Epic Games recently revealed all the things they have planned for the upcoming Fortnite Fortnitemares 2021.
Fortnitemares 2021 is right around the corner and most of the Fortnite player base is hyped. Fortnitemares is an important time for many Fortnite players as we get tons of new unique skins, game modes, map changes, and more during this time. From the recent leaks and speculations, we can deduce that this year’s Fortnitemares is going to be significant.
Epic Games recently revealed everything new that’s coming to the game for Fortnitemares 2021. They released a blog post detailing new skins, twists to old popular Fortnitemares skins, New Game Modes, and more.

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Fortnitemares 2021 Details:
Fortnitemares Creative Maps:
This year we will have Halloween-themed maps, games, and experiences made by the Creative community. Epic Games recently announced the Fortnitemares Callout Events where Fortnite Creative enthusiasts can submit their created maps. These will be featured in the “Fortnitemares” section of the playlist menu.

Iconic Fiends, Creatures, and Costumes:
Fortnitemares 2021 has many new and returning Halloween Outfits in store. Throughout the month of October, new Cards will reveal Legendary Monsters coming to the Fortnite item shop. Also, classic Fortnite characters will get new Halloween twists. Every week a new Tarot Card will flip over revealing the new Legendary Monster skin.
Epic Games already revealed two Legenrady Monsters that are coming. They are the Universal Pictures-inspired Frankenstein’s Monster and The Mummy. The Mummy will also later come to the Fortnite island as an NPC.

Fortnite Cubes’ Next Plans:
The Cubes on the Fortnite island are soon going to carry out their next part of the plan. Later this month, the Cubes will escalate their domination of the Island. Epic Games also wrote that A special LTM will be returning as well which could be Horde Rush or the Storm King LTM.
These will also be quests that players can do for some Spooky rewards.

The new Sideways weapon the Dual Fiend Hunters have been added to Fortnite already.

The third part of Fortnitmares will be all about short animated Halloween-themed movies. Below is Epic’s explanation of Shortnightmares.
“Fortnitemares 2021 will be wrapping up with the third Short Nite film festival! Like previous Short Nites, “Shortnitemares” will feature animated shorts — but this time, the shorts will be based on the ghoulish and sinister. Also, this Short Nite will take place in a creator-made movie theater (created by Quantum Builds), where each short’ll have its own theater room. Choose the order you watch them in, or watch them all in a loop in the festival room.”

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