New leaks have revealed that Fuse will be the next Legend to get the Heirloom treatment in Season 18.
Heirlooms are the most prestigious cosmetic items in Apex Legends. Despite being expensive and rare, these cosmetic items are the most sought-after in the game. So naturally, everyone wants to get their hands on these rare items.
Currently, there are 18 Heirlooms in Apex Legends, with Horizon’s Heirloom being the most recent one in the Season 17 Dressed to Kill Collection Event. As Respawn never reveals any upcoming Heirloom beforehand, players are always guessing which Legend is next in line to receive this mythic rarity item.
Yet, data miners always dig through the game files and discover secret details about the upcoming content, including unreleased Heirlooms. Here’s everything we know about Fuse’s Heirloom.
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Fuse’s “Razor’s Edge” Heirloom Next in Line
A prominent data miner named KralRindo uncovered secret data that indicated Fuse would be the next Legend to receive Heirloom in Season 18. He found some information related to Fuse-specific cosmetic items that led him to believe this fact.
According to KralRindo, there are five new Ground Emotes and a mythic rarity Banner pose. Moreover, the data miner also found new movement animations related to Fuse.
The developers only add these contents when they release an Heirloom for a specific Legend. This confirms that Fuse will in fact receive his Heirloom in a Collection Event in Season 18.
Moreover, the data miner also found the name of Fuse’s Heirloom alongside the Collection Event name. According to him, the name of Fuse’s Heirloom will be “Razor’s Edge” and it will be released in the Harbingers Collection Event.
When Will Fuse’s Heirloom Release?

Respawn usually releases the Heirlooms through Collection Events. The first Collection Event of Resurrection already went live alongside the new season, featuring the Revenant Heirloom Recolor.
There’ll be at least two more Collection Events released in Season 18. The Fuse Heirloom will come with one of these Collection Events. If Respawn follows the same trend as the previous season, it is very likely that the following Collection Event will feature the Fuse Heirloom and the next one will release the Prestige skin.
And thanks to KralRindo, we already know the name of the upcoming CE, which is called the Harbingers Collection Event. And Fuse mains will get their Razor’s Blade Heirlooms in that same event.
The Death Dynasty Collection Event will end on August 22. So it is very likely that the Harbingers Collection Event will come in the middle or end of September. However, this is just speculation. So take it with a grain of salt.
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