Are you looking for the best exotics for the Titan class? If you are a Titan main and don’t know which are the best exotics for this particular class, then you are in luck. Here, we will showcase some of the best exotics for the Titan class in Destiny 2.
Destiny 2 is a free-to-play looter shooter multiplayer online game where you and your friend can join a constantly evolving world at any time. You can customize your character and gear with the right skills and knowledge. You can also collect gears and weapons from the world loot pool, or you can do various activities with your friends and clanmates.
There are various types of gears in Destiny 2, and Exotic gears are the best of them all. They have some exotics perks and ability, which makes your loadout more potent. In addition, you can make robust builds for your characters with the right exotic equipped in your arsenal. Having said that, they are extremely rare and very hard to come by.
Like other guardians who are lost in this vast loot pool and don’t know which exotics are good and how to get them, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will talk about some of the best Titan exotics available in the game and the quickest & easiest possible way to obtain them.
Best Titan Exotics
Titans are disciplined and proud, and they are also capable of both aggressive assaults and stalwart defenses. With the Titan class, you can set your hammer ablaze, crack the sky with lightning, and go toe-to-toe with any opponent. In addition to that, the Titans have the strongest shield in the game, and your team will stand tall behind the strength of your shield. So naturally, exotics that can boost your shield strength and help your allies should be the main priority.
There are four armor types in Destiny 2, and you can modify each piece individually. While there are some sets of armor in the game that can only be beneficial with the full set. If you really want to customize your ability, individual armor is the way to go, and these are:
- Helmet
- Gauntlets
- Chest Armor
- Leg Armor
Loreley Splendor Helm (Helmet)

Loreley Splendor Helm is one of the best helmets for the solar Titans. When your health is critical, and you have a fully charged class ability, then The Cauterizing Flame exotic perks will create a Sunspot under you that will increase your health restoration. Additionally, you can also create a sunspot by Casting your Class Ability.
How to get:
There are only two ways to obtain the Loreley Splendor Helm in Destiny 2. The first one is from Ikora as a quest compilation reward. Secondly, You can farm this helmet from the legendary or master difficulty lost sectors. But you should keep in mind that Both of these methods require you to complete the Witch Queen campaign with legendary difficulty.
Ursa Furiosa (Gauntlets)

Ursa Furiosa is an excellent choice for some of the challenging PvE content in the game. Ursine Guard allows you to move faster while guarding any object with your Sentinel Shield. In addition to that, Guarded damage converts to super energy when the super ends. While blocking with Sentinel Shield, you can move 90% faster than your normal speed. But you should keep in mind that Overshields will prevent energy conversion. So naturally, you should avoid such abilities which give you oversheild in order to fully utilize this gauntlet.
How to get:
You can get the Ursa Furiosa from various sources. First of all, It is an exotic drop from some of the endgame activities like Nightfalls and such. You can also buy it from the Xur when it is available in his stock. Lastly, you can get this exotic gauntlet by focusing on exotics engrams.
Cuirass of a Falling Star (Chest Armor)

Cuirass of a Falling Star is arguably the best Titans exotic currently available in the game. Glorious Charge Greatly increases your Thundercrash impact damage and also grants you an overshield that lasts longer the farther you travel before striking a target. Thundercrash deals 100% more damage, and upon Thundercrash Deactivation, you will gain a 100HP Overshield for 7 seconds. However, Overshield Duration also scales with Thundercrash Distance, and it can go up to a max of 20 seconds. Most of the Destiny 2 community agrees that this exotic is one of the best Chest armor for the Titans.
How to get:
There is only one way to obtain the Cuirass of a Falling Star, and that is by completing the lost sector in legendary or master difficulty. Unfortunately, you can not get this from the lost sectors if you complete them while in a group or with your friends. Therefore, you have to complete the lost sector while in solo mode in order to get this awesome exotic chest armor.
Dunemarchers (Leg Armor)

Dunemarchers is an excellent option for PvP Titans. Linear Actuators Increase your Sprint Speed by 6.25% and Slide Distance by 33%, and Sprinting builds up a static charge. In addition to that, after attacking an enemy with your melee, that Charge will chain damage to nearby enemies. Since Titans are a little bit slow compared to other classes, sprint boost is really a great option for them.
How to get:
You can obtain the Dunemarchers by focusing on exotic engrams. As it is a random exotic drop, you can get it from anywhere if you are lucky enough. Although there is no simple method to obtain this weapon, your best bet is to wait and focus on your exotic engrams and hope you get lucky.
These are the best Titan exotic currently available in the game. Although there are so many exotics available in Destiny 2, you can choose any one of them if they have some niche stats that you are looking for specifically. Also, as long as you are enjoying the armor perks and it works really well with your playstyle, then you are good to go. We hope this guide was helpful and you have learned something new. Good luck out there, Guardians.