How To Fix Error Code 1016 in Diablo 4?

Akib Aditya Khan
By Akib Aditya Khan
3 Min Read

Learn the ways to fix Error Code 1016 in Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 is the latest entry of the famous Diablo franchise by Blizzard Entertainment. The game has just been released globally. Diablo 4 has many similarities with its predecessors but also introduces many new features to the game.

As a game by Blizzard Entertainment, players can certainly hope for a game with no issues or bugs. However, considering the game’s age, it is pretty normal to face some crashes and bugs while trying to play the game at this stage. Of all the error codes you might face in Diablo 4, in this guide we will show you the ways to fix the Error Code 1016 in Diablo 4.

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What is Error Code 1016 in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 Error Code 1016
Blizzard Entertainment

If you are facing this error code, you will get a text box on your screen that reads, “Unable to connect to Please check your network settings.” This error code is a pretty common one, which is mainly caused due to your poor internet connection. If you have an unstable internet connection while trying to queue in the game, you might get disconnected from the game and the Error Code 1016 will come up on your screen.

Fix Error Code 1016

Follow the given steps to fix the error code 1016 in Diablo 4.

  • Restart the game and start the queue again: As this error occurs due to an unstable internet connection, the game will close automatically if you don’t get a stable connection with the server. Simply restart the game and try to queue again. This might solve your issue and successfully get you into the game.
  • Check your hardware and network connection: If you are still not being able to get into a game with the above-mentioned step, try restarting your Wi-Fi router, or reconnecting your dongle/ ethernet cable. If the problem still persists, it is advised to take professional help.

Before heading back to your den, check out if you are facing these Error Codes, 40100339602230008316719395002. We have potential fixes for all!

By Akib Aditya Khan Guide Writer
Akib Aditya Khan is a Guide writer at GameRiv. He is also a university-going student who was born and raised in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Akib is an esports enthusiast, which made him passionate about writing on his favorite topic "Esports". If he isn't spending time writing some articles, you can almost always find him watching his favorite esports titles or being a terrible mid-laner in MOBA games.