All Trophies & Achievements in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth (LAD 8)

Arnan Bonny
By Arnan Bonny
13 Min Read

Here is a complete guide for unlocking all the Xbox achievements and PlayStation trophies of Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth is Sega’s latest addition to the Yakuza franchise that brings two larger-than-life heroes together by fate itself. In this game, Ichiban Kasuga, an unstoppable underdog who is no longer at rock bottom and Kazuma Kiryu, a broken man in his final days join forces to find Kasuga’s mother in a thrilling action-packed emotional drama that will stick with you for some time.

Read More: Prince of Persia (PoP): The Lost Crown Trophies and Achievements

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth features a turn-based combat system and allows you to customize your party’s skills based on the different jobs the game has to offer. This job system gives party members new abilities to strategically subdue enemies with special moves.

A high level of customization allows you to experiment comprehensively on different playstyles and ultimately pick what kind of style suits you the most.

The base game contains 64 achievable trophies and the DLC pack contains an additional 9. So here is a complete list of all the trophies in the game for both Xbox and PlayStation players and how you can unlock them!

All Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth PlayStation Trophies

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth has 65 trophies for PlayStation players including the Platinum and an additional 9 trophies in the DLC pack 1. Here is the list of all PlayStation trophies of Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth and their requirements.

Trophy NameHow To UnlockTrophy Type
Infinite WealthObtained All TrophiesPlatinum
Back in ActionComplete Chapter OneBronze
Fish Out of WaterComplete Chapter TwoBronze
Time Marches OnComplete Chapter ThreeBronze
Down and OutComplete Chapter FourBronze
MisgivingsComplete Chapter FiveBronze
Hiding in Plain SightComplete Chapter SixBronze
Separate WaysComplete Chapter SevenBronze
Layered LiesComplete Chapter EightBronze
Found and LostComplete Chapter NineBronze
Dying BreedComplete Chapter 10Bronze
ReunionComplete Chapter 11Bronze
Holding the LineComplete Chapter 12Bronze
Turning The TidesComplete Chapter 13Bronze
The Man Who Regained His NameComplete the final chapterGold
Touching LivesComplete 10 substoriesBronze
Saving LivesComplete 20 substoriesBronze
Living Your Best LifeComplete 40 substoriesBronze
Squared AwayViewed all of Nanba’s Drink LinksBronze
No RegretsViewed all of Adachi’s Drink LinksBronze
Missing WordsViewed all of Saeko’s Drink LinksBronze
Breaking FreeViewed all of Joongi’s Drink LinksBronze
Starting FreshViewed all of Zhao’s Drink LinksBronze
Rest AssuredViewed all of Chitose’s Drink LinksBronze
Letting GoViewed all of Tomizawa’s Drink LinksBronze
Commanding RespectViewed all of Seaonhee’s Drink LinksBronze
Wandering DragonReach level 10 with KasugaBronze
Resolute DragonReach level 30 with KasugaBronze
Apex DragonReach level 50 with KasugaBronze
Legendary DragonReach level 70 with KasugaBronze
SuperhumanRaised one of Kasuga’s personality stats to maxBronze
MetahumanRaised all of Kasuga’s personality stats to maxBronze
Renewed PurposeComplete all Life LinksSilver
Precious MemoriesGathered 30 Memoirs of a DragonBronze
Abundant MemoriesGathered 70 Memoirs of a DragonBronze
Funk Goes OnPushed Kiryu’s Soul, Tech, or Body to the maxBronze
Alo-Happy as Can beExperienced eight activities offered by Alo-Happy ToursBronze
Side HustleRaised a job to rank 30Bronze
Mad HustleRaised three jobs to rank 30Bronze
Ultimate HustleRaised seven jobs to rank 30Bronze
Pound for PoundDialed up Poundmates 30 timesBronze
Something from NothingMade 10 pieces of gear at Julie’s GearworksBronze
Investing in the FutureCompleted all of Julie’s investmentsBronze
SujimaniacRegistered 100 Sujimon to the SujidexBronze
Sujimon SenseiRegistered 200 Sujimon to the SujidexBronze
Dungeon SweeperConquered the Yokohoma UndergroundBronze
Ruffians BewareCompleted the Hawaiian HauntBronze
Break It Up!Won 20 raidsBronze
Suji League ChampionComplete all Sujimon-related substoriesBronze
Sujimon Snag ‘EmRecruited 10 Sujimon from battleBronze
Prize FightMaxed out a Sujimon’s level and friendshipBronze
CraftaholicCrafted 100 different pieces of DIY furnitureBronze
Island HospitalityWelcomed 100 guests to Dondoko IslandBronze
Dondoko A-Go-GoRan a TV ad on Dondoko IslandBronze
Basking in GloryTransform Dondoko Island into a four-star resortBronze
Dondoko DenoumentComplete the Dondoko Island StoryBronze
Having Fun Yet?Complete 10 different minigamesBronze
License to SkillObtain 10 certificates from the Ounabara Vocational SchoolBronze
30 Mins or It’s FreeComplete all Crazy Delivery coursesBronze
Sicko StopperComplete all Sicko Snap coursesBronze
Photo HunterTake 30 different photos for the Photo RallyBronze
Spirit of AlohaBefriend 50 people through Aloha LinksBronze
Don’t Hate the PlayerMeet up with five people from Miss MatchBronze
Not a Total WasteObtain an item from a toilet bowlBronze
Somewhere Over the RainbowPhotograph a rainbow in the skies of HawaiiBronze
Like a dragon infinite wealth PLAYSTATION TROPHIES

All Master Vacation (DLC Pack 1) Trophies for PlayStation

Trophy NameHow To UnlockTrophy Type
The Hero ReturnsTook up the Hero’s mantle in New Game+.Bronze
Endless VacationCompleted New Game+.Silver
We’re Probably the Best!Completed New Game+ on Hard difficulty.Silver
We’re Definitely the Best!Completed New Game+ on Legend difficulty.Silver
Building Bonds and Making Gains
Celebrated your victory over sector one of the Big Swell.
Titillating Teamwork
Celebrated your victory over sector two of the Big Swell.
Kei is for KinshipCelebrated your victory over sector three of the Big Swell.Bronze
Unboxed BrotherhoodCelebrated your victory over sector four of the Big Swell.
We Did It?Celebrated your victory over the fifth and final sector of the Big Swell.
Like a dragon infinite wealth DLC 1 PLAYSTATION TROPHIES

All Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Xbox Achievements

There are 64 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore in the base game and another 9 achievements worth 200 gamerscore in the DLC Pack 1. Here is the list of all Xbox achievements of Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth and their requirements.

