Genshin Impact “Hilidream Camp” Web Event: Event Details, Free Primogems, Furniture Blueprints, and more

Nawshad Noor
By Nawshad Noor
6 Min Read
Credit: Mihoyo

Genshin Impact recently opened a new web event called “Hilidream Camp”.

The new web event has players help Hilichurls with crafting furniture. The Traveler in Genshin Impact accidentally enters an Adepti’s Abode by chance. Upon entering the abode you are greeted by the Teapot Spirit who informs you that Hilichurls have invaded and started making huts and furniture.

The Teapot Spirit however is unsatisfied with the way Hilichurls are building the furniture as they are horrible. So he asks you, the Traveller who has visited many places to help make furniture for the Hilichurls. That’s the premise of the web event where players have to collect materials like wood and paint to make furniture for the Hlichurls and decorate their house.

Completing the web event has lucrative rewards like free Primogems and furniture blueprints that can be used in the Serenitea Pot releasing in v1.5.

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How to Enter:

You can enter the web event by going to the official event page. After entering the event page you will be asked to enter your Mihoyo account credentials. Upon successfully logging in you can press the start button to enter the event.

Event Duration:

The Hilidream Camp Web Event will run from 2021/4/21 13:002021/4/27 23:59 (UTC+8).


Players aove Adventure Rank 10 or above can get access to the event.

Gameplay Details:

The Hilidream camp Web Event is played outside of Genshin Impact on Mihoyos’s official web event page. Players will have to log in each day, collect raw materials by completing certain tasks. Then they can craft furniture using different materials and place them inside the Hilichurl house to decorate it.

Hilidream Camp EVent Tasks
Hilidream Camp Event Tasks

“During the event, Travelers can craft furnishings using combinations of any three of four types of materials. When you have unlocked a certain amount of furnishings, you can claim Primogems and in-game furnishings as rewards.

Travelers can also place and arrange unlocked furnishings on the Room Interior screen however you wish.”

Event Rewards:

Crafting Rewards:

Every time a player crafts a piece of new furniture in the Web event, in-game rewards will be sent to them via in-game mail 5-10 minutes later. These rewards can range from heroes with to More to other things.

All Rewards:

Below are all the rewards you can unlock after completing certain milestones in the Hilidream Camp Web Event-

  • 120 Primogems
  • “Pine Folding Screen: Billowing Sails”
  • “Cloudy Haze Bed”
  • 5000 Mora only the first time for sharing an image of the indoor decoration.

The “Pine Folding Screen: Billowing Sails” and “Cloudy Haze Bed” furniture blueprints will be delivered separately via in-game mail after 4/29 at 12:00 (UTC+8). These rewards will go out to players when the housing system comes in v1.5. These furnishing rewards will be available via other methods in-game in the future.

Important Things to Note:

Some of the important things to note regarding this event are given below-

1. You can craft with multiple of the same material. The order in which you add materials does not affect the accuracy of the combination.

2. Each first crafting attempt of the day (refreshes at 00:00 each day according to your server time) does not require any time to complete. But from the second crafting attempt onward, you will have to wait a set amount of time for crafting to complete:

*The timer will continue to count down as per normal after you leave the event page.

3. The only way to get materials is by completing event tasks. Select Get More Materials to open the task list.

4. There is a set schematic combination for each type of furnishing. In a small number of cases, a schematic combination may result in a Strange Product…

5. Once you start crafting a furnishing, the process cannot be canceled and the materials consumed cannot be retrieved.

Furniture Crafting Recipes:

The furniture crafting recipes are courtesy of “”.

FurnishingMaterials RequiredFirst-Unlock Rewards
Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Hilichurl BedHilichurl BedGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material LogGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material PaintGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Water   x4000 x1
Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Mitachurl MaskMitachurl MaskGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material LogGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material WaterGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Straw   x4000 x1
Genshin - Hilichurl Mask RackHilichurl Mask RackGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material LogGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material PaintGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Paint   x4000 x1
Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Low Stone StoolLow Stone StoolGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material LogGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material WaterGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Water   x4000 x1
Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Round Stone TableRound Stone TableGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material LogGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material LogGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Water   x4000 x1
Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Small Lamp GrassSmall Lamp “Grass”*Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Material PaintGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material WaterGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Water   x4000 x1
Genshin - Hilidream Camp - An Unusual PortraitAn Unusual Portrait*Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Material PaintGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material StrawGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Straw   x4000 x1
Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Downy CarpetDowny CarpetGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material WaterGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material WaterGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Straw   x4000 x1
Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Paper Hanging LampPaper Hanging Lamp*Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Material PaintGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material PaintGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Water   x4000 x1
Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Dancing Tree“Dancing Tree”*Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Material PaintGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material PaintGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Straw   x4000 x1
Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Folding ScreenFolding ScreenGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material LogGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material LogGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Straw   x8000
Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Stone StoveStone StoveGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material PaintGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material WaterGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Straw   x8000
Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Storage CabinetStorage Cabinet*Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Material LogGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material LogGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Paint   x8000
Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Multipurpose PotMultipurpose PotGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material LogGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material StrawGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Straw   x8000
Genshin - Mysterious Wooden LadderMysterious Wooden Ladder*Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Material LogGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material PaintGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Straw   x8000

*: All Furnishings with a star can be interacted with by clicking them!

Failed Crafting Combination

Some combinations will not make valid furniture. The items you make with failed combinations will not appear in the even inventory and cannot be used to decorate. Failed combinations will at least reward the player with some Mora!

Genshin - Hilidream Camp - BroomBroomGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material WaterGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material StrawGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Straw   x1000
Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Giant Wooden ClubGiant Wooden ClubGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material LogGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material LogGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Log   x1000
Genshin - Hilidream Camp - SlimeSlimeGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material WaterGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material WaterGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Water   x1000
Genshin - Hilidream Camp - Hilichurl AfroHilichurl AfroGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material StrawGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material StrawGenshin - Hilidream Camp - Material Straw   x1000

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By Nawshad Noor Guide Writer
Nawshad Noor is a former Editor at GameRiv.