Skins always add new ways you can enjoy a game.
Inside Dragon Ball: The Breakers, there are two basic kinds of characters in the game. These characters include Survivors and Raiders. In fact, there are different kinds of Raiders and survivors skins to choose from. Skins are certainly one of the things which players love to collect in online games. During the beta testing, Dragon Ball: The Breakers added a few skins for survivors and Raiders.
In fact, each Raider and Survivor skin has different types of abilities. Among all skins for survivors, Dragon Ball Z fans should be familiar with Bulma and Oolong. If you are wondering how you can get the skins of Bulma and Oolong and play using them in Dragon Ball: The Breakers. Below we have made a complete guide on it.
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How to Play as Bulma and Oolong in Dragon Ball: The Breakers
As for now, there are three skins available in the game. One includes the farmer from the Dragon Ball Z series, and the last two include Bulma and Oolong. Both Bulma and Oolong have different abilities you can use to distract or get away from the Raider. To get these skins, however, you will not have to do anything since you will have access to them from the start of the game.

Since the skins are available to all players, all you have to do is, go to the battle settings option. Then go to the Survivor tab, and here you will see the character you created alongside the skins you have unlocked. From there, choose Bulma or Oolong, who you want to be. Moreover, when selecting a skin, remember to choose the best skills that go along with your strategy.
Now coming back to the skills Bulma and Oolong have. Well, their skills are weak compared to the Raiders who will come looking for your soul. However, Oolong’s ability to change into a missile or any object can help escape a challenging situation. Moreover, Bulma’s ability to use a motorbike or her looks to distract Raiders can be helpful too. So depending on how you use the skills with your teammates, they can be beneficial.
Apart from changing the skins inside Dragon Ball: The Breakers, if you are wondering how to be a Raider in every match. You can check out our article on How to be the Raider in Dragon Ball: The Breakers.