How to change servers in Rainbow Six Siege

Sadnan Nafis
By Sadnan Nafis
3 Min Read
(Credit: Ubisoft)

Rainbow Six Siege has datacentres all over the world and changing servers manually isn’t a new thing for Siege PC players.

However, with the introduction of Operation Steel Wave players have not been able to change the servers with the previous method, resulting in frustrations for casual players, as well as Siege content creators.

Popular Dark Zero content creator, Get_Flanked tweeted out a few days ago stating that it is a huge problem, as he used to counter stream snipers with this trick.

Not only streamers, but this problem has also been affecting casual players also. Many fans shared their discontent on Twitter and Reddit, as now they are unable to play with their friends on other servers.

But now to worry, as Ubisoft has now shared the new method to change datacentres manually on their support page. Follow these steps to change servers manually:

• Open the File Explorer.
• Navigate to C:\Users\<User>\Documents\My Games\Rainbow Six – Siege\UplayID.
UplayID is a long alphanumeric string unique to your Ubisoft account. You will see multiple folders if you have played on more than one account.
Delete the folders and start the game from your account. You should now see a single folder for your account containing a default GameSettings.ini file.
• Right-click the GameSettings.ini file.
• Choose Open with and select Notepad.
You will see a list of game settings.
• Scroll to the bottom of the document.
You will see the following:
;DataCenterHint => 
;    default (ping based)
;    eastus
;    centralus
;    southcentralus
;    westus
;    brazilsouth
;    northeurope
;    westeurope
;    southafricanorth
;    eastasia
;    southeastasia
;    australiaeast
;    australiasoutheast
;    japanwest

DataCenterHint=playfab/default All lines with a semicolon in front are a list of the possible datacentre choices. The bottom line (DataCenterHint=playfab/default) is the selection currently set to default, which means the datacentre will be chosen automatically.

• Change default selection to the datacentre of your choosing.
For example: DataCenterHint=playfab/westeurope (West Europe) or DataCenterHint=playfab/centralus (Central US).
• Save the file, then start the game.
• Once in-game, press F10 or click the gear icon in the top-right corner.
Below the options, you will see the currently selected datacentre, your ping to the right of it, and your NAT type.
• Confirm that your manual selection has been successful and if so, you are all set!
You can change your server at any time by closing the game and changing the values as instructed above.

The new method is slightly different as now you have to add “playfab/” before the server name otherwise, it’s the same as the previous method.

If you have more questions you can contact Ubisoft support here.

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By Sadnan Nafis Senior FPS Writer
Sadnan Nafis is a Senior Esports Writer at GameRiv. Sadnan has a love-hate relationship with Rainbow Six Siege. He loves to keep himself updated with new tech videos and is always ready to help others.