Baldur’s Gate 3 gives the players the option to choose an animal companion for a certain class. Here are all the companions ranked in the game.
Baldur’s Gate 3 gives the players a lot of options to play the way they want to. There are quite a few classes for the players to choose from. Each class specializes in a different area of the game. The class itself has a lot of different options to choose from, too. One of the classes is the Ranger, and they will get an animal companion.
The game gives a few different companions to choose from. Each of them does something different than the other. However, not all the companions are on the same level when compared to one another. Here, we will discuss all the companions and rank them from worst to best. So that, you can have an easier time deciding which one to use if you want to play this class.
All Animal Companions Ranked in BG3
Rangers are the main class that uses animal companions. They have different options depending on what the party needs. Here are all the animal companions you can get in Baldur’s Gate 3:
5. Wolf

Wolf is the most basic animal companion in Baldur’s Gate 3. It looks really cool, but compared to the other companion options, the wolf just falls short. It has some uses, but as the party levels up, the wolf doesn’t evolve much. Other pets gain different versatile options, but the wolf remains the same as before, even after leveling up. So, it is by far the worst one to use for combat but the best option if you want to look cool in the game.
4. Boar

Boar is good at one job, which is knocking the enemies down. And this companion excels at it. As you level up, the Boar can tank some damage and knock everyone down in its path. Even though it doesn’t look as cool as the wolf, knocking an enemy prone is a big deal in Baldur’s Gate 3. So the Boar is fairly good if you want to use it for that.
3. Big Spider

The giant spider, while not being the best-looking creature in the game, is a great companion. The mobility of this companion is top-tier. It can jump long heights and can even make webs for the whole party to climb onto. Even in combat, the spider is great. It can use webs to slow down enemies and entomb one enemy to leave them out of combat. The web from the spider is flammable, so you can make some good fire combo combining these two.
2. Bear

Bear can be one of the best tanks for your party. It does tanking and has a taunt. So, you can safely dish out damage with your other party members while enemies are focused on the bear. It has okay damage, but in later levels, the bear will get the disarming attack. That way, it can disarm opponents and increase its tanking capability. So, if your team needs a strong tank for the party, the bear companion will definitely be one of the best options if you don’t want to make a dedicated tank character.
1. Raven

Raven is by far the best companion you can have in Baldur’s Gate 3. You may not be able to do everything from the start, but as your companion levels up, it will gain a lot of features to help you out in different situations. For starters, it can go ahead to scout the area without triggering any kind of trap or hazard. You can check out the area and plan accordingly how to take on a group of enemies with the raven on your side.
The raven is also good at combat. It has an attack that can rend enemies. Also, being a flying unit, it is less likely to get hit in combat. In the later level, you will gain a ranged attack called Feature Throw. This will also curse enemies if you successfully hit them.