Destiny 2: How to Increase Vanguard Rank

Annanda Islam
By Annanda Islam
15 Min Read
Image Source: Bungie

Are you looking for an efficient way to increase your Vanguard Rank? Then, you are in luck, as here we will talk about how to swiftly increase your Vanguard Rank in “Season of the Haunted.”

Destiny 2 is a popular looter-shooter video game created by Bungie, also well-known for developing the Halo franchise. In this MMO RPG, you can select from three distinct classes and earn diverse gears and exotics to customize your Guardian’s appearance. You can also level up your characters by completing activities such as Nightfall, Crucible, Gambit, and more.

Since the release of Destiny 2, Bungie has constantly been adding new content through new DLCs or Seasonal updates. Along with new seasons, they introduce some new activities that are closely linked with in-game Vendors. Therefore, players need to Rank up with these Vendors in order to get access to these activities.

Similarly, players need to upgrade their rank with the Vanguard playlist to access the nightfall strikes. Players can play through vanguard ops missions, and nightfall strikes to gain vanguard points to level up their ranks. Like other vendors, Zavala handles the vanguard ops, nightfall strike, and its respective ranks.

What is Vanguard Rank?

Image Source: Bungie

The Vanguard is a faction consisting of high-ranking Guardians considered the best of their respective classes. Before The Red War, it originally resided in the Hall of Guardians in the Tower. The Vanguard was formed in the City Age, with Tallulah Fairwind, Saint-14, and Osiris becoming the first Vanguard.

Vanguard rank is the highest-ranking faction in Destiny 2 and is accessible from Zavala. Zavala is the warlock class’s leader, located in the Tower. The vanguard rank is one of the best ways to reward players with Nightfall strikes and other seasonal activities.

Vanguard activities have multiple rank systems, most of which will reward you with valuable gears and Engrams. Unfortunately, you have to play a lot of Nightfall strikes and Vanguard playlists to reach the maximum rank in the Vanguard.

How to Increase your Vanguard Rank?

Image Source: Bungie

There are a total of Sixteen Vanguard Ranks in Destiny 2. Players must earn a certain amount of vanguard points to ascend to the next rank. After reaching the next rank, players can visit Zavala to receive the Vanguard rank-up rewards.

There are a total of three ways to obtain vanguard points in Destiny 2. Among them, the Nightfall strike is the most reliable and efficient way to obtain the vanguard points. You can also earn vanguard points by playing seasonal activities and the vanguard playlists.

The vanguard reputation is earned through strike completions. The amount earned is determined by strike difficulty and streak bonus. The higher the difficulty of the strike, the more reputation you’ll get in ascending order.

These are map and playlist strikes: adept, hero, legend, master, and grandmaster nightfalls. The streak bonus refers to running strikes back to back uninterrupted. This streak goes up to five times and significantly increases your reputation gains.

Remember that your streak will end when you enter a new activity or destination. However, closing and restarting the game does not end a streak. Therefore, you may leave at any time and return as long as you do not start a new activity.

Additionally, visiting the Tower will preserve your streak. Your streak can be increased by completing any strike. All of them count as a plus one on the streak, so you can quickly run the easiest strike with the fastest speed to establish a level five streak.

The lake of shadows will be the quickest strike to execute, taking only roughly four minutes to complete. Therefore, simply load this from the EDZ and run it five times consecutively until you obtain a complete streak bonus.

Nightfalls Strike Points

Image Source: Bungie
Source Points Without StreakOne StreakTwo StreakThree StreakFour StreakFive Streak
Vanguard Ops Playlist607590105120135
Nightfall (Adept)120135150165180195
Nightfall (Hero)180195210225240255
Nightfall (Legend)240 255290285300315
Nightfall (Master)300315330345360475
Nightfall (Grandmaster)300315330345360475
Points Earned from each strike

These numbers are rough estimations of how much you can obtain from each strike with or without the streak bonus. These numbers depend on various factors, for example, the number of champions killed and the compilation level.

You will receive fewer points if you kill a few champions. Therefore, you must compete with the champions to earn more points. Remember, The champions of the hero’s difficulty are extremely fragile. So this will be the ideal nightfall to run, particularly for solo players, as it has matchmaking to find you a group.

The legend version has slightly stronger champions, so unless you have a well-coordinated team, this could be difficult for you, and you might end up wasting time when you could run lower levels faster. On top of that, a five-streak with platinum only yields 315 points, which is only 50 points higher than the hero version difficulty.

Choosing between legend and hero will ultimately depend on how quickly you and your squad can comfortably and consistently run the nightfall, which is a decision you must decide for yourselves.

Total Points To Rank Up

Image Source: Bungie

With a five-streak completion, you can earn a maximum of 475 points from the master and grandmaster Nightfalls. However, keep in mind that these numbers can range from 60 to 475 because other variables significantly influence the point distributions. Therefore, if you yield the maximum number with each strike completion, it will take you approximately 21 completions to achieve the Legend Vanguard Rank.

Rank Name Total Points Required Next Rank Requirements
Guardian I0 – 4950
Guardian II50 – 12475
Guardian III125 – 249125
Brave I250 – 499250
Brave II500 – 949450
Brave III950 – 1549600
Heroic I1550 – 1924375
Heroic II1925 – 2524600
Heroic III2525 – 3349825
Fabled I3350 – 3874525
Fabled II3875 – 4649775
Fabled III4650 – 56991050
Mythic I5700 – 6449750
Mythic II6450 – 75241075
Mythic III7525 – 89991475
Legend9000 – 10000Maxed
All vanguard Ranks Points Requirements.

