If you are wondering how long it takes to beat Forza Motorsport, then you are not alone. Let’s take a look.
Forza Motorsport has always been a racing paradise for anyone who loves cars. I don’t know about you, but I grew up collecting many hot-wheel cars, and my passion for cars is immense. When I first played the first Forza Motorsport back in 2005, I was shocked at how it could bring out the racer in me.
However, after countless hours of playing Forza Motorsport, I have to say Forza Motorsport (2023) will give you the best immersive experience. The insane graphics and enhanced physics are too good in this game. Though, you will be sad to know about the length of the game (at least I was). But, the developers didn’t aim for a long game; rather, they focused on giving you the best racing experience possible. Good job, Turn 10 Studios.
How long does it take to beat Forza Motorsport?

Now, how long does it take to beat Forza Motorsport (2023)? You can beat Forza Motorsport in 8 hours. Yes, you heard me clearly. The main story only lasts 8 hours. But, hey, that could be the best 8 hours of your life.
If you want to go the extra mile and complete the Main Story and Sides, you have a solid 15-hour gaming experience in the bag. And if you want to go all the way to the finish line, you can do that in 35 hours. Yes, in only 35 hours, you can complete the whole game. You can get all the achievements and trophies available in the game.
As you can see, Forza Motorsport has changed over the years. This year, developers surprised everyone and put all their apples in one basket. They decreased the length of the game, but you get to play with 500 cars. You can also tell that the developers paid close attention to detail. You don’t just play the game anymore; you can feel it.