Best Ways to Gain Focus Fast: Spider-Man 2

Muhibul Alam Chowdhury
By Muhibul Alam Chowdhury
4 Min Read

How to gain and use and focus to help you during combat in Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man 2 is an open-world action-adventure game set in New-York city. Like its predecessor, you’ll spend a good amount of time fighting goons and villains, it is a superhero game after all.

Spider-Man 2’s combat is just as good if not better than the original, expanding on the free-flowing system that lets you string together long chains and combos. How well you’re doing in combat will be indicated by your focus bar, which fills up the more combos, chain attacks, parries, and dodges you can pull off. Furthermore, there are also skills you can get for both Miles and Peter, that help fill up the focus bar faster.

Focus is very useful during combat, as it lets you pull off finishers on enemies and heal Miles and Peter. This guide focuses on how to gain focus fast, how to use, and how to upgrade the focus bar in a nutshell.

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How To Gain Focus Fast

The best way to gain focus is to quickly chain attacks and sustain combos against enemies. The longer you maintain the combo, the more focus you’ll build. Hence, try not to take any damage or long pauses during combat to avoid breaking your combo. The Ricochet Web gadget is great for combos as it can hit a lot of enemies repeatedly, easily adding to your combo count. Additionally, using your ultimate skill will also refill your focus bar.

Another great way to build focus is to pull off well-timed parries and dodges. Not only will the actions themselves build focus, but they will also allow you to continue your combo, unlike blocking.

Furthermore, some suits, gadgets, suit tech upgrades, and skills increase the focus bar’s buildup rate, helping you gain focus fast. Some upgrades that help build focus are Webbed Focus, and Focused Strike.

How To Get More Focus Bars

You can get more focus bars by investing the Suit Tech Upgrade Tree. These upgrades will also increase the buildup and recovery rates of focus. Stacking Focus is helpful in combat, as it can let you pull off consecutive finishers, so getting more focus bars will make you more efficient in combat. Upgrades to increase your focus bar are listed below:

Double FocusAdds an additional Focus Bar. Heal more frequently, or use 2 Focus Bars to perform Finishers on Brute enemies.170 Tech Parts
6 Rare Tech Parts
Triple FocusAdd a third focus bar. Increase opportunities for healers and finishers.220 Tech Parts
8 Rare Tech Parts
FOCUS BAr Upgrades

How To Use Focus

You can use Focus to pull of Finishers, taking down enemies instantly with ease. To use Finishers, you’ll need to have at least bar of Focus. A prompt will appear next to a enemy, which will allow to press Triangle and Circle together to start a finisher, taking down the enemy.

You can also use Focus to heal Peter or Miles, whoever you’re controlling. You can do this by pressing down on the D-pad. It is a good idea to continuously attack during combat so that you always have enough focus to heal whenever necessary.

By Muhibul Alam Chowdhury Guide Writer
Muhibul Alam Chowdhury is a Guide writer at GameRiv.