As Draven is one of the most reliable ADCs in League of Legends, now is the best time to look at his skins.
Draven is a marksman champion released in League of Legends in 2012. Since then, he has been one of the game’s most unique and reliable ADC. Gameplay-wise, he is one of the most aggressive ADC. Moreover, he is one of the most prominent lane bullies because of his early raw damage. If he can buy Serrated Dirk during his first recall, Draven can solo his lane, even after getting ganked.
Also, Draven is one of the game’s most flexible ADC, as he has different build paths. He can choose between Lethal Tempo, Conqueror, and Hail of Blades and still carry the game very easily. There are some champions Draven struggles against. These champions include Varus, Caitlyn, Senna, Pantheon, etc.
Because of Draven’s popularity, he has a good number of skins. Let’s examine them and determine if they are worthy of your RP.
12. Beast Hunter Draven

- Release Date: February 4, 2016
- Price: 750 RP
- Chroma: None
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
Even though there isn’t a “bad” Draven skin, Beast Hunter Draven is the worst Draven skin out of them all. It takes inspiration from a very popular game, Monster Hunter. But visually, it’s unpleasant to look at, especially because of the orange mohawk.
Some of the redeeming qualities of this skin are its low price, well-designed VFX, and stunning splash art. Overall, there are skins that are better to buy than Beast Hunter Draven.
11. Draven Draven

- Release Date: March 31, 2016
- Price: 500 RP
- Chroma: None
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
Draven Draven is an April Fools skin released in 2016. Even though this skin is hilarious, it doesn’t offer anything more. It is Draven’s default skin with a bigger head. Additionally, if you like the default Draven, you should opt for Gladiator Draven.
10. Santa Draven

- Release Date: December 12, 2017
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: None
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
Even though Santa Draven might be a really good Christmas-themed skin, besides that, it’s boring. Moreover, Riot has started innovating League’s winter skins with the release of Winterblessed skins. Regardless, the best aspect of Santa Draven is its VFX and SFX, although its recall is underwhelming.
9. Pool Party Draven

- Release Date: June 25, 2015
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: None
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
Pool Party Draven is one of the most boring summer skins of League of Legends and one of the weaker Draven skins. Even though it was set out to capture the aesthetic of the summer season, Riot executed it very poorly. In-game, Draven is failing around his floaties as his axe, with very distracting VFX. The only redeeming quality of this skin is its splash art.
8. Soul Reaver Draven

- Release Date: June 5, 2012
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: None
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Voice Filter
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
- New Additional Voice Lines
Soul Reaver Draven was released in 2012. Furthermore, it was Draven’s launch skin. Although most OG players would say it is the best Draven skin in the game, by the current standards, it cannot keep up. Even though it boasts gorgeous splash art, SFX, and voice filters, unfortunately, this skin does not offer any unique animations or recall. But it does make up for it by having more unique voice lines.
7. Ruined Draven

- Release Date: January 21, 2021
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 8 Unique chromas

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
- New Voice Filters
Ruined Draven is one of the best Ruination skins. Likewise, It does so many things correctly. They include new animations, sound effects, VFX, new voice filters, and even splash art. Additionally, The theme amplifies Draven’s original power fantasy as a lane villain. But unfortunately, his clunky model still holds this skin down. For edginess, superior skins are placed higher on this list.
6. La Ilusión Draven

- Release Date: September 27, 2023
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 9 Unique chromas.

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
La Ilusión Draven is the newest Draven skin in the game. Therefore, this skin has some of the best in-game models, VFX and SFX, out of any Draven skins. Not only that, it also has good gameplay clarity. But when it comes to chroma, this skin leaves a lot to be desired. Moreover, the skins higher in the list have better quality than La Ilusión Draven. But still, it is a solid skin.
5. Mecha Kingdoms Draven

- Release Date: January 15, 2020
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 6 Unique chromas.

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
- New Voice Filters
Like Ruined Draven, Mecha Kingdoms Draven is one of the best futuristic skins in this game. Furthermore, it also offers the same unique features as the former. But unlike Ruined Draven, Mecha Kingdoms Draven has a far unique and stunning-looking model in the game. Moreover, the VFX and SFX on his axe synergize so well that it’s very satisfying to use.
So, if you like the futuristic aesthetic, and your main champion is Draven, you could pick Mecha Kingdoms Draven for 1350RP.
4. Debonair Draven

- Release Date: December 9, 2021
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 9 Unique chromas.

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
Debonair Draven is the cleanest Draven skin out there. It has gorgeous VFX and SFX, but they don’t distract you from team fights. Furthermore, Debonair Draven is the only recognizable champion in the Debonair 2021 collection.
If you are looking for the cleanest yet most stylish Draven skin, then Debonair Draven is the skin for you.
3. Gladiator Draven

- Release Date: March 25, 2013
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: None
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
For many players, Gladiator Draven is the best Draven skin, and understandably so. It includes one of the best animations for Draven, even though it is a 975RP. Moreover, similarly to Ruined Draven, it amplifies the fantasy of Draven. But by current standards, it has not aged well. Additionally, when it comes to VFX and SFX, it’s unnoticeable. Regardless, it is still one of the must-own skins for a Draven main.
2. Primetime Draven

- Release Date: June 20, 2014
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: 5 Unique chromas

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
- New Voice Lines
When Primetime Draven was released, it became a fan-favorite skin for many people. Moreover, it competed directly against Gladiator Draven for the best Draven skin.
The aspect that makes Primetime Draven unique is its voice line. The voice line is amazing, so some people might mistakingly call it legendary skin. The weakest part of Primetime Draven is its animation, especially recall animation. But other than that, this skin is amazing.
1. Fright Night Draven

- Release Date: September 22, 2022
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 8 Unique chromas.

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
Fright Night Draven is the newest released during the Halloween event in 2022. Additionally, this skin is inspired by Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th series.
Even though it offers almost the same as the other 1350RP skins, the unique aspect Fright Night Draven offers is Cel shading. It’s a technique in 3d animation where you can render a 3d object and illuminate it as a 2d model. Arc System Works is the most popular studio that perfected this technique, with their games Guilty Gear Xrd, Strive, Dragonball FighterZ, etc.
Moreover, the VFX and SFX are gorgeous. The only nitpick is that the animation still has much more to be desired. But overall, Fright Night Draven is the best Draven skin and the skin all Draven mains should own.