Destiny 2: How To Earn The Vidmaster Title

Annanda Islam
By Annanda Islam
7 Min Read
Image Source: Bungie

Are you looking for the easiest way to obtain The Vidmaster Title in Destiny 2? Then you are in luck, as here we will go through all the challenges you need to complete to get The Deadeye Title.

Bungie is constantly adding new content to the game with each new update as it is a live service title. With these seasonal content drops, they also add new Titles and Seals to the game, which players really appreciate. Players can earn these various Titles and Seals by completing specific challenges.

Likewise, to earn The Vidmaster Title in Destiny 2, players must complete all 30th-anniversary triumphs, and completing some additional challenges will reward you the seal. Here we will go through all the challenges you need to complete in order to get this Title.

This list was updated Based on Season of the Haunted (Season 17).

How To Earn The Vidmaster Title

Image Source: Bungie

There is a total of ten challenges you need to complete before obtaining The Vidmaster Title in Destiny 2. While some of these challenges can be completed in one go, others might take a couple of weeks, depending on how well you can complete these challenges every week.

Some of these challenges are also time-gated, meaning you can’t complete every challenge at once. Instead, you have to complete these challenges at a specific time. However, this should not be too challenging to obtain with proper loadout and well-coordinated teams.

The Vidmaster Title Requirements

Let’s See What You’ll Be Taking Home

Image Source: Bungie

Spend 20 Treasure Keys in Xur’s Treasure Room of Eternity

This triumph is fairly straightforward. You only need to gather 20 treasure keys from dares of eternity, and they drop from the chest at the end. Then you need to open up the loot chest from Xur’s treasure room in eternity.

Fateful Spin

Image Source: Bungie

Face each of the Wheel of Adversity’s challenges in Dares of Eternity on Legend difficulty

You must complete the three variations of legend dares of eternity for this triumph, which rotates each week on Tuesday. So be aware that you can’t do this in one sitting. Instead, it’s time gated challenge and split over three weeks.

Repeat Winner

Image Source: Bungie

Defeat final bosses in Dares of Eternity 20 times

This is another straightforward triumph. After completing the dares of eternity challenge, just kill the final boss in the dares of eternity 20 times.

Special Guest Scar

Image Source: Bungie

Defeat Xur’s Chosen in the Lightning Round

This triumph is probably one of the most challenging ones, not because it’s difficult but because you have to rely on RNG. Sometimes during the final round of dares of eternity, you can enter into the lightning round, similar to triggering a heroic public event.

When more challenging enemies spawn, one of them is named Xur’s chosen. Xur’s chosen spawns at the start of the second wave of enemies, so it’s worth keeping your eyes peeled for this particular enemy. To complete this triumph, you have to kill Xur’s chosen three times.

Old Friends, Old Couch

Image Source: Bungie

Complete Dares of Eternity on Legend difficulty with a fireteam of two to four Guardians

For this triumph, you have to complete dares of eternity in legend mode with two and four players in your fireteam.

However, if you’ve got one, five, or six, then this isn’t going to count. For this one, you need some friends or clan mates to complete. That’s probably the easiest and best option, or you can use Bungie’s LFG app and let people know you’re trying to complete the old friend’s old couch triumph.

Daring Displays

Image Source: Bungie

Complete 15 Starhorse bounties

Weekly and Legend-difficulty Starhorse bounties grant additional progress. You need to complete 15 Starhorse bounties. It is worth noting that you can only hold one at a time, and it will take a little bit of grinding, but it is pretty simple. Just follow the objectives on the bounties, and given they are star horse bounties, you will have a chat with star horse and Xur’s treasure horde to pick up the bounties.

Paraversal Prize

Image Source: Bungie

Earn the Exotic Sidearm, Forerunner.

You have to earn the Forerunner exotic sidearm, which has an exotic quest on its own. Forerunner is a reprised version of the magnum pistol from halo, and this mission takes you through Dares of eternity.

Grasp of Avarice Complete

Image Source: Bungie

Complete the “Grasp of Avarice” dungeon

This triumph is another straightforward one. It’s completing the rasp of Avarice dungeon, and you can find that one in the cosmodrome, but for this, you do need to own the 30th-anniversary pack, given the dungeon is locked behind the paid content.

And Out Fly the Wolves

Image Source: Bungie

Earn the Exotic Rocket Launcher Gjallarhorn

You have to get the exotic rocket launcher Gjallarhorn, and again this one has a specific quest related to it. Gjallarhorn is an exotic weapon from Destiny 1 and arguably the most powerful exotic in Destiny’s history.

The Richest Dead Man Alive

Image Source: Bungie

Recover all 12 of Wilhelm-7’s messages

You have to gather all 12 of Wilhelm-7’s messages in the grasp of the avarice dungeon. These are little voice messages you can find in the dungeon. While some of them are fairly straightforward to obtain, others might take some time. However, with a little bit of preparation, you can collect all of them in one go.

These are all the challenges you need to complete to earn The Deadeye Title in Destiny 2. Hopefully, this guide was helpful, and you have learned something new. And if you find this guide helpful, you may also want to check out our other guides as well.

By Annanda Islam Guide Writer
Annanda Islam is a passionate gamer and writer at GameRiv. With an innate passion for gaming, Annanda loves FPS action and RPG.