Demon1’s VALORANT Settings

Tahmid Shihab Murshed
By Tahmid Shihab Murshed
6 Min Read
Image via Riot Games

In this article, we’ll guide you through EG Demon1’s new and updated VALORANT settings so you can tweak your settings to get an edge over your opponents.

Evil Geniuses’s Max Mazanov, aka Demon1, is one of the best VALORANT players in the world. Adored by fans worldwide, Max is a force to be reckoned with. Currently, the champions of VALORANT, EG’s victory, had a massive contribution from Demon1.

The dark sheep of VALORANT esports, EG, was ruled out as a dominant side before VCT Champions 2023. However, to everyone’s surprise, EG blasted through the VCT Champions, with Demon1 boasting the highest K/D ratio.

Read More: How to Check Your Total Playtime in VALORANT

EG Demon1’s Updated VALORANT Settings

Like any other pro, Demon1 uses specific VALORANT settings to complement his playstyle. These settings definitely do not make him one of the best players in the world, but they surely help him stay consistent. Each video setting in the game, keyboard, mouse settings, and mouse sensitivity are adjusted to match his play style.

EG Demon1 VALORANT Settings
Image via Riot GAmes

Also, keep in mind that pro players like Demon1 often change their VALORANT settings. The changes are always very minimal and remain within a specific range. So, it is always suggested to follow pro players’ VALORANT settings but not mimic them exactly, as they might not fit your gameplay style.

So, without further ado, let’s find out what settings Demon1 uses so you can tweak yours and take your VALORANT mastery to the next level. You should go through each setting and find out what suits you best, then use it exactly or modify it to your liking.

Video Settings

EG Demon1's Video Settings

The visual is critical, as it decides what you can or cannot see in the heat of the battle. Demon1 uses a 16:9 resolution with low settings, so he gets maximum fps without losing clarity. Here’s what EG Demon1 uses as his VALORANT video settings:


Aspect Ratio16:9
Aspect Ratio MethodLetterbox
Display ModeFullscreen

Graphics Quality

Multithreaded RenderingOn
Material QualityLow
Texture QualityLow
Detail QualityLow
UI QualityLow
Anti-AliasingMSAA 4x
Anisotropic Filtering4x
Improve ClarityOff
Experimental SharpeningOn
Cast ShadowsOff

General Settings

EG Demon1's General Settings

Apart from the video settings, Demon1 uses some specific general settings for visual clarity. Like other pros, he uses the Tritanopia Enemy Highlight Color for enemies.


Enemy Highlight ColorPurple (Tritanopia)


Fixed OrientationBased On Side
Keep Player CenteredOff
Minimap Size1.2
Minimap Zoom0.8
Minimap Vision ConesOn
Show Map Region NamesAlways


EG Demon1 Keybinds

Now that you know Demon1’s video settings, it’s time to see what keybinds he uses for fluid movement and commands.

JumpSpace Bar/Mouse Wheel Down
Use ObjectF
Equip Primary Weapon1
Equip Secondary Weapon2
Equip Melee Weapon3
Equip Spike4
Use/Equip Ability: 1C
Use/Equip Ability: 2Q
Use/Equip Ability: 3E
Use/Equip Ability: UltimateX

EG Demon1’s Crosshair Settings

EG Demon1 uses a white dot crosshair with a black outline. The small crosshair helps Demon1 focus clearly and hit enemies from any distance.


Crosshair Color#ffffff
Outline Opacity1
Outline Thickness1
Center DotOn
Center Dot Opacity1
Center Dot Thickness2

Inner Lines

Show Inner LinesOff
Inner Line Opacity0
Inner Line Length0
Inner Line Thickness0
Inner Line Offset0
Movement ErrorOff
Firing ErrorOff

Outer Lines

Show Outer LinesOff
Movement ErrorOff
Movement Error Multiplier0
Firing ErrorOff
Firing Error Multiplier0

Crosshair Code


EG Demon1’s Mouse Settings

Demon1 uses low mouse sensitivity. Here is the list of current VALORANT mouse sensitivity settings that EG Demon1 has.

In-game Sensitivity.1
Mouse DPI1600
Windows Sensitivity6
Mouse Polling Rate4000Hz
Scoped Sensitivity Multiplier1
Raw Input BufferOn
Invert MouseOff


Like other pro players and content creators, EG Demon1 also uses specific gears that let him play at his best. VALORANT is a very competitive game. So, having these gears will definitely give you an edge over others. Here is a list of all the gear that Demon1 uses:

MonitorZOWIE XL2566K
MouseG-Wolves Hati S+ 4K
KeyboardWOOTING 60 HE
HeadphoneHyperX Cloud II
MousepadZOWIE G-SR-SE Rouge

So, there you go! These are the new VALORANT settings and gears EG Demon1 is currently using in 2023. As mentioned earlier, you should always tweak your settings according to your preferences and accessibility. So, try out Demon1’s new VALORANT settings and adjust them with your own playstyle to get maximum output.

By Tahmid Shihab Murshed FPS Writer
Tahmid Shihab Murshed is an FPS writer at GameRiv. Born with a knack for gaming, he has played all types of games out there. He has a heartfelt love for Call of Duty, and other shooter titles out there.