4 Best Samira Skins in League of Legends

Soumyo Deb
By Soumyo Deb
6 Min Read
Image Credits: Riot Games

As Samira is one of the fiercest ADCs in the meta, now is the best time to rank all her skins.

Samira was released in League of Legends in 2020. She is an ADC who excels at both close-range and long-range fights. Design-wise, she is inspired by Dante from Devil May Cry. Additionally, their design is identical.

First of all, DMC is a game that is reliant on combos. Similarly, Samira’s gameplay is dependent on her getting combos. Samira’s kit is unique compared to other champions, as her ultimate is unusable when she first unlocks it. She can only use her ultimate when she gains an S-rank combo. Moreover, Samira’s ult is called Inferno Trigger, similar to the power Devil possesses in the DMC series, Devil Trigger.

While Samira might be a popular pick, she hasn’t received many new skins. So here, we will look at her skins to determine if they are worthy of your RP.

4. Space Groove Samira

space groove samira
Image Credits: Riot Games
  • Release Date: April 1, 2021
  • Price: 1350 RP
  • Chroma: 9 of them.
space groove chromas
Image Credits: Riot Games/Mobafire

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.

  • New Model
  • New Animations
  • New Recall Animation
  • New Sound Effects
  • New Visual Effects

Space Groove Samira is the second released skin for Samira. Moreover, it’s her weakest skin out of them all. While the particles look clean, unfortunately, the poor execution of the theme keeps it lower on the list. Since Samira’s main gimmick is that she is the most stylish league champion, Space Groove Samira does not increase the style points.

3. PsyOps Samira

psyops samira
Image Credits: Riot Games
  • Release Date: September 21, 2020
  • Price: 1350 RP
  • Chroma: 8 of them
psyops chromas
Image Credits: Riot Games/Mobafire

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.

  • New Model
  • New Animations
  • New Recall Animation
  • New Sound Effects
  • New Visual Effects
  • Additional Voice lines

PsyOps Samira was the first skin released for Samira. While Space Groove Samira has disappointed, PsyOps Samira still fulfilled the adrenaline-driven fantasy for the Samira mains.

Additionally, this skin hails from the PsyOps universe. While people have mixed opinions about the PsyOps skin line, there is no denying that Psyops Samira is one of the best skin released from that alternative universe. This skin features custom animations, added VFX, SFX, and some new additional voice lines. The weakest aspect of this skin is the poorly made chromas. Besides that, it’s well-made skin.

2. High Noon Samira

high noon samira
Image Credits: Riot Games
  • Release Date: May 26, 2022
  • Price: 1350 RP
  • Chroma: 9 of them.
high noon chromas
Image Credits: Riot Games/Mobafire

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.

  • New Model
  • New Animations
  • New Recall Animation
  • New Sound Effects
  • New Visual Effects

High Noon Samira is the last epic Samira skin released in the game. Moreover, it’s the best one in terms of epic, as it hails some of the best themes and designs for Samira.

In the High Noon universe, Samira is a bounty hunter hunting for Tahm Kench. Additionally, with this skin, you feel like a badass, thanks to the fantastic particle effects for the abilities. The model is stunningly designed, and the animations are excellent. If you have a fantasy to become a daredevil and your main is Samira, this skin is a must-buy. Moreover, as stated before, High Noon Samira is the best epic Samira skin> And if you are on a budget, then this skin is for you.

1. Soul Fighter Samira

soul fighter samira
Image Credits: Riot Games
  • Release Date: July 20, 2021
  • Price: 3250 RP
  • Chroma: No

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.

  • New Model
  • New Animations
  • New Recall Animation
  • New Sound Effects
  • New Visual Effects
  • New Voiceovers

Soul Fighter Samira is the newest Samira skin released in League of Legends. Not only that, it also has the highest rarity in League of Legends, Ultimate.

In terms of what this skin offers, it offers the most out of every other Samira skin in the game. It has new animations, VFX, voiceover, etc, and the the combo bar has been redesigned. It would have been perfect if Soul Fighter Samira were a legendary skin.

However, even though this is the best Samira skin, the price is not worth it. As this is an ultimate rarity skin, it costs the most out of all other non-exclusive skins in the game. But doesn’t offer as much content as other ultimates. Furthermore, there are legendaries that offer more than Soul Fighter Samira.

If you don’t mind spending around 25$ for a skin, then Soul Fighter Samira is a viable option. If not, then I highly recommend you to check out High Noon Samira.

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By Soumyo Deb League of Legends Writer
Soumyo Deb is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv and a dedicated Jungle Main. When he is not writing about the latest League news, he is testing out various off-meta champions in the jungle.