Achievement NameHow To UnlockGamerscore
Back in ActionComplete Chapter One14G
Fish Out of WaterComplete Chapter Two14G
Time Marches OnComplete Chapter Three14G
Down and OutComplete Chapter Four14G
MisgivingsComplete Chapter Five14G
Hiding in Plain SightComplete Chapter Six19G
Separate WaysComplete Chapter Seven19G
Layered LiesComplete Chapter Eight19G
Found and LostComplete Chapter Nine19G
Dying BreedComplete Chapter 1019G
ReunionComplete Chapter 1119G
Holding the LineComplete Chapter 1219G
Turning The TidesComplete Chapter 1319G
The Man Who Regained His NameComplete the final chapter127G
Touching LivesComplete 10 substories14G
Saving LivesComplete 20 substories19G
Living Your Best LifeComplete 40 substories14G
Squared AwayViewed all of Nanba’s Drink Links19G
No RegretsViewed all of Adachi’s Drink Links19G
Missing WordsViewed all of Saeko’s Drink Links19G
Breaking FreeViewed all of Joongi’s Drink Links19G
Starting FreshViewed all of Zhao’s Drink Links19G
Rest AssuredViewed all of Chitose’s Drink Links19G
Letting GoViewed all of Tomizawa’s Drink Links19G
Commanding RespectViewed all of Seaonhee’s Drink Links19G
Wandering DragonReach level 10 with Kasuga14G
Resolute DragonReach level 30 with Kasuga19G
Apex DragonReach level 50 with Kasuga19G
Legendary DragonReach level 70 with Kasuga14G
SuperhumanRaised one of Kasuga’s personality stats to max19G
MetahumanRaised all of Kasuga’s personality stats to max14G
Renewed PurposeComplete all Life Links42G
Precious MemoriesGathered 30 Memoirs of a Dragon19G
Abundant MemoriesGathered 70 Memoirs of a Dragon39G
Funk Goes OnPushed Kiryu’s Soul, Tech, or Body to the max14G
Alo-Happy as Can beExperienced eight activities offered by Alo-Happy Tours19G
Side HustleRaised a job to rank 3019G
Mad HustleRaised three jobs to rank 3019G
Ultimate HustleRaised seven jobs to rank 3019G
Pound for PoundDialed up Poundmates 30 times19G
Something from NothingMade 10 pieces of gear at Julie’s Gearworks19G
Investing in the FutureCompleted all of Julie’s investments19G
SujimaniacRegistered 100 Sujimon to the Sujidex19G
Sujimon SenseiRegistered 200 Sujimon to the Sujidex19G
Dungeon SweeperConquered the Yokohoma Underground14G
Ruffians BewareCompleted the Hawaiian Haunt19G
Break It Up!Won 20 raids19G
Suji League ChampionComplete all Sujimon-related substories19G
Sujimon Snag ‘EmRecruited 10 Sujimon from battle14G
Prize FightMaxed out a Sujimon’s level and friendship19G
CraftaholicCrafted 100 different pieces of DIY furniture14G
Island HospitalityWelcomed 100 guests to Dondoko Island14G
Dondoko A-Go-GoRan a TV ad on Dondoko Island14G
Basking in GloryTransform Dondoko Island into a four-star resort14G
Dondoko DenoumentComplete the Dondoko Island Story14G
Having Fun Yet?Complete 10 different minigames14G
License to SkillObtain 10 certificates from the Ounabara Vocational School19G
30 Mins or It’s FreeComplete all Crazy Delivery courses19G
Sicko StopperComplete all Sicko Snap courses14G
Photo HunterTake 30 different photos for the Photo Rally19G
Spirit of AlohaBefriend 50 people through Aloha Links14G
Don’t Hate the PlayerMeet up with five people from Miss Match39G
Not a Total WasteObtain an item from a toilet bowl19G
Somewhere Over the RainbowPhotograph a rainbow in the skies of Hawaii14G

All Master Vacation (DLC Pack 1) Xbox Achievements

Achievement NameHow To UnlockGamerscore
The Hero ReturnsTook up the Hero’s mantle in New Game+.12G
Endless VacationCompleted New Game+.35G
We’re Probably the Best!Completed New Game+ on Hard difficulty.35G
We’re Definitely the Best!Completed New Game+ on Legend difficulty.35G
Building Bonds and Making Gains
Celebrated your victory over sector one of the Big Swell.
Titillating Teamwork
Celebrated your victory over sector two of the Big Swell.
Kei is for KinshipCelebrated your victory over sector three of the Big Swell.12G
Unboxed BrotherhoodCelebrated your victory over sector four of the Big Swell.

We Did It?Celebrated your victory over the fifth and final sector of the Big Swell.

Like a dragon infinite wealth DLC 1 xbox achievements

Read More: All Trophies & Achievements: Spider Man 2

By Arnan Bonny Guide Writer
Arnan Bonny is a Guide writer at GameRiv.