You might want to know to fix this Stuttering Issue in Hogwarts Legacy.
The legacy of Hogwarts is century old. Needless to say, the game itself will carry great expectations. You, a Fifth-year student, just got admitted on a special request, and now your job is to make your name shine among everyone. Casting spell is the least fun thing to do in Hogwarts Legacy. I leave the thinking to you what might come next.
Now, there is a definite bug in Hogwarts Legacy. This time, the issue resides with lagging and stuttering. What happens is you might find a sudden frame drop. In general, the overpopulated areas, the cutscenes, and the mid-combat events are the ones facing this issue the most.
No worries here. You have come to the right-est place for a solution. Let’s talk about solving this stuttering issue in Hogwarts Legacy. Hop in!
Read More: How To Unlock Locked Doors & Chests in Hogwarts Legacy
How to Fix Stutter Issue on PC for Hogwarts Legacy
Now, there are a couple of solutions to follow. We will go through each of them accordingly. Without further ado, let’s get into this.
Lower the Graphics Settings
At the very first, play with your Graphics settings. Start with setting the quality of Sky and Texture to Low and the Population Quality to Medium. This should pretty much do it. But if it doesn’t, check out the other methods down below.
Disable Control Flow Guard
Control Flow Guard (CFG) is a feature that constantly monitors security regarding threats on your PC. However, there are multiple reports that the stuttering issue in Hogwarts Legacy has to do something with CFG. We will now look into it right away:
- Open the Start menu and search for Exploit Protection
- Head to the Program settings bar and look for Add program to customize menu
- Now, select Choose exact file path and browse the .exe file of Hogwarts Legacy. If you are running through Steam, your path will be C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy
- A new window will pop up. Scroll down below until you find the CFG menu
- You will see a box that is tagged Override system settings. Check the box
- There will be a toggle button just below. If it is turned on, turn it off and then hit Apply at the very end
- All you have to do is now restart your PC and then run Hogwarts Legacy. You should be good to go from here.
Modify the Engine.ini file
This might be a bit pain, but you are welcome to try. And yes, it works as well.
- At first, make sure that Windows File Explorer shows all the hidden files
- Now, head to AppData\Local\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
- Search for the Engine.ini file.
- Make a copy of it and store somewhere else other than this address in case you want to revert to the original settings
- Now, open the original file with Notepad
Copy and Paste the following lines of codes |
[SystemSettings] r.bForceCPUAccessToGPUSkinVerts=True r.GTSyncType=2 *** Sync to the GPU swap chain flip ** r.OneFrameThreadLag=1 r.FinishCurrentFrame=0 r.ScreenPercentage=100 r.DynamicRes.OperationMode=0 r.DynamicRes.MinScreenPercentage=100 r.DynamicRes.MaxScreenPercentage=100 RHI.SyncWithDWM=1 D3D12.SyncWithDWM=1 r.VSync=1 r.FullScreenMode=0 r.TextureStreaming=1 r.Streaming.PoolSize=2048 # 6GB 2048/8GB 3072/12GB 4096/5120 r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM=1 r.Streaming.HLODStrategy=0 # 2/1 (options) ***RAM +300, FPS -3, 0 FASTEST/SMOOTHEST*** r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed=512 # 256/512*/1024*/2048/100000 (options) r.Streaming.Boost=1 r.Streaming.MipBias=0 r.Streaming.MinMipForSplitRequest=10 # 0 ***GPU HEAVY?*** loads all mips, 1 load visible mips first r.Streaming.HiddenPrimitiveScale=1 r.DetailMode=2 r.Streaming.FullyLoadUsedTextures=0 r.Streaming.DefragDynamicBounds=1 r.Streaming.UseBackgroundThreadPool=1 r.Streaming.FramesForFullUpdate=5 s.LevelStreamingComponentsUnregistrationGranularity=10 s.LevelStreamingComponentsRegistrationGranularity=50 r.Streaming.NumStaticComponentsProcessedPerFrame=500 s.AsyncLoadingTimeLimit=2 s.PriorityAsyncLoadingExtraTime=1 s.UnregisterComponentsTimeLimit=2 s.LevelStreamingActorsUpdateTimeLimit=2 s.PriorityLevelStreamingActorsUpdateExtraTime=1 r.Tonemapper.Quality=1 r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization=0 # disable film grain r.TonemapperGamma=1.5 ; enable tonemapper gamma (improved s-curve to linear gamma by default), 0-(reverts to linear gamma) r.Color.Mid=0.7 ; added to counteract a slightly lower tonemappergamma value, improves colors (less “washed-out”) r.TonemapperFilm=1 # set to 0 if colors are weird gc.TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects=180 gc.NumRetriesBeforeForcingGC=5 gc.MinDesiredObjectsPerSubTask=20 s.ForceGCAfterLevelStreamedOut=0 s.ContinuouslyIncrementalGCWhileLevelsPendingPurge=0 r.ForceAllCoresForShaderCompiling=1 r.ShaderPipelineCache.BatchTime=2 r.ShaderPipelineCache.BackgroundBatchTime=0 s.IoDispatcherCacheSizeMB=256 r.AOComputeShaderNormalCalculation=1 D3D12.ForceThirtyHz=0 r.AllowOcclusionQueries=1 r.OcclusionCullParallelPrimFetch=1 D3D12.InsertOuterOcclusionQuery=1 D3D12.ResidencyManagement=1 D3D12.StablePowerState=0 D3D12.TexturePoolOnlyAccountStreamableTexture=1 D3D12.UseUpdateTexture3DComputeShader=1 D3D12.ZeroBufferSizeInMB=64 D3D12.AsyncDeferredDeletion=1 r.RHICmdSpewParallelListBalance=0 r.RHICmdBypass=0 r.RHICmdShadowDeferredContexts=1 r.RHICmdMergeSmallDeferredContexts=1 r.RHICmdBalanceParallelLists=1 ** 2 might be better but need testing ** r.RHICmdBalanceTranslatesAfterTasks=1 ** disabled by r.RHICmdBalanceParallelLists ** r.RHICmdCollectRHIThreadStatsFromHighLevel=0 r.RHICmdDeferSkeletalLockAndFillToRHIThread=1 ** experimental** r.RHICmdWidth=12 rhi.SyncInterval=1 rhi.SyncSlackMS=0 ** raise to 10 in case of hitches, tune it as needed ** r.D3D12.ExecuteCommandListTask=1 r.RHICmdBufferWriteLocks=0 ** disabled, it should only used in debugging mode ** r.RHICmdUseThread=1 ** use a separate thread for RHICmdList ** r.RHICmdAsyncRHIThreadDispatch=1 r.DiscardUnusedQuality=1 ** need more testing, but suppose to discard unused mips quality on load ** r.D3D.ForceDXC=1 r.D3D.ForceShaderConductorDXCRewrite=1 r.LODFadeTime=0.200 r.SubsurfaceScattering=1 r.SSS.Scale=2.5 # 2.5/1.5/1.1/1 (options) ***GPU HEAVY*** r.SSS.Filter=2 r.SSS.Quality=1 r.SSS.SampleSet=2 r.SSS.Checkerboard=0 r.SSS.HalfRes=0 r.SubsurfaceQuality=1 # (N/A) r.SSS.Burley.NumSamplesOverride=0 # (N/A) r.SSS.Burley.Quality=0 # (N/A) r.SSS.Burley.BilateralFilterKernelFunctionType=1 # (N/A) r.PostProcessAAQuality=6 r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasing=2 r.TemporalAASamples=2 r.TemporalAAPauseCorrect=1 r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight=0.1 r.TemporalAAFilterSize=0.5 r.TemporalAASharpness=0.8 r.Tonemapper.Sharpen=1 r.Jittering=1 r.MaxQualityMode=1 r.MaxAnisotropy=16 r.Filter.LoopMode=0 r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur=0 r.MotionBlur.Max=0 ; Sets motion blur amount r.MotionBlurQuality=0 r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure=0 r.DefaultFeature.LensFlare=0 r.DepthOfField=0 r.GaussianDOF=0 r.DepthOfField.FarBlur=0 r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0 r.DOF.Kernel.MaxBackgroundRadius=0.0000 r.SceneColorFringe.Max=0 r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0 ; disables chromatic aberration r.PostProcessing.PropagateAlpha=0 ; “scene alpha channel support in the post processing” r.GBufferFormat=1 ; higher-precision GBuffer r.Filter.SizeScale=1 ; scale up sample count for bloom/DOF r.EmitterSpawnRateScale=2 ; double the emitter/particle count r.DFFullResolution=1 ; “full resolution distance field shadowing” r.SceneColorFormat=4 [ConsoleVariables] AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdates=1 AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesDuringGamethreadUpdates=1 AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesEditor=1 [/script/engine.inputsettings] bEnableMouseSmoothing=False |
- Save the file and Restart Hogwarts Legacy. This would do the trick. And if any other issue arises, you can always replace this file with the original one you copied at another location.
Verify File Integrity
You can also verify the integrity of the game files. First, launch Steam. Then, tap on Hogwarts Legacy installation and go to the Properties. Then head to Local Files and then Verify the Integrity of Game Files. Steam will do the rest.
And that is all I had for the Stuttering issue in Hogwarts Legacy. Check out if you are also having Twitch Drops Not Working and Robotic Voice issue in Hogwarts Legacy. Until next time!