Rewards for Increasing Vanguard Rank

Image Source: Bungie

Destiny will reset all progress toward vendor ranks and rewards at the end of the season, at which point new season-specific rewards will become available. Players’ rank advancement is cumulative across their accounts and platforms.

Commander Zavala, representing the Vanguard, can be found in the Courtyard of the Tower. At the beginning of any Season, players must rank up their Vanguard Ranks by completing Vanguard playlist activities in order to purchase things from Commander Zavala.

When players collect the final rank award from Zavala, their Vanguard Ranks will reset automatically. Resetting Vanguard Ranks enables players to continue earning rank-up rewards, with a few rewards differing from their initial Season completion.

List of weapons

Image Source: Bungie
Item NameTypeSlotImpactRangeStabilityHandlingReload SpeedRPM
Origin StoryAuto RiflesKinetic2961464347450
Positive OutlookAuto RiflesEnergy2961484549350
Archimedes TruthSniper RiflesPower Weapons5537406661140
PersuaderSniper RiflesEnergy5539416761140
Persuader (S1)Sniper RiflesPower Weapons5539426761140
Daedalus CodeHand CannonsEnergy8039416662150
Living MemoryHand CannonsKinetic8444534745140
Deadpan DeliveryShotgunsEnergy802731333755
Main IngredientFusion RiflesEnergy8063543832140
Nameless MidnightScout RiflesKinetic6246444750180
NightshadePulse RiflesKinetic2740596962450
Punching OutSidearmsEnergy3529675749450
Curtain CallRocket LaunchersPower Weapons31266425
Royal EntryRocket LaunchersPower Weapons54483615
Empty VesselGrenade LaunchersEnergy32686890
Double-Edged AnswerSwordsPower Weapons5964
All Weapon Rewards From Vangaured Ranks

List of Armor

Image Source: Bungie
Item NameItem Type
Phobos Warden BootsLeg Armor
Phobos Warden BondWarlock Bonds
Phobos Warden CloakHunter Cloaks
Phobos Warden CowlHelmets
Phobos Warden GauntletsGauntlets
Phobos Warden GlovesGauntlets
Phobos Warden GraspsGauntlets
Phobos Warden GreavesLeg Armor
Phobos Warden HelmHelmets
Phobos Warden MarkTitan Marks
Phobos Warden MaskHelmets
Phobos Warden PlateChest Armor
Phobos Warden RobesChest Armor
Phobos Warden StridesLeg Armor
Phobos Warden VestChest Armor
Photosuede BondWarlock Bonds
Photosuede BootsLeg Armor
Photosuede CloakHunter Cloaks
Photosuede GauntletsGauntlets
Photosuede GlovesGauntlets
Photosuede GripsGauntlets
Photosuede GreavesLeg Armor
Photosuede HelmetHelmets
Photosuede HoodHelmets
Photosuede MarkTitan Marks
Photosuede MaskHelmets
Photosuede PlateChest Armor
Photosuede RobesChest Armor
Photosuede StridesLeg Armor
Photosuede VestChest Armor
All Armor Rewards From Vangaured Ranks

Reward as Hunter

Image Source: Bungie
Item NameItem Type
The Took OffenseChest Armor
The Took OffenseGauntlets
The Took OffenseHelmets
The Took OffenseHunter Cloaks
The Took OffenseLeg Armor
All Armor Rewards From Vangaured Ranks as a Hunter

Reward as Warlock

Image Source: Bungie
Item NameItem Type
Xenos Vale BondWarlock Bonds
Xenos Vale IVHelmets
Xenos Vale IVLeg Armor
Xenos Vale IVChest Armor
Xenos Vale IVGauntlets
All Armor Rewards From Vangaured Ranks as a Warlock

Reward as Titan

Image Source: Bungie
Item NameItem Type
Mark of ShelterTitan Marks
The Shelter in PlaceHelmets
The Shelter in PlaceLeg Armor
The Shelter in PlaceChest Armor
The Shelter in PlaceGauntlets
All Armor Rewards From Vangaured Ranks as a Titan

Additional Rewards

Image Source: Bungie
Item NameItem typeQuantity
Fulfillment OrnamentWeapon Ornaments1x
Plated LupinusShaders1x
Vanguard MagnusShaders1x to 5x
Vanguard DisciplineShaders1x to 5x
Vanguard UnityShaders1x to 5x
Legendary ShardsMaterials3x to 7x
Legendary WeaponWeapons1x
Legendary ArmorArmors1x
All Additional Rewards From Vangaured Ranks

Tips & Tricks for Increasing your Vanguard Rank faster

Image Source: Bungie

Farming the vanguard reputation is no easy task, especially if you don’t know how or where to farm vanguard reputation. If you want farm vanguard’s reputation efficiently, then you should wait for the lake of shadow strike as weekly nightfall as this is very fast and easy to complete, and it is one of the best activities to farm over and over.

You can get up to 3000 points an hour If you can optimize this method and farm constantly. You can easily reach up to 6000 points per hour when there is an active double vanguard reputations week. It will be much easier to max your rank and reset a couple of times within the same week.

You can run lake of shadows five times from the directory to quickly get a five streak, then jump into the hero difficulty nightfalls to get a high amount of reputation at a quick and efficient rate, even as a solo player.

Hopefully, this guide was helpful and you have learned something new. You can also check out our other guides that will also help you to take your Destiny journey to the next level. Good luck out there, Guardians.

By Annanda Islam Guide Writer
Annanda Islam is a passionate gamer and writer at GameRiv. With an innate passion for gaming, Annanda loves FPS action and RPG.