As Pantheon is one of the most memorable champions in League of Legends, now is the best time to look at all of his skins and rank them appropriately.
Pantheon is one of the earliest League of Legends champions. He was released over a decade ago and was very well-received in the community. But as time passed, he became very clunky since he was a one-dimensional champion. He could only dive in and pick off only one champion and nothing else. As his design and gameplay became very dated, Riot ended up giving him a full VGU (Visual and Gameplay Update) around August 2019.
Pantheon’s VGU was very well received and is currently regarded as one of the best reworks in League of Legends. His rework not only fixed most issues but also made him a very popular champion. To this day, people still play him very actively in ranked across all ranks. Currently, he has the highest win rate in the mid-lane, but he can also be played in the top lane with relative ease. And if you are feeling daring, then you can even try him out in the jungle.
Since Pantheon will remain a staple pick in both casual and ranked, here are all of his skins ranked from worst to best.
12. Ruthless Pantheon

- Release Date: August 8, 2010
- Price: 520 RP
- Chroma: No
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
Among all the skins, Ruthless Pantheon is the worst one by far. Even though the concept of this skin is really good, the execution of this skin is done very poorly. A skin set in the post-apocalyptic universe, such as Mad Max, sounds wonderful, but thanks to the model and the default animations, this skin feels more like a downgrade than anything. The only good part about this skin is the splash art more than anything.
11. Fullmetal Pantheon

- Release date: August 1, 2011
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: no
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
Fullmetal Pantheon is just a downgraded version of Pulsefire Pantheon, not only in terms of visuals but also in terms of concept as well. It is a futuristic-looking skin that does the job well but falls short compared to the superior version, Pulsefire Pantheon. This skin does have some unique VFX and sound effects.
If you do want a cheaper version of the Pulsefire skin, then Fullmetal Pantheon is not a bad idea.
10. Myrmidon Pantheon

- Release Date: February 2, 2010
- Price: 520 RP
- Chroma: No
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
If we had made a tier list before Pantheon’s rework, this would have been the worst one by far. But after the rework, this skin did get better quality visual changes. Even though this skin doesn’t have any unique VFX or sound effects, for 520RP, it looks extremely good. Especially during the “My Shop” period, this skin is dirt cheap. So, if you are running short on RP, this skin might not be a bad option.
9. Zombie Slayer Pantheon

- Release date: November 05, 2015
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: No
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
Ok, this one is a bit of a controversial one. Zombie Slayer Pantheon is an average skin. Not bad, however, but the concept does not fit in with Pantheon at all. Even though the design looks good, it doesn’t suit him. It has a unique VFX and sound effects. Overall, for 975RP, it’s decent skin, and if you are into the Zombie theme, then this skin might be for you.
8. Perseus Pantheon

- Release date: November 02, 2010
- Price: 750 RP
- Chroma: No
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
Perseus Pantheon is one of the coolest skins in terms of concept and design. It could have been an S-Tier skin if it had some unique VFX and sound effects. The attention to detail of this skin is just beyond incredible. First, he is wielding Poseidon’s spear and Medusa’s shield. Then, if that wasn’t cool enough, he is wearing not only Ares’s helmet but also the boot of Hermes.
If this skin was released nowadays with some VFX and some extra animations, it would have been the best skin for Pantheon. Overall, if you are into Greek Mythology or a fan of the popular roguelike Hades, then you should check this skin out.
7. Ashen Conqueror Pantheon

- Release date: June 23, 2022
- Price: 100 ME
- Chromas: Yes (Only 1 Chroma is available)

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
- New Voice Filter
When Ashen Knight Pantheon was originally leaked, people were very excited. It ultimately became one of the most hyped-up skin. But when it dropped in PBE, it failed to meet expectations. The skin got many things right. First of all, the splash art looks incredible. The sound effects and VFX are extraordinary. The wings that come out when recalling and ulting look so gorgeous.
All these reasons might make it somewhat worth it. But the character model just looks bad. The abilities of animations and particles look mediocre. And they are charging way too much for this skin. It would have been fine if this was an epic skin (1350RP). But as a mythic skin, it’s not worth it if you don’t own it already.
6. Baker Pantheon

- Release date: September 07, 2016
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: No
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
Baker Pantheon is the silliest yet unique skin in League of Legends. Even though it doesn’t fit Pantheon’s warrior style, it still manages to be one of the best skins for Pantheon. This skin was exceptionally well made. Firstly, Pantheon’s shield is a bread shield, and for his spear, he is wielding a butter knife. His E blows pie chunks all over the place. Also, Pantheon looks good in a chef costume. Overall, this skin is well made for 975RP.
5. Ruined Pantheon

- Release Date: July 8, 2021
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chromas: Yes (9 of them)

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
- New Voice Filter
Ok, this one is more of a personal opinion, but Ruined Pantheon looks really good. This skin has some cool features. The aesthetic is just amazing. The eerie sound it makes when you ult is just cool sounding. The animations and sound design are also incredible. Also, the lore of this skin is fascinating as well, even though the Ruination event was a mess. Although Pantheon has better skins for the same price, Ruined Pantheon is one of the better skins the Sentinels of Light event had to offer.
4. Pulesfire Pantheon

- Release Date: May 14, 2020
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chromas: Yes (7 of them)

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
If you ever want to play as a futuristic robotic cyborg, then Pulsefire Pantheon is for you. This skin made Fullmetal Pantheon completely obsolete to play as. In terms of VFX, sound effects, and animations, Pulsefire Pantheon has it all. It even has a loading bar when you Q. Overall, this skin is one of the best in terms of animations.
3. Glaive Warrior Pantheon

- Release Date: May 29, 2012
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: No
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
Glaive Warrior Pantheon is inspired by the Dacian knight. And it stays true to the Pantheon design and fantasy. The shield of this skin looks incredible. The helmet looks badass. Overall, this is the best skin for 975RP. This skin does include some particle effects here and there. But overall, it stays true to its default roots. And you are getting all of these for a very cheap price.
2. Prestige Ascended Pantheon

- Release Date: July 8, 2021
- Price: Special
- Chromas: No
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
- New Voice Filter
Prestige Ascended Pantheon is one of the best prestige skins of all time. Before this, prestige skins were just a yellow version of their original counterpart. But this skin set a new standard.
This skin just turns Pantheon into the ultimate Greek warrior. With new VFX, sound effects, voice filters, and animations, this could have been the best Pantheon skin of all time. But this skin is extremely rare since it’s a prestige skin.
One way you can get them is by getting all of the skins in the game, and then if you reroll some shards, you have a chance to get this skin. Or you have to wait for it in the Mythic Shop rotation, which is very inconsistent. But if you ever find this in the rotation, you don’t have a Pantheon skin, and you can afford it, then you should get this skin.
1. Dragonslayer Pantheon

- Release Date: May 14, 2014
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: Yes (7 of them)

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
- More Voiceovers
Dragonslayer Pantheon is the best skin for Pantheon. And everyone agrees with that statement. In this skin, Pantheon is a full-on dragon knight. Using Pantheon’s E spreads fire from the said eye. When you recall or use your ult, you gain a full pair of dragon wings. And even the VFX in this skin looks so cool. Moreover, this skin even has some extra voiceover and quotes. Riot has done an amazing job making this skin. So if Pantheon ever gets a legendary skin, then we can expect that skin to be far superior.