13 Best Ashe Skins in League of Legends

Rifat MahmoodFahim Shahriar
By Rifat Mahmood Fahim Shahriar
8 Min Read
Image Via Riot Games

Ashe is one of the oldest champions in League of Legends and has been relevant for most of League’s history.

Ashe has been around since the start of League as she was one of the 17 original champions. Being an older champion makes her kit fairly simple. So even beginners can learn her very quickly. Ashe was one of the first champions I picked up when I started playing League, along with Garen and Master Yi. For most of the time in League’s history, Ashe has been somewhat viable as a marksman option. That explains why she has so many skins.

Ashe has skins of so many different themes, and quite a few of them are good. So you will most likely find something that suits your taste. We will make it easier for you to choose a skin by listing them all and giving your opinion.

13. Freljord Ashe

Freljord Ashe
Freljord Ashe, Image Via Riot Games
  • Release Date: November 20, 2009
  • Price: 520 RP (Legacy Content)

Oh boy! This skin is atrocious. Even the splash art looks terrible. This is Ashe’s oldest skin in League of Legends. Nothing about this skin is good. You get some slight visual effects on her abilities, but it’s barely noticeable.

12. Woad Ashe

Woad Ashe
Woad Ashe, Image Via Riot Games
  • Release Date: July 18, 2010
  • Price: 520 RP

This is another horrible skin; the character model looks terrible, with no effects or new animations.

11. Queen Ashe

Queen Ashe
Queen Ashe, Image Via Riot Games
  • Release Date: September 21, 2010
  • Price: 975 RP (Legacy Content)

Queen Ashe looks more like a peasant in-game. There is nothing going on in this skin—no new animations and no visual or sound effects to speak of. The price is also high. I wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole.

10. Sherwood Forest Ashe

Sherwood Forest Ashe
Sherwood Forest Ashe, Image Via Riot Games
  • Release Date: April 08, 2010
  • Price: 520 RP

Among the skins in this low on the list, this one is the best. The green outfit goes well with Ashe. But that is about it. The price is very low as well.

9. Marauder Ashe

Marauder Ashe
Marauder Ashe, Image Via Riot Games
  • Release Date: February 17, 2015
  • Price: 750 RP

Marauder Ashe honestly looks like a decent skin to me. Ashe is wearing a full-body armor of red and dark silver which looks great. This could be a top-tier skin if the skin had some good animations and visual effects.

8. Amethyst Ashe

Amethyst Ashe
Amethyst Ashe, Image Via Riot Games
  • Release Date: November 15, 2011
  • Price: 975 RP

Now we are getting to the worst end of things. Although Amethyst Ashe looks nice in-game, she doesn’t have any new animations. But you do get some purplish visual effects. Still, this skin is not worth the price tag by any means.

7. Heartseeker Ashe

Heartseeker Ashe
Heartseeker Ashe, Image Via Riot Games
  • Release Date: February 14, 2014
  • Price: 975 RP (Legacy content)

If you are a fan of the Heartseeker or Sweetheart series, you might probably like this skin and will also rate it higher than I have. Even if you are not a fan, this skin offers a lot for a fairly low price tag. You are getting new animations and effects along with a different recall animation. So it is definitely worth the 975 RP price tag.

6. Cosmic Queen Ashe

Cosmic Queen Ashe
Cosmic Queen Ashe, Image Via Riot Games
  • Release Date: August 21, 2018
  • Price: 1350 RP

Ashe looks like a giant cosmic goddess in the splash art. This skin has a voice filter and new animations. Still, it feels a little pricy considering other 1350 RP skins look better in-game. But this is still a very good skin.

5. Championship Ashe

Championship Ashe
Championship Ashe, Image Via Riot Games
  • Release Date: September 12, 2017
  • Price: 1350 RP (Legacy Content)

This skin is in the ‘Legacy Vault’ that usually becomes available during world championships. I don’t think it is bad skin. The blue and gold color looks great on Ashe. It also comes with all the bells and whistles. But for 1350 RP, you might want to buy Coven or Fae Dragon Ashe as they look a lot better.

4. Fae Dragon Ashe

Fae Dragon Ashe
Fae Dragon Ashe, Image Via Riot Games
  • Release Date: October 01, 2020
  • Price: 1350 RP

The color scheme of this skin is gorgeous. Pink and cyan make the skin very vibrant. If you want a more colorful skin for Ashe, Fae Dragon Ashe is your best bet. You get new animations and effects. And the splash art also looks stunning.

3. Project Ashe

Project Ashe, Image Via Riot Games
  • Release Date: August 01, 2016
  • Price: 1820 RP

Project Ashe had all the hype when released back in 2016. I remember playing with this skin when it came out, and I was amazed at how amazing everything looked and felt. But now, tons of new skins are coming out, and Project Ashe may not seem as special as we experienced it back in 2016. Still, this is one of Ashe’s best skins in League of Legends. This skin also comes with a new voice and futuristic voice filter along with cool animations.

2. Coven Ashe

Coven Ashe
Coven Ashe, Image Via Riot Games
  • Release Date: August 12, 2021
  • Price: 1350 RP

The coven theme of dark purple and golden white looks gorgeous on her. New animations and effects make it even better. You don’t get a completely new voiceover for this skin like the High Noon one, but you do get a different voice filter. So Ashe sounds different. For 1350 RP, this skin offers a lot.

1. High Noon Ashe

High Noon Ashe
High Noon Ashe, Image via Riot Games
  • Release Date: October 10, 2019
  • Price: 1820 RP

Yes, it is a pricy skin. But this skin is so good that I couldn’t put any other skin in the same tier as this one. Firstly you get out of the base on the back of a black horse, stomping the ground as you go. This skin has new animations, sound & visual effects, a fantastic recall animation, and even a complete voiceover. Your attack animations feel great. This skin gives you a complete package and is worth every bit of that 1820 RP price tag.

By Rifat Mahmood League of Legends Writer
Rifat Mahmood is a former League of Legends writer at GameRiv.
By Fahim Shahriar League of Legends Writer
Shahriar is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv. He enjoys playing Video Games, watching Anime, and browsing the internet for outdated memes.