Here are five champions who truly allow your skill and prowess to shine through, showcasing your mastery of 1v1 combat.
Anyone who played League of Legends knows how fun it is to win a 1v1 duel. The intense feeling of outplaying your opponent is something you cannot get anywhere else. Not only does it express your mastery over the champion that you are playing, but it also decimates your opponent’s mental.
That said, the best place to demonstrate your 1v1 prowess is the Top Lane. Since it’s an isolated lane, it offers the perfect stage for a duel to the death. But do look out for those pesky Junglers, as they might rudely interrupt your honorable duel. As for the class that is the most proficient in 1v1 duels, they are called Duelists. They are champions specifically designed for 1v1 encounters, and their kits are specifically created for outplaying and out-sustaining their opponents.
However, with tons of duelists to choose from, selecting the right champion can become a difficult task. In this article, we will go through the massive list of duelist champions and rank five of the best 1v1 duelist champions in League of Legends.
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Best 1v1 Champions in League of Legends
We will rank the champions based on their damage profile, ease of accessibility, and their kit. We will not include Ranged Champion, as they mostly require positioning to work, and who likes Ranged Top anyway? Furthermore, being higher ranked on our list does not necessarily mean that a champion can reliably beat other champions ranked lower, as skill is the main deciding factor in most matchups.
With that out of the way, here’s a list of the five best 1v1 champions, along with their strengths and weaknesses,
5. Gwen

Starting off our list, we have Gwen, The Hallowed Seamstress. She was released not too long ago, and it shows, especially with her W ability, Hallowed Mist. It allows her to become untargetable within a zone of mist. Moreover, she can reposition her mist.
It’s a pretty overpowered ability that lets her dodge practically any ability that is outside her Hallowed Mist. In addition to that, she has Max-Health magic damage and Healing with her Passive-Thousand Cuts. She also has an attack-speed steroid and True damage.
So, with abilities like these, why isn’t she on top of our list? It’s her non-existent early game, as she loses almost every non-tank matchup in the early game. But after three items, she becomes practically impossible to deal with if played perfectly.
- Healing
- Max Health Damage
- True Damage
- Untargetability
- Weak Early Game
- Needs a three-item power spike for damage
4. Yone

I don’t think I have to say much about how broken Yone is. The champion has been one of the best champions in the game for a while. He has high mobility, Crowd Control, and even True Damage. And don’t get me started on his W-Spirit Cleave. It has a pretty short cast time, gives Yone a Shield, and does Max Health damage.
The only thing that is holding him back is the amount of skill the champion takes to pilot. In the inexperienced hand, Yone looks like the worst champion in the game, but if piloted by someone who knows what they are doing, Yone is an unstoppable demon.
- Has a mixed damage profile
- Can Cleanse Crowd-Control with his E-Soul Unbound
- True Damage
- Massive Crowd-Control with his R-Fate Sealed
- Very squishy
- Hard to master
3. Camille

Camille is probably one of the more straightforward champions on this list. She doesn’t have game-changing gimmicks like Gwen’s W-Hallowed Mist or Yone’s, ah…whole kit, I guess. Her Q-Precision Protocol is a two-stage auto-attack reset with true damage, W-Tactical Sweep is a healing cone, and E-Hookshot is a gap closer that stuns enemies. The only thing that is different is her R-The Hextech Ultimatum, which traps her target within a zone.
Her simple kit doesn’t mean she is easy to play. It takes some time to master her trading pattern, but after mastering it, she becomes a blast to play.
- Massive True Damage
- High Mobility
- Massive True damage
- Lockdown
- Weak Early Game
- Needs 2 Items to function
2. Fiora

Fiora is one of the best duelists in the game. She is called The Grand Duelist for a reason. Her whole kit revolves around dueling and outplaying her opponent. She has good mobility, her W-Riposte can be used to parry any attack from her opponent, and she has massive amounts of true damage. Riposte takes good reflex and prediction, as it can help you win any duel if you time it perfectly to block incoming crowd control and parry it back to your opponent.
That said, she is one of the hardest champions to master, if not the hardest. So, you might need to invest some of your time if you want to master Fiora.
- Max Health True Damage
- Healing
- High Mobility
- Parry Ability
- Bad at Teamfighting
- Hard to master
1. Jax

It was pretty close between Jax and Fiora, but Jax came out on top due to his simple but effective kit. He is also one of the few champions in the game who can beat Fiora in a 1v1 duel. He can also teamfight, unlike Fiora.
With that said, let’s talk about his kit. Jax’s kit is relatively simple: his Q-Leap Strike is a targeted dash, W-Empower is an auto attack reset, and Ult-Grandmaster-At-Arms gives him Armor and Magic Resist. The only somewhat complex part of his kit is his E-Counterstike, which gives him damage reduction and lets him do auto attacks. If used correctly, this ability can help Jax win any 1v1 duels.
Thus, we crown Jax as the best 1v1 Champion in League of Legends.
- Dodge auto-attacks with E-Counterstrike
- Reliable Gap Closer
- Mixed Damage
- Huge Attack Speed Steroid
- Lack of True Damage