Findal is one of the early NPC characters you can save in Baldur’s Gate 3. Here is how to save him in the game:
Baldur’s Gate 3 is full of different encounters that may or may not affect the overall storyline of the game. Some of the decisions will have minor effects on your journey, while others can result in gaining or losing a party member for your team. So, it is not hard to see how the game emphasizes giving the players a choice to experience the game as they want.
Findal is an NPC you can find on your journey through the world of Baldur’s Gate. You will have the choice of saving or not saving him. And even if you want to save him, it is not as straightforward as getting rid of the attackers. So here we will discuss the ways you can save Findal in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Saving Findal is Baldur’s Gate 3
Findal can be found on the underground map of Druid’s Grove. When you enter the area, you will hear the goblins talk about killing the halfling, Findal. You’ve got to act fast to save him. First, disable the guardian statues so that they don’t one-shot your whole party. Then, take on the goblins in a fight and get rid of them.
So far, things have been fairly obvious, but now that Findal is saved from the goblin, he only has 1 HP and can barely talk. This is where you need to come up with a more creative solution to save him. The key to saving him is to heal him. Use any healing spell on him, and he will be saved.
Alternatively, you can throw a healing potion at him so that the splash from the potion can heal him. However, you need to be careful while throwing the potion. If the potion vile lands directly on him, he will take damage and die.
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