarer Maister's Teaching Location
Warfarer Maister’s Teaching Location

 The last maister is the Warfarer Lamond who is found in the Hot Springs of the Volcanic Island Camp. To obtain his tome you need to:

  • Complete Scotted Sage Quest.

Rewards: Rearmament

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By Asil Ahsan Guide Writer
Asil Ahsan is a Genshin Impact writer at GameRiv. Asil is an avid gamer and book reader. He primarily focuses on AAA tittles and Gacha games and loves to watch anime and eat food!