Some recent Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks have revealed the enemy lineup and Blessings of the Spiral Abyss.
Many players consider Spiral Abyss to be the endgame content of Genshin Impact. It is a special domain consisting of 12 floors with various enemies. Players must clear these floors within a certain time to get stars based on the remaining time. The Spiral Abyss also offers rewards for completing it and requires two teams of 8 well-built characters.
The Spiral Abyss enemy lineups change periodically to keep the grind somewhat fresh for the playerbase or add unique benefits of having certain characters. Mihoyo does this to give sales boost to newly released characters by making the Spiral Abyss a little bit favorable for the ones pulling for new characters.
Genshin Impact v3.0 update is coming out in about a month or so. We will finally venture into Sumeru and continue our journey. The new Sumeru update will also introduce new enemies, Dendro element, and mechanics to the game. It’s safe to say that some of these enemies and mechanics will make their way into the Spiral Abyss.
Thanks to some recent leaks from data miners and leakers, we now know the enemy lineup and blessing of the upcoming Genshin Impact 3.0 Spiral Abyss.
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Genshin Impact 3.0 [Beta] Spiral Abyss:
The Spiral Abyss leaks come from a renowned Genshin Impact leaker and data miner, Ubacha. The Genshin Impact 3.0 [Beta] enemy lineup and their health, as well as the Blessings, are given below-
Floor 9:
Floor 10:
Floor 11:
Floor 12:
Spiral Abyss Blessings:
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