Learn about all the trophies and achievements in Blasphemous 2.
From the Game Kitchen studio, the famous Blasphemous has returned with its sequel. And in less than 24 hours, we will be getting our hands on this one-of-a-kind piece, which is also known as the Dark Souls of the 2D world.
Blasphemous 2 puts players back in control of the Penitent One as he tries to help the inhabitants of Cvstodia. His aim is to recover from the atrocities committed by the godlike being known as the Miracle. Long story short, the game is huge and has an interconnected universe for players to discover, full with mysteries to solve and challenges to overcome.
There needs to be some sort of achievement to celebrate the fact that developers will provide a thrilling journey with the ability to shake the foundations of its existence. Each trophy, from bronze to platinum, comes with its own unique set of requirements. Let’s get down to business without further ado.
All Trophies and Achievements in Blasphemous 2
You will receive Trophies for achieving various goals. Your memories will serve as a reminder of each milestone, from quickly finishing the game to eliminating every boss. However, not completing some of the extra tasks could mean missing out on the chance to gain that one secret trait: access to resources that would make it easier to visit more places and earn more rewards. Let’s take a quick peek at the list of 46 trophies in total to get from Blasphemous 2:
Bronze Trophies
Achievement | Description |
Weight of Penance | Find all the Figures |
Second Pilgrimage | Reveal the whole map |
Acquired Taste | Unlock all Bile Flasks |
Soledad | Unlock all of the Rosary Bead slots |
Acta, Non Verba | Find all the Prayers |
Full Devotion | Find all the Rosary Beads |
Still Among Us | Find all the hidden symbols |
No Cherub Left Behind | Free Proximo’s Brothers |
Empty Handed | Purchase all available items in the shop in the City of the Blessed Name |
Hide and Seek | Find all hidden Cobijades |
The Work of a Masker | Bring every Remembrance to an artisan and turn them into Figures |
Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition! | Kill every type of enemy |
House of a Grief and Hatred | Complete all battle challenges |
A Leap of Faith | Lift the Curse of the Unforgiven |
Twisted is the Path of the Miracle | Hear the echoes of the past |
The Punished One | Kill 300 enemies using Ruego Al Alba |
The Veteran One | Kill 300 enemies using Sarmiento & Centella |
The Anointed One | Kill 300 enemies using Veredicto |
The Merciless One | Execute 50 different enemies |
Ultima Ratio | Unlock all Abilities |
Blessed Incense | Unlock the true power of Veredicto |
Storm of Death | Unlock the true power of Sarmiento & Centella |
Edge of Orison | Unlock the true power of Ruego Al Alba |
Warrior of the Silent Sorrow | Unlock all Weapon Memories |
Two Old Ones Eating Soup | Reunite Castula with Trifon |
The Finest Craftsmanship | Unlock all slots in the Altarpiece of Favours |
This Is Blasphemy | Deal more than 250 damage with a single strike |
Happy New Year! | Toll a bell 12 times |
Welcome Back! | Fall into spikes and survive |
Silver Trophies
Achievement | Description |
A Thousand Years Later | Defeat the Faceless One, Chisel of Oblivion |
Blood and Dust | Defeat the Great Preceptor Radames |
Blood and Gold | Defeat Orospina of the Confraternity of Embroiderers |
Blood and Iron | Defeat Lesmes of the Confraternity of Incorruptible Flesh |
The Sharpest Tool in the Shed | Defeat the Sentinel of the Enemy |
The Last Ascension | Defeat Benedicta of the Confraternity of Endless Orison |
The Sea dies on the Shore | Defeat Odon of the Confraternity of Salt |
Fermosa Fembra | Defeat Svsona, Fermosa Fembra |
Forged in Fire | Defeat Sinodo, Hymn of a Thousand Voices |
The Wait is Over | Defeat Eviterno, Father of the Penitents |
A Heart of Gold | Defeat the Devotion Incarnate, the last child of the Miracle |
Flawless Penance | After the first fight, defeat any boss without receiving damage |
True Martyrdom | Complete 100% of the game |
A Sharp Rendezvous | Reach the room of the Sentinel of the Enemy in under 30 minutes |
Gold Trophies
Achievement | Description |
Canvas of Light and Time | Unlock Ending A |
Second Psalm | Unlock Ending